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Implement powder data reduction GUI. Refs #6555.
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Add powder reduction GUI to MantidPolot.
  • Loading branch information
wdzhou committed Feb 22, 2013
1 parent edaa839 commit 9f76df7
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from interface import InstrumentInterface

from reduction_gui.widgets.diffraction.diffraction_run_setup import RunSetupWidget
from reduction_gui.widgets.diffraction.diffraction_van_setup import VanadiumSetupWidget
from reduction_gui.widgets.diffraction.diffraction_filter_setup import FilterSetupWidget

# from reduction_gui.widgets.inelastic.dgs_data_corrections import DataCorrectionsWidget
# from reduction_gui.widgets.inelastic.dgs_diagnose_detectors import DiagnoseDetectorsWidget
# from reduction_gui.widgets.inelastic.dgs_absolute_units import AbsoluteUnitsWidget
# from reduction_gui.widgets.inelastic.dgs_pd_sc_conversion import PdAndScConversionWidget

from reduction_gui.reduction.diffraction.diffraction_reduction_script import DiffractionReductionScripter

class DiffractionInterface(InstrumentInterface):
Defines the widgets for direct geometry spectrometer reduction
# Allowed extensions for loading data files
data_type = "Data files *.* (*.*)"

def __init__(self, name, settings):
super(DiffractionInterface, self).__init__(name, settings)

self.ERROR_REPORT_NAME = "diffraction_error_report.xml"

# Scripter object to interface with Mantid
self.scripter = DiffractionReductionScripter(name=name, facility=settings.facility_name)

# Tab Test: Sample run setup (Test case. Will be removed later)
# self.attach(SampleSetupWidget(settings = self._settings, data_type = self.data_type))

# Tab 1: Run number setup (Will be the first one)
self.attach(RunSetupWidget(settings = self._settings, data_type = self.data_type))

# Tab 2: Advanced and Vanadium number setup
self.attach(VanadiumSetupWidget(settings = self._settings, data_type = self.data_type))

# Tab 3: Event filters setup
self.attach(FilterSetupWidget(settings = self._settings, data_type = self.data_type))

# Data corrections
# self.attach(DataCorrectionsWidget(settings = self._settings,
# data_type = self.data_type))

# Diagnose detectors
# self.attach(DiagnoseDetectorsWidget(settings = self._settings,
# data_type = self.data_type))

# Absolute units normalisation
# self.attach(AbsoluteUnitsWidget(settings = self._settings,
# data_type = self.data_type))

# Powder and Single Crystal conversion
#self.attach(PdAndScConversionWidget(settings = self._settings,
# data_type = self.data_type))

Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -27,8 +27,8 @@
"REFLSF": REFLSFInterface,
"REFM": REFMInterface,
"SEQUOIA": DgsInterface,
#"POWGEN": DiffractionInterface,
#"NOMAD": DiffractionInterface,
"PG3": DiffractionInterface,
"NOM": DiffractionInterface,
"VULCAN": DiffractionInterface,
"Example": ExampleInterface}
Expand Down
Empty file.
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,228 @@
Classes for each reduction step. Those are kept separately
from the the interface class so that the DgsReduction class could
be used independently of the interface implementation
import os
import time
import xml.dom.minidom

from reduction_gui.reduction.scripter import BaseScriptElement

class FilterSetupScript(BaseScriptElement):
""" Run setup script for tab 'Run Setup'

# Class static variables
starttime = ""
stoptime = ""
timeinterval = 1
unitoftime = "Seconds"
logname = ""
minimumlogvalue = ""
maximumlogvalue = ""
logvalueinterval = ""
filterlogvaluebychangingdirection = "Both"
timetolerance = ""
logboundary = ""
logvaluetolerance = ""
logvaluetimesections = 1
titleofsplitters = ""

def __init__(self, inst_name):
""" Initialization
super(FilterSetupScript, self).__init__()



def createParametersList(self):
""" Create a list of parameter names for SNSPowderReductionPlus()
self.parnamelist = []


def set_default_pars(self, inst_name):

# import dgs_utils
# ip = dgs_utils.InstrumentParameters(inst_name)
# RunSetupScript.monitor1_specid = int(ip.get_parameter("ei-mon1-spec"))
# RunSetupScript.monitor2_specid = int(ip.get_parameter("ei-mon2-spec"))


def to_script(self):
""" 'Public' method to save the current GUI to string via str() and general class ReductionScript
# 1. Check inputs

# 2. Output values
parnamevaluedict = self.buildParameterDict()
script = ""
for parname in self.parnamelist:
parvalue = parnamevaluedict[parname]
if parvalue != "":
script += "%-10s = \"%s\"" % (parname, parvalue)
if parname != self.parnamelist[-1]:
script += ",\n"

return script

def buildParameterDict(self):
""" Create a dictionary for parameter and parameter values for SNSPowderReductionPlus()
pardict = {}

pardict["FilterByTimeMin"] = self.starttime
pardict["FilterByTimeMax"] = self.stoptime
pardict["TimeInterval"] = self.timeinterval
pardict["UnitOfTime"] = self.unitoftime
pardict["LogName"] = self.logname
pardict["MinimumLogValue"] = self.minimumlogvalue
pardict["MaximumLogValue"] = self.maximumlogvalue
pardict["LogValueInterval"] = self.logvalueinterval
pardict["FilterLogValueByChangingDirection"] = self.filterlogvaluebychangingdirection
pardict["TimeTolerance"] = self.timetolerance
pardict["LogBoundary"] = self.logboundary
pardict["LogValueTolerance"] = self.logvaluetolerance
pardict["LogValueTimeSections"] = self.logvaluetimesections
pardict["TitleOfSplitters"] = self.titleofsplitters

