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Fixed a bug in LoadSpiceAscii's doc. Refs #11282.
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wdzhou committed Mar 9, 2015
1 parent efe1ecf commit a067b1b
Showing 1 changed file with 40 additions and 2 deletions.
42 changes: 40 additions & 2 deletions Code/Mantid/docs/source/algorithms/LoadSpiceAscii-v1.rst
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -55,7 +55,10 @@ Usage

print "Number of measuring points = %d" % (datatbws.rowCount())
print "Number of columns in data workspace = %d" % (datatbws.columnCount())
print "Number of run information = %d" % (len(infows.getRun().getProperties()))
propertylist = infows.getRun().getProperties()
print "Number of run information = %d" % (len(propertylist))
for i in xrange(len(propertylist)):
print "Property %d: Name = %-20s." % (i, propertylist[i].name)
print "Sum of Counts = %d" % (infows.getRun().getProperty("Sum of Counts").value)
print "Center of Mass = %.5f +/- %.5f" % (infows.getRun().getProperty("Center of Mass").value,
infows.getRun().getProperty("Center of Mass.error").value)
Expand All @@ -71,7 +74,42 @@ Output:

Number of measuring points = 61
Number of columns in data workspace = 70
Number of run information = 34
Number of run information = 35
Property 0: Name = Center of Mass .
Property 1: Name = Center of Mass.error.
Property 2: Name = Full Width Half-Maximum.
Property 3: Name = Full Width Half-Maximum.error.
Property 4: Name = Sum of Counts .
Property 5: Name = analyzer .
Property 6: Name = builtin_command .
Property 7: Name = col_headers .
Property 8: Name = collimation .
Property 9: Name = command .
Property 10: Name = date .
Property 11: Name = def_x .
Property 12: Name = def_y .
Property 13: Name = experiment .
Property 14: Name = experiment_number .
Property 15: Name = latticeconstants .
Property 16: Name = local_contact .
Property 17: Name = mode .
Property 18: Name = monochromator .
Property 19: Name = preset_channel .
Property 20: Name = preset_type .
Property 21: Name = preset_value .
Property 22: Name = proposal .
Property 23: Name = runend .
Property 24: Name = samplemosaic .
Property 25: Name = samplename .
Property 26: Name = sampletype .
Property 27: Name = scan .
Property 28: Name = scan_title .
Property 29: Name = sense .
Property 30: Name = time .
Property 31: Name = ubconf .
Property 32: Name = ubmatrix .
Property 33: Name = users .
Property 34: Name = run_start .
Sum of Counts = 1944923
Center of Mass = 9.00076 +/- 0.00921

Expand Down

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