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Refs #11674. Added PoldiCalibration algorithm.
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Michael Wedel committed May 22, 2015
1 parent c7b5836 commit b5ee36b
Showing 1 changed file with 239 additions and 0 deletions.
@@ -0,0 +1,239 @@
# pylint: disable=no-init,invalid-name,attribute-defined-outside-init
from mantid.simpleapi import *
from mantid.api import *
from mantid.kernel import *

import numpy as np
from scipy.optimize import brent

def optimizationWrapperT0(t0, parameters, workspaces, algorithmObject):
if np.fabs(t0) > 0.1:
return 1e10

paramCopy = [x for x in parameters]
paramCopy[0] = t0

# Slope differences are relevant
slopes = algorithmObject.getDataWithTimingParameters(workspaces, paramCopy)

slopeDifferences = []
for i in range(len(slopes)):
for j in range(i + 1, len(slopes)):
slopeDifferences.append(slopes[i] - slopes[j])

return np.sum(np.square(np.array(slopeDifferences)))
return 1e10

def optimizationWrapperTConst(tconst, parameters, t0, workspaces, algorithmObject):
paramCopy = [x for x in parameters]
paramCopy[0] = t0
paramCopy[1] = tconst

# Absolute values of slopes are checked for this parameter
slopes = algorithmObject.getDataWithTimingParameters(workspaces, paramCopy)

return np.sum(np.square(np.array(slopes)))
return 1e10

class PoldiCalibration(PythonAlgorithm):
This workflow algorithm uses all of the POLDI specific algorithms to perform a complete data analysis,
starting from the correlation method and preliminary 1D-fits, proceeding with either one or two passses
of 2D-fitting.
All resulting workspaces are grouped together at the end so that they are all in one place.

def category(self):
return "SINQ\\Poldi"

def name(self):
return "PoldiCalibration"

def summary(self):
return "Calibrate POLDI using 5 parameters."

def checkGroups(self):
return False

def PyInit(self):
self.declareProperty(WorkspaceProperty(name='InputWorkspace', defaultValue='', direction=Direction.Input),
doc='WorkspaceGroup with POLDI runs at different chopper speeds.')

self.declareProperty(WorkspaceProperty(name='ExpectedPeaks', defaultValue='', direction=Direction.Input),
doc='TableWorkspace with expected reflections')

self.declareProperty('MaximumPeakNumber', 11, doc='Number of peaks to be used for calibration.')

calibrationModes = StringListValidator(['Timing', 'Position'])
self.declareProperty('CalibrationMode', 'Timing', validator=calibrationModes,
doc='Select which parameters are calibrated.')

self.declareProperty('InitialParameters', '', direction=Direction.Input,
doc='Initial parameters for the calibration, comma separated in the order t0, '
'tconst, x0, y0, two_theta. If not supplied, the loaded instrument parameters are '

self.declareProperty('ParameterRanges', '', direction=Direction.Input,
doc='Parameter ranges for two_theta, x0, y0 in the form \'start,stop,number of steps\', '
'separated by semicolons. Ignored for t0, tconst optimization.')

def PyExec(self):
workspaceGroup = self.getProperty('InputWorkspace').value

if not isinstance(workspaceGroup, WorkspaceGroup):
raise RuntimeError('InputWorkspace needs to be a WorkspaceGroup.')

# Get input workspaces
workspaceList = [AnalysisDataService.retrieve(x) for x in workspaceGroup.getNames()]
calibrationMode = self.getProperty('CalibrationMode').value

# Get expected peaks
self._expectedPeaks = self.getProperty('ExpectedPeaks').value
self._maxPeakCount = self.getProperty('MaximumPeakNumber').value

# Store initial parameters
initialParameters = self.getProperty('InitialParameters')
if not initialParameters.isDefault:

# Perform calibration
if calibrationMode == 'Timing':

def setInitialParametersFromWorkspace(self, workspace):
instrument = workspace.getInstrument()

chopper = instrument.getComponentByName('chopper')
t0 = chopper.getNumberParameter('t0')[0]
tconst = chopper.getNumberParameter('t0_const')[0]

detector = instrument.getComponentByName('detector')
position = detector.getPos()
two_theta = detector.getNumberParameter('two_theta')[0]

self._initialParameters = [t0, tconst, position.X(), position.Y(), two_theta]

def setInitialParametersFromString(self, parameterString):
parts = [float(x) for x in parameterString.split(',')]

if not len(parts) == 5:
raise RuntimeError('InitialParameters format is wrong.')

