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Algorithm to create input for LeBail. Refs #5306.
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Add algorithm to create input TableWorkspaces for LeBail fitting from
input data, Fullprof peak parameter file and etc.
  • Loading branch information
wdzhou committed Jul 6, 2012
1 parent 3c7eac6 commit b8240ab
Showing 1 changed file with 323 additions and 0 deletions.
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@@ -0,0 +1,323 @@
# import mantid
# import mantid.api
# import mantid.simpleapi
# import mantid.kernel
from mantid.api import PythonAlgorithm, registerAlgorithm, ITableWorkspaceProperty, WorkspaceFactory, FileProperty, FileAction
from mantid.kernel import Direction, StringListValidator

# Create an empty table workspace to be populated by a python script.
class CreateLeBailFitInput(PythonAlgorithm):
""" Create the input TableWorkspaces for LeBail Fitting
def category(self):
return "Algorithms;PythonAlgorithms"

def name(self):
return "CreateLeBailFitInput"

def PyInit(self):
""" Declare properties
instruments=["POWGEN", "NOMAD", "VULCAN"]
self.declareProperty("Instrument", "POWGEN", StringListValidator(instruments), "Powder diffractometer's name")

self.declareProperty(FileProperty("ReflectionsFile","", FileAction.Load, ['.hkl']),
"The Fullprof file containing non-absent HKLs.")

self.declareProperty(FileProperty("FullprofParameterFile", "", FileAction.Load, ['.irf']),
"Fullprof's peak profile file containing starting peak profile parameters.")

self.declareProperty("Bank", 1, "Bank ID for output if there are more than one bank in .irf file.")

self.declareProperty("LatticeConstant", 10.0, "Lattice constant for cubic lattice in nm.")

self.declareProperty(ITableWorkspaceProperty("PeakParametersWorkspace", "", Direction.Output),
"Name of Table Workspace Containing Peak Parameters From .irf File.")

self.declareProperty(ITableWorkspaceProperty("ReflectionsWorkspace", "", Direction.Output),
"Name of Table Workspace Containing Peaks' Miller Indices From .prf File.")


def PyExec(self):
""" Main Execution Body
# 1. Setup output workspaces
paramWS = WorkspaceFactory.createTable()
self.setProperty("PeakParametersWorkspace", paramWS)

hklWS = WorkspaceFactory.createTable()
self.setProperty("ReflectionsWorkspace", hklWS)

# 2. Get Other Properties
instrument = self.getProperty("Instrument")
reflectionfilename = self.getPropertyValue("ReflectionsFile")
irffilename = self.getPropertyValue("FullprofParameterFile")

# 3. Import reflections list
hkldict = self.importFullProfHKLFile(reflectionfilename)

print "Debug output"
hkllist = sorted(hkldict.keys())
for hkl in hkllist:
print "(%d, %d, %d): FWHM = %f" % (hkl[0], hkl[1], hkl[2], hkldict[hkl]["FWHM"])

# 4. Import parameter file (.irf)
peakparamsdict = self.parseFullprofPeakProfileFile(irffilename)

# 5. Set up the table workspaces
self.createPeakParameterWorkspace(peakparamsdict, paramWS)
self.createReflectionWorkspace(hkldict, hklWS)


def importFullProfHKLFile(self, hklfilename):
""" Import Fullprof's .hkl file
# 1. Import file
hklfile = open(hklfilename, "r")
lines = hklfile.readlines()
except IOError:
print "Error to open/read Fullprof .hkl file %s" % (hklfilename)
raise IOError()

# 2. Parse
hkldict = {}
for line in lines:
# a) Clean & split
line = line.strip()
if len(line) == 0:
terms = line.split()

# b) parse
if not terms[0].isdigit():
# Comment line

h = int(terms[0])
k = int(terms[1])
l = int(terms[2])
dsp = float(terms[3])
tof = float(terms[4])
alpha = float(terms[5])
beta = float(terms[6])
sigma2 = float(terms[7])
gamma2 = float(terms[8])
fwhm = float(terms[12])

dkey = (h, k, l)

if hkldict.has_key(dkey):
print "Warning! Duplicate HKL %d, %d, %d" (h, k, l)

if fwhm < 1.0E-5:
# Peak width is too small/annihilated peak
print "Peak (%d, %d, %d) has an unreasonable small FWHM. Peak does not exist. " % (h, k, l)

hkldict[dkey] = {}
hkldict[dkey]["dsp"] = dsp
hkldict[dkey]["tof"] = tof
hkldict[dkey]["alpha"] = alpha
hkldict[dkey]["beta"] = beta
hkldict[dkey]["sigma2"] = sigma2
hkldict[dkey]["gamma2"] = gamma2
hkldict[dkey]["FWHM"] = fwhm
# ENDFOR: line

return hkldict

def parseFullprofPeakProfileFile(self, irffilename):
""" Parse Fullprof resolution .irf file
(It is the same function as what in ConvertInstrumentFile(),
except the key word in the output dictionary.)
- irffilename: Resolution file (.irf) Can be single bank or multiple bank
- dictionary: [bank][parameter name][value]
# 1. Import data
irffile = open(irffilename, "r")
rawlines = irffile.readlines()
except IOError:
print "Fullprof resolution file %s cannot be read" % (irffilename)
raise NotImplementedError("Input resolution file error!")

lines = []
for line in rawlines:
cline = line.strip()
if len(cline) > 0:

