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Merge pull request #14431 from mganeva/dns_vanadium_correction
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DNS vanadium correction updated
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OwenArnold committed Nov 18, 2015
2 parents e68f963 + 890a82c commit b97f4b7
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@@ -0,0 +1,249 @@
import mantid.simpleapi as api
from mantid.api import PythonAlgorithm, AlgorithmFactory, WorkspaceProperty, WorkspaceGroup
from mantid.kernel import Direction, StringArrayProperty, StringArrayLengthValidator, FloatBoundedValidator
import numpy as np

class DNSComputeDetEffCorrCoefs(PythonAlgorithm):
Computes the detector efficiency correction coefficients
using the Vanadium data.
This algorithm is written for the DNS @ MLZ,
but can be used for other instruments if needed.
properties_to_compare = ['wavelength', 'slit_i_left_blade_position',
'slit_i_right_blade_position', 'slit_i_lower_blade_position',
'slit_i_upper_blade_position', 'polarisation', 'polarisation_comment']

def __init__(self):
self.toremove = []

def category(self):
Returns category
return 'Workflow\\MLZ\\DNS;CorrectionFunctions\\SpecialCorrections'

def name(self):
Returns name
return "DNSComputeDetEffCorrCoefs"

def summary(self):
return "Computes detector efficiency correction coefficients using the Vanadium data."

def PyInit(self):
validator = StringArrayLengthValidator()
validator.setLengthMin(2) # even for workspacegroups at least 2 (SF, NSF) must be given

self.declareProperty(StringArrayProperty(name="VanadiumWorkspaces", direction=Direction.Input, validator=validator),
doc="Comma separated list of Vanadium workspaces or groups of workspaces.")
self.declareProperty(StringArrayProperty(name="BackgroundWorkspaces", direction=Direction.Input, validator=validator),
doc="Comma separated list of Background workspaces or groups of workspaces.")
self.declareProperty(WorkspaceProperty("OutputWorkspace", "", direction=Direction.Output),
doc="Name of the workspace or group of workspaces that will contain computed coefficients.")
self.declareProperty("TwoThetaTolerance", 0.05, FloatBoundedValidator(lower=0, upper=0.1),
doc="Tolerance for 2theta comparison (degrees). Number between 0 and 0.1.")


def validateInputs(self):
issues = dict()
# workspaces or groups must exist
vana_workspaces = self.getProperty("VanadiumWorkspaces").value
for wsname in vana_workspaces:
if not api.AnalysisDataService.doesExist(wsname):
issues["VanadiumWorkspaces"] = "Workspace " + wsname + " does not exist!"
bg_workspaces = self.getProperty("BackgroundWorkspaces").value
for wsname in bg_workspaces:
if not api.AnalysisDataService.doesExist(wsname):
issues["BackgroundWorkspaces"] = "Workspace " + wsname + " does not exist!"

workspace_names = self._expand_groups(vana_workspaces)

# workspaces must have the same normalization
result = api.CompareSampleLogs(workspace_names, 'normalized', 0.01)
if len(result) > 0:
issues["WorkspaceNames"] = "Workspaces must have the same normalization."

return issues

def _expand_groups(self, input_list):
returns names of the grouped workspaces
workspaces = []
for wsname in input_list:
wks = api.AnalysisDataService.retrieve(wsname)
if isinstance(wks, WorkspaceGroup):
return workspaces

def cleanup(self, wslist):
deletes workspaces from list
@param wslist List of names of workspaces to delete.
if len(wslist) < 1:
for wsname in wslist:
if api.AnalysisDataService.doesExist(wsname):
delete = self.createChildAlgorithm('DeleteWorkspace')
delete.setProperty("Workspace", wsname)

def _get_detector_positions(self, wslist):
get list of detector positions from the given list of workspaces
deterota = []
for wsname in wslist:
run = api.AnalysisDataService.retrieve(wsname).getRun()
angle = run.getProperty('deterota').value
if angle not in deterota:
return deterota