self._initialParameters = parts

def calibratePosition(self, workspaces):

def calibrateTiming(self, workspaces):
t0 = self.calibrateT0(workspaces)

self.log().warning('Calibrated value for t0: ' + str(t0))
t0_rounded = np.round(t0, 6)
self.log().warning('Rounded value for t0 used as parameter: ' + str(t0_rounded))

tconst = self.calibrateTConst(workspaces, t0_rounded)
self.log().warning('Calibrated value for tconst: ' + str(tconst))
tconst_rounded = np.round(tconst, 3)
self.log().warning('Rounded value for tconst used as parameter: ' + str(tconst_rounded))

print t0_rounded, tconst_rounded

def calibrateT0(self, workspaces):
return brent(optimizationWrapperT0, args=(self._initialParameters, workspaces, self), brack=(-0.09, 0.01),

def calibrateTConst(self, workspaces, t0):
return brent(optimizationWrapperTConst, args=(self._initialParameters, t0, workspaces, self),
brack=(-20.0, 20.0), tol=1e-3)

def getDataWithTimingParameters(self, workspaces, parameters):
self.log().warning('Parameters: ' + str(parameters))

slopes = []
for ws in workspaces:
realWs = self.getWorkspaceWithParameters(ws, *parameters)

return slopes

def getLatticeParameterSlope(self, workspace):
fitResult = PoldiDataAnalysis(InputWorkspace=workspace, ExpectedPeaks=self._expectedPeaks,
MaximumPeakNumber=self._maxPeakCount, AnalyseResiduals=False)

# fitResult is a workspaceGroup and the refined peaks are in the last workspace.
fittedPeaks = fitResult.getItem(fitResult.size() - 1)

# if there are unindexed peaks, this is a workspace group
if isinstance(fittedPeaks, WorkspaceGroup):
fittedPeaks = fittedPeaks.getItem(0)

# Extract hkls and q-values
hkls = fittedPeaks.column(0)

qs = fittedPeaks.column(2)
q_values = np.array([float(x.split()[0]) for x in qs])
q_errors = [float(x.split()[-1]) for x in qs]
rel_errors = [x / y for x, y in zip(q_errors, q_values)]

# calculate sqrt(h^2 + k^2 + l^2) - calibration substance is always cubic
hkl_sums = [np.sqrt(np.sum([int(x) * int(x) for x in y.split()])) for y in hkls]

# calculate a values and errors
a_values = np.array([y * (2.0 * np.pi / x) for x, y in zip(q_values, hkl_sums)])
a_errors = np.array([x * y for x, y in zip(rel_errors, a_values)])

# remove outliers
median = np.median(a_values)
iqr = np.percentile(a_values, 75) - np.percentile(a_values, 25)

goodValues = np.fabs(a_values - median) < 4.0 * iqr

a_values_good = a_values[goodValues]
a_errors_good = a_errors[goodValues]
q_values_good = q_values[goodValues]

self.log().notice('Number of peaks used for analysis: ' + str(len(a_values_good)))

# fit a linear function to the data points
slopeWs = CreateWorkspace(q_values_good, a_values_good, a_errors_good)

fitStatus, chiSq, covarianceTable, paramTable, fitWorkspace = Fit("name=LinearBackground",
InputWorkspace=slopeWs, CreateOutput=True)
slope = paramTable.cell(1, 1)

self.log().information('Slope: ' + str(slope))
self.log().information('Chi^2 of fit: ' + str(chiSq))

return slope

def getWorkspaceWithParameters(self, workspace, t0, tconst, x0, y0, two_theta):
workWs = workspace.clone()

MoveInstrumentComponent(workWs, ComponentName='detector', x=x0, y=y0, RelativePosition=False)
SetInstrumentParameter(workWs, ParameterName="two_theta", ComponentName="detector", ParameterType="Number",

SetInstrumentParameter(workWs, ParameterName="t0", ComponentName="chopper", ParameterType="Number",
SetInstrumentParameter(workWs, ParameterName="t0_const", ComponentName="chopper", ParameterType="Number",

return workWs


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