# 2. Parse
mdict = {}
mdict["title"] = lines[0]
bank = -1
for il in xrange(1, len(lines)):
line = lines[il]
if line[0] == '!':
# Comment line
if line.count("Bank") > 0:
# Line with bank
terms = line.split("Bank")[1].split()
bank = int(terms[0])
mdict[bank] = {}
if len(terms) >= 4 and terms[1] == "CWL":
# center wave length
cwl = float(terms[3].split("A")[0])
mdict[bank]["CWL"] = cwl
# ENDIF: Containing Bank

elif line.startswith("NPROF"):
# Profile Type
profiletype = int(line.split("NPROF")[1])
mdict[bank]["Profile"] = profiletype

elif line.startswith("TOFRG"):
# Tof-min(us) step Tof-max(us)
terms = line.split()
mdict[bank]["tof-min"] = float(terms[1])*1.0E-3
mdict[bank]["tof-max"] = float(terms[3])*1.0E-3
mdict[bank]["step"] = float(terms[2])*1.0E-3

elif line.startswith("D2TOF"):
# Dtt1 Dtt2 Zero
terms = line.split()
mdict[bank]["Dtt1"] = float(terms[1])
if len(terms) == 3:
mdict[bank]["Dtt2"] = float(terms[2])
mdict[bank]["Zero"] = float(terms[3])
mdict[bank]["Dtt2"] = 0.0
mdict[bank]["Zero"] = 0.0

elif line.startswith("ZD2TOF"):
# Zero Dtt1
terms = line.split()
mdict[bank]["Zero"] = float(terms[1])
mdict[bank]["Dtt1"] = float(terms[2])
mdict[bank]["Dtt2"] = 0.0

elif line.startswith("D2TOT"):
# Dtt1t Dtt2t x-cross Width Zerot
terms = line.split()
mdict[bank]["Dtt1t"] = float(terms[1])
mdict[bank]["Dtt2t"] = float(terms[2])
mdict[bank]["Tcross"] = float(terms[3])
mdict[bank]["Width"] = float(terms[4])
mdict[bank]["Zerot"] = float(terms[5])

elif line.startswith("ZD2TOT"):
# Zerot Dtt1t Dtt2t x-cross Width
terms = line.split()
mdict[bank]["Zerot"] = float(terms[1])
mdict[bank]["Dtt1t"] = float(terms[2])
mdict[bank]["Dtt2t"] = float(terms[3])
mdict[bank]["Tcross"] = float(terms[4])
mdict[bank]["Width"] = float(terms[5])

elif line.startswith("TWOTH"):
# TOF-TWOTH of the bank
terms = line.split()
mdict[bank]["twotheta"] = float(terms[1])

elif line.startswith("SIGMA"):
# Gam-2 Gam-1 Gam-0
terms = line.split()
mdict[bank]["Sig2"] = float(terms[1])
mdict[bank]["Sig1"] = float(terms[2])
mdict[bank]["Sig0"] = float(terms[3])

elif line.startswith("GAMMA"):
# Gam-2 Gam-1 Gam-0
terms = line.split()
mdict[bank]["Gam2"] = float(terms[1])
mdict[bank]["Gam1"] = float(terms[2])
mdict[bank]["Gam0"] = float(terms[3])

elif line.startswith("ALFBE"):
# alph0 beta0 alph1 beta1
terms = line.split()
mdict[bank]["Alph0"] = float(terms[1])
mdict[bank]["Beta0"] = float(terms[2])
mdict[bank]["Alph1"] = float(terms[3])
mdict[bank]["Beta1"] = float(terms[4])

elif line.startswith("ALFBT"):
# alph0t beta0t alph1t beta1t
terms = line.split()
mdict[bank]["Alph0t"] = float(terms[1])
mdict[bank]["Beta0t"] = float(terms[2])
mdict[bank]["Alph1t"] = float(terms[3])
mdict[bank]["Beta1t"] = float(terms[4])

# ENDIF: Line type

self.mdict = mdict

return mdict

def createPeakParameterWorkspace(self, paramdict, tablews):
""" Create TableWorkspace containing peak parameters
# 1. Create an empty workspace and set the column
tablews.addColumn("str", "Name")
tablews.addColumn("double", "Value")
tablews.addColumn("str", "FitOrTie")
tablews.addColumn("int", "FitOrder")

# 2. Add value
bankproperty = self.getProperty("Bank")
bank = bankproperty.value
if paramdict.has_key(bank) is False:
raise NotImplementedError("Bank %s does not exist in input .irf file." % (bank))

for parname in sorted(paramdict[bank].keys()):
print "%s ; %f " % (parname, paramdict[bank][parname])
tablews.addRow([parname, paramdict[bank][parname], "f", -1])

# 3. Add lattice constant
latticeconstant = self.getProperty("LatticeConstant").value
tablews.addRow(["LatticeConstant", latticeconstant, "f", -1])

return tablews

def createReflectionWorkspace(self, hkldict, tablews):
""" Create TableWorkspace containing reflections and etc.
# 1. Set up columns
tablews.addColumn("int", "H");
tablews.addColumn("int", "K");
tablews.addColumn("int", "L");
tablews.addColumn("str", "Include/Exclude")

# 2. Add rows
for hkl in sorted(hkldict.keys()):
tablews.addRow([hkl[0], hkl[1], hkl[2], "i"])

return tablews

# Register algorithm with Mantid

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