def _sort_workspaces(self, wslist, deterota):
sorts workspaces according to their flipper status and detector positions
tol = self.getProperty("TwoThetaTolerance").value
sfdata = dict.fromkeys(deterota)
nsfdata = dict.fromkeys(deterota)
for wsname in wslist:
run = api.AnalysisDataService.retrieve(wsname).getRun()
wsangle = run.getProperty('deterota').value
flipper = run.getProperty('flipper').value
for key in deterota:
if np.fabs(wsangle - key) < tol:
angle = key
if flipper == 'ON':
sfdata[angle] = wsname
nsfdata[angle] = wsname

return sfdata, nsfdata

def _is_negative(self, wsname):
checks for negative values in the given workspace
wks = api.AnalysisDataService.retrieve(wsname)
arr = np.array(wks.extractY()).flatten()
neg_values = np.where(arr < 0)[0]
if len(neg_values):
return True
return False

def _subtract_background(self, datalist, bglist, deterota):
subracts background
result = dict.fromkeys(deterota)
for angle in deterota:
wsname = datalist[angle] + "-bg"
api.Minus(datalist[angle], bglist[angle], OutputWorkspace=wsname)
if self._is_negative(wsname):
message = "Background " + bglist[angle] + " is higher than Vanadium " + datalist[angle] + " signal!"
raise RuntimeError(message)
result[angle] = wsname

return result

def _get_notmasked_detectors_number(self, workspace):
returns number of not masked detectors
num = 0
instrument = workspace.getInstrument()
offset = workspace.getSpectrum(0).getDetectorIDs()[0]
for idx in range(workspace.getNumberHistograms()):
det = instrument.getDetector(idx + offset) # for DNS first det ID=1
if not det.isMasked():
num += 1
return num

def _sum_signal(self, datasf, datansf, deterota):
result = dict.fromkeys(deterota)
for angle in deterota:
wsname = 'sum' + str(angle)
api.Plus(datasf[angle], datansf[angle], OutputWorkspace=wsname)
result[angle] = wsname
return result

def PyExec(self):
# Input
vana_input = self.getProperty("VanadiumWorkspaces").value
bg_input = self.getProperty("BackgroundWorkspaces").value
vana_workspaces = self._expand_groups(vana_input)
bg_workspaces = self._expand_groups(bg_input)
self.log().notice("Input Vanadium workspaces: " + str(vana_workspaces))
self.log().notice("Input Background workspaces: " + str(bg_workspaces))

# number of vanadium and background workspaces must match
if len(vana_workspaces) != len(bg_workspaces):
raise RuntimeError("Number of Vanadium and background workspaces doe not match!")

# compare optional sample logs, throw warnings
result = api.CompareSampleLogs(vana_workspaces+bg_workspaces, self.properties_to_compare, 5e-3)
if result:
self.log().warning("Following properties do not match: " + result)

# split input workspaces to groups SF/NSF and detector angles
deterota = self._get_detector_positions(vana_workspaces)
sfvana, nsfvana = self._sort_workspaces(vana_workspaces, deterota)
sfbg, nsfbg = self._sort_workspaces(bg_workspaces, deterota)

# subract background
sfv = self._subtract_background(sfvana, sfbg, deterota)
nsfv = self._subtract_background(nsfvana, nsfbg, deterota)
total = self._sum_signal(sfv, nsfv, deterota)

# compute vmean
_mean_ws_ = api.Mean(",".join(total.values())) # Mean takes string
num = self._get_notmasked_detectors_number(_mean_ws_)
if num == 0:
raise RuntimeError("All detectors are masked! Cannot compute coefficients.")
_vana_mean_ = api.SumSpectra(_mean_ws_)/num

# compute coefficients k_i = (VSF_i + VNSF_i)/Vmean
outws_name = self.getPropertyValue("OutputWorkspace")
# for only one detector position only one workspace will be created
if len(deterota) == 1:
api.Divide(total.values()[0], _vana_mean_, OutputWorkspace=outws_name)
# for many detector positions group of workspaces will be created
results = []
for angle in deterota:
wsname = outws_name + '_2theta' + str(angle)
api.Divide(total[angle], _vana_mean_, OutputWorkspace=wsname)

api.GroupWorkspaces(results, OutputWorkspace=outws_name)

outws = api.AnalysisDataService.retrieve(outws_name)
self.setProperty("OutputWorkspace", outws)


# Register algorithm with Mantid

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