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Refs #7860 Modify algorithm to just take a workspace as input.
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Samuel Jackson committed Apr 14, 2014
1 parent 405b509 commit bf80fa0
Showing 1 changed file with 85 additions and 79 deletions.
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
Symmetrise takes an asymmetric <math>S(Q,w)</math> - i.e. one in which the moduli of xmin & xmax are different. Typically xmax is > mod(xmin).
A negative value of x is chosen (Xcut) so that the curve for mod(Xcut) to xmax is reflected and inserted for x less than the Xcut.
A negative value of x is chosen (XCut) so that the curve for mod(XCut) to xmax is reflected and inserted for x less than the XCut.

from mantid import config, logger, mtd
from mantid.api import PythonAlgorithm, AlgorithmFactory
from mantid.kernel import StringListValidator, StringMandatoryValidator
from mantid.api import PythonAlgorithm, AlgorithmFactory, WorkspaceProperty
from mantid.kernel import StringListValidator, StringMandatoryValidator, Direction
from mantid.simpleapi import *
import sys, platform, math, os.path, numpy as np

Expand All @@ -17,126 +17,132 @@ def category(self):
return "Workflow\\MIDAS;PythonAlgorithms"

def PyInit(self):
self.setOptionalMessage("Takes and asymmetric S(Q,w) and makes it symmetric")
self.setWikiSummary("Takes and asymmetric S(Q,w) and makes it symmetric")

self.declareProperty(name='InputType',defaultValue='File',validator=StringListValidator(['File','Workspace']), doc='Origin of data input - File (_red.nxs) or Workspace')
self.declareProperty(name='Instrument',defaultValue='iris',validator=StringListValidator(['irs','iris','osi','osiris']), doc='Instrument')
self.declareProperty(name='Analyser',defaultValue='graphite002',validator=StringListValidator(['graphite002','graphite004']), doc='Analyser & reflection')
self.declareProperty(name='SamNumber',defaultValue='',validator=StringMandatoryValidator(), doc='Sample run number')
self.declareProperty(name='Xcut',defaultValue='',validator=StringMandatoryValidator(), doc='X cutoff value')
self.declareProperty('Verbose',defaultValue=True, doc='Switch Verbose Off/On')
self.declareProperty('Plot',defaultValue=True, doc='Switch Plot Off/On')
self.declareProperty('Save',defaultValue=False, doc='Switch Save result to nxs file Off/On')
self.setOptionalMessage("Takes an asymmetric S(Q,w) and makes it symmetric")
self.setWikiSummary("Takes an asymmetric S(Q,w) and makes it symmetric")

self.declareProperty(WorkspaceProperty("Sample", "", Direction.Input), doc='Sample to run with')
self.declareProperty('XCut', 0.0, doc='X cut off value')

self.declareProperty('Verbose',defaultValue=True, doc='Switch verbose output Off/On')
self.declareProperty('Plot',defaultValue=True, doc='Switch plotting Off/On')
self.declareProperty('Save',defaultValue=False, doc='Switch saving result to nxs file Off/On')

self.declareProperty(WorkspaceProperty("OutputWorkspace", "", Direction.Output), doc='Name to call the output workspace.')

def PyExec(self):
from IndirectCommon import CheckHistZero, StartTime, EndTime, getDefaultWorkingDirectory

inType = self.getPropertyValue('InputType')
prefix = self.getPropertyValue('Instrument')
ana = self.getPropertyValue('Analyser')
sn = self.getPropertyValue('SamNumber')
sam = prefix+sn+'_'+ana+'_red'
cut = self.getPropertyValue('Xcut')
cut = float(cut)

verbOp = self.getProperty('Verbose').value
plotOp = self.getProperty('Plot').value
saveOp = self.getProperty('Save').value
num_spectra, npt = CheckHistZero(self._sample)

sample_x = mtd[self._sample].readX(0)

if math.fabs(self._x_cut) < 1e-5:
raise ValueError('XCut point is Zero')

delta_x = sample_x[1]-sample_x[0]
# diff = np.absolute(sample_x - self._x_cut)
# ineg = np.where(diff < delta_x)[0]

def SymmRun(self, sample,cut,Verbose,Plot,Save):
workdir = config['']
symWS = sample[:-3] + 'sym'
hist,npt = CheckHistZero(sample)
Xin = mtd[sample].readX(0)
delx = Xin[1]-Xin[0]
if math.fabs(cut) < 1e-5:
error = 'Cut point is Zero'
logger.notice('ERROR *** ' + error)
for n in range(0,npt):
x = Xin[n]-cut
if math.fabs(x) < delx:
for n in range(npt):
x = sample_x[n]-self._x_cut
if math.fabs(x) < delta_x:
ineg = n