return pardict

def to_xml(self):
""" 'Public' method to create XML from the current data.
pardict = self.buildParameterDict()

xml = "<FilterSetup>\n"
for parname in self.parnamelist:
keyname = parname.lower()
parvalue = pardict[parname]
xml += " <%s>%s</%s>\n" % (keyname, str(parvalue), keyname)
xml += "</FilterSetup>\n"
# xml += " <sample_input_file>%s</sample_input_file>\n" % self.sample_file
# xml += " <output_wsname>%s</output_wsname>\n" % self.output_wsname
# xml += " <detcal_file>%s</detcal_file>\n" % self.detcal_file
# xml += " <relocate_dets>%s</relocate_dets>\n" % str(self.relocate_dets)
# xml += " <incident_energy_guess>%s</incident_energy_guess>\n" % str(self.incident_energy_guess)
# xml += " <use_ei_guess>%s</use_ei_guess>\n" % str(self.use_ei_guess)
# xml += " <tzero_guess>%s</tzero_guess>\n" % str(self.tzero_guess)
# xml += " <monitor1_specid>%s</monitor1_specid>\n" % self.monitor1_specid
# xml += " <monitor2_specid>%s</monitor2_specid>\n" % self.monitor2_specid
# xml += " <et_range>\n"
# xml += " <low>%s</low>\n" % self.et_range_low
# xml += " <width>%s</width>\n" % self.et_range_width
# xml += " <high>%s</high>\n" % self.et_range_high
# xml += " </et_range>\n"
# xml += " <sofphie_is_distribution>%s</sofphie_is_distribution>\n" % str(self.et_is_distribution)
# xml += " <hardmask_file>%s</hardmask_file>\n" % self.hardmask_file
# xml += " <grouping_file>%s</grouping_file>\n" % self.grouping_file
# xml += " <show_workspaces>%s</show_workspaces>\n" % self.show_workspaces

return xml

def from_xml(self, xml_str):
""" 'Public' method to read in data from XML
@param xml_str: text to read the data from
dom = xml.dom.minidom.parseString(xml_str)
element_list = dom.getElementsByTagName("FilterSetup")
if len(element_list)>0:
instrument_dom = element_list[0]
# self.sample_file = BaseScriptElement.getStringElement(instrument_dom,
# "sample_input_file",
# default=VanadiumSetupScript.sample_file)
# self.output_wsname = BaseScriptElement.getStringElement(instrument_dom,
# "output_wsname",
# default=VanadiumSetupScript.output_wsname)
# self.detcal_file = BaseScriptElement.getStringElement(instrument_dom,
# "detcal_file",
# default=VanadiumSetupScript.detcal_file)
# self.relocate_dets = BaseScriptElement.getBoolElement(instrument_dom,
# "relocate_dets",
# default=VanadiumSetupScript.relocate_dets)
# self.incident_energy_guess = BaseScriptElement.getStringElement(instrument_dom,
# "incident_energy_guess",
# default=RunSetupScript.incident_energy_guess)
# self.use_ei_guess = BaseScriptElement.getBoolElement(instrument_dom,
# "use_ei_guess",
# default=RunSetupScript.use_ei_guess)
# self.tzero_guess = BaseScriptElement.getFloatElement(instrument_dom,
# "tzero_guess",
# default=RunSetupScript.tzero_guess)
# # self.monitor1_specid = BaseScriptElement.getIntElement(instrument_dom,
# # "monitor1_specid",
# # default=RunSetupScript.monitor1_specid)
# # self.monitor2_specid = BaseScriptElement.getIntElement(instrument_dom,
# # "monitor2_specid",
# # default=RunSetupScript.monitor2_specid)
# self.et_range_low = BaseScriptElement.getStringElement(instrument_dom,
# "et_range/low",
# default=RunSetupScript.et_range_low)
# self.et_range_width = BaseScriptElement.getStringElement(instrument_dom,
# "et_range/width",
# default=RunSetupScript.et_range_width)
# self.et_range_high = BaseScriptElement.getStringElement(instrument_dom,
# "et_range/high",
# default=RunSetupScript.et_range_high)
# self.et_is_distribution = BaseScriptElement.getBoolElement(instrument_dom,
# "sofphie_is_distribution",
# default=RunSetupScript.et_is_distribution)
# self.hardmask_file = BaseScriptElement.getStringElement(instrument_dom,
# "hardmask_file",
# default=RunSetupScript.hardmask_file)
# self.grouping_file = BaseScriptElement.getStringElement(instrument_dom,
# "grouping_file",
# default=RunSetupScript.grouping_file)
# self.show_workspaces = BaseScriptElement.getBoolElement(instrument_dom,
# "show_workspaces",
# default=RunSetupScript.show_workspaces)


def reset(self):
""" 'Public' method to reset state
# self.sample_file = RunSetupScript.sample_file
# self.output_wsname = RunSetupScript.output_wsname
# self.detcal_file = RunSetupScript.detcal_file
# self.relocate_dets = RunSetupScript.relocate_dets
# self.incident_energy_guess = RunSetupScript.incident_energy_guess
# self.use_ei_guess = RunSetupScript.use_ei_guess
# self.tzero_guess = RunSetupScript.tzero_guess
# self.monitor1_specid = RunSetupScript.monitor1_specid
# # self.monitor2_specid = RunSetupScript.monitor2_specid
# self.rebin_et = RunSetupScript.rebin_et
# self.et_range_low = RunSetupScript.et_range_low
# self.et_range_width = RunSetupScript.et_range_width
# self.et_range_high = RunSetupScript.et_range_high
# self.et_is_distribution = RunSetupScript.et_is_distribution
# self.hardmask_file = RunSetupScript.hardmask_file
# self.grouping_file = RunSetupScript.grouping_file
# self.show_workspaces = RunSetupScript.show_workspaces


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