if ineg <= 0:
error = 'Negative point('+str(ineg)+') < 0'
logger.notice('ERROR *** ' + error)

if ineg >= npt:
error = type + 'Negative point('+str(ineg)+') > '+str(npt)
logger.notice('ERROR *** ' + error)
for n in range(0,npt):
x = Xin[n]+Xin[ineg]
if math.fabs(x) < delx:

for n in range(npt):
x = sample_x[n]+sample_x[ineg]
if math.fabs(x) < delta_x:
ipos = n

if ipos <= 0:
error = 'Positive point('+str(ipos)+') < 0'
logger.notice('ERROR *** ' + error)

if ipos >= npt:
error = type + 'Positive point('+str(ipos)+') > '+str(npt)
logger.notice('ERROR *** ' + error)

ncut = npt-ipos+1
if Verbose:

if self._verbose:
logger.notice('No. points = '+str(npt))
logger.notice('Negative : at i ='+str(ineg)+' ; x = '+str(Xin[ineg]))
logger.notice('Positive : at i ='+str(ipos)+' ; x = '+str(Xin[ipos]))
logger.notice('Copy points = '+str(ncut))
for m in range(0,hist):
Xin = mtd[sample].readX(m)
Yin = mtd[sample].readY(m)
Ein = mtd[sample].readE(m)
logger.notice('Negative : at i ='+str(ineg)+' ; x = '+str(sample_x[ineg]))
logger.notice('Positive : at i ='+str(ipos)+' ; x = '+str(sample_x[ipos]))
logger.notice('Copy points = '+str(xcut))

for m in range(num_spectra):
sample_x = mtd[self._sample].readX(m)
Yin = mtd[self._sample].readY(m)
Ein = mtd[self._sample].readE(m)
Xout = []
Yout = []
Eout = []
for n in range(0,ncut):
icut = npt-n-1
for n in range(ncut,npt):

if m == 0:
CreateWorkspace(OutputWorkspace=symWS, DataX=Xout, DataY=Yout, DataE=Eout,
CreateWorkspace(OutputWorkspace=self._output_workspace, DataX=Xout, DataY=Yout, DataE=Eout,
Nspec=1, UnitX='DeltaE')
CreateWorkspace(OutputWorkspace='__tmp', DataX=Xout, DataY=Yout, DataE=Eout,
Nspec=1, UnitX='DeltaE')
ConjoinWorkspaces(InputWorkspace1=symWS, InputWorkspace2='__tmp',CheckOverlapping=False)
if Save:
path = os.path.join(workdir,symWS+'.nxs')
SaveNexusProcessed(InputWorkspace=symWS, Filename=path)
if Verbose:
logger.notice('Output file : ' + path)
if Plot:

def SymmStart(self, inType,sname,cut,Verbose,Plot,Save):
from IndirectCommon import CheckHistZero, StartTime, EndTime, getDefaultWorkingDirectory
from IndirectImport import import_mantidplot
ConjoinWorkspaces(InputWorkspace1=self._output_workspace, InputWorkspace2='__tmp',CheckOverlapping=False)

workdir = config['']
if inType == 'File':
spath = os.path.join(workdir, sname+'.nxs') # path name for sample nxs file
LoadNexusProcessed(FileName=spath, OutputWorkspace=sname)
message = 'Input from File : '+spath
message = 'Input from Workspace : '+sname
if Verbose:

if self._save:
workdir = getDefaultWorkingDirectory()
file_path = os.path.join(workdir,self._output_workspace+'.nxs')
SaveNexusProcessed(InputWorkspace=self._output_workspace, Filename=file_path)

if self._verbose:
logger.notice('Output file : ' + file_path)

if self._plot:

self.setProperty("OutputWorkspace", self._output_workspace)

def plotSymm(self, sym,sample):

def _setup(self):
Get the algorithm properties.
self._sample = self.getPropertyValue('Sample')
self._x_cut = self.getProperty('XCut').value

self._verbose = self.getProperty('Verbose').value
self._plot = self.getProperty('Plot').value
self._save = self.getProperty('Save').value

self._output_workspace = self.getPropertyValue('OutputWorkspace')

def _plotSymmetrise(self):
Plot the first spectrum of the input and output workspace together
from IndirectImport import import_mantidplot
mp = import_mantidplot()
tot_plot = mp.plotSpectrum([self._output_workspace, self._sample],0)

AlgorithmFactory.subscribe(Symmetrise) # Register algorithm with Mantid

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