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refs #9194. Cleanup, document and speedups.
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OwenArnold committed Apr 1, 2014
1 parent ac9a85f commit c723053
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Showing 7 changed files with 156 additions and 56 deletions.
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namespace Mantid

namespace API
class Progress;

namespace Crystal
namespace ConnectedComponentMappingTypes
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -58,12 +64,13 @@ namespace Crystal
void startLabelingId(const size_t& id);

/// Execute and return clusters
boost::shared_ptr<Mantid::API::IMDHistoWorkspace> execute(Mantid::API::IMDHistoWorkspace_sptr ws, BackgroundStrategy * const strategy) const;
boost::shared_ptr<Mantid::API::IMDHistoWorkspace> execute(Mantid::API::IMDHistoWorkspace_sptr ws,
BackgroundStrategy * const strategy, Mantid::API::Progress& progress) const;

/// Execute and return clusters, as well as maps to integrated label values
boost::shared_ptr<Mantid::API::IMDHistoWorkspace> executeAndIntegrate(
Mantid::API::IMDHistoWorkspace_sptr ws, BackgroundStrategy * const strategy, ConnectedComponentMappingTypes::LabelIdIntensityMap& labelMap,
ConnectedComponentMappingTypes::PositionToLabelIdMap& positionLabelMap) const;
ConnectedComponentMappingTypes::PositionToLabelIdMap& positionLabelMap, Mantid::API::Progress& progress) const;

/// Destructor
virtual ~ConnectedComponentLabeling();
Expand All @@ -74,7 +81,8 @@ namespace Crystal
void calculateDisjointTree(Mantid::API::IMDHistoWorkspace_sptr ws,
BackgroundStrategy * const strategy, std::vector<DisjointElement>& neighbourElements,
ConnectedComponentMappingTypes::LabelIdIntensityMap& labelMap,
ConnectedComponentMappingTypes::PositionToLabelIdMap& positionLabelMap) const;
ConnectedComponentMappingTypes::PositionToLabelIdMap& positionLabelMap,
Mantid::API::Progress& progress) const;

/// Start labeling index
size_t m_startId;
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11 changes: 11 additions & 0 deletions Code/Mantid/Framework/Crystal/inc/MantidCrystal/DisjointElement.h
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DisjointElement(const DisjointElement& other);
/// Assignment operator.
DisjointElement& operator=(const DisjointElement& other);
/// Less than
inline bool operator<(const DisjointElement& other) const
return m_id < other.getId();
/// Greater than
inline bool operator>(const DisjointElement& other) const
return m_id > other.getId();

bool hasParent() const;
int compress();
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#include "MantidKernel/System.h"
#include "MantidKernel/V3D.h"
#include "MantidAPI/IPeaksWorkspace.h"
#include "MantidAPI/IMDIterator.h"
#include "MantidAPI/IMDWorkspace.h"
#include "MantidCrystal/HardThresholdBackground.h"
#include <boost/function.hpp>

namespace Mantid
namespace API
class IPeak;
namespace Crystal

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -48,6 +54,8 @@ namespace Crystal
double m_radiusEstimate;
/// MD coordinates to use
Mantid::API::SpecialCoordinateSystem m_mdCoordinates;
/// Pointer to member function used for coordinate determination.
boost::function<Mantid::Kernel::V3D(const Mantid::API::IPeak*)> m_coordFunction;

/// Constructor
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85 changes: 62 additions & 23 deletions Code/Mantid/Framework/Crystal/src/ConnectedComponentLabeling.cpp
@@ -1,9 +1,10 @@
#include "MantidKernel/MultiThreaded.h"
#include "MantidKernel/V3D.h"
#include "MantidAPI/IMDHistoWorkspace.h"
#include "MantidAPI/AlgorithmManager.h"
#include "MantidAPI/FrameworkManager.h"
#include "MantidAPI/IMDHistoWorkspace.h"
#include "MantidAPI/IMDIterator.h"
#include "MantidAPI/Progress.h"
#include "MantidCrystal/ConnectedComponentLabeling.h"
#include "MantidCrystal/BackgroundStrategy.h"
#include "MantidCrystal/DisjointElement.h"
Expand All @@ -12,6 +13,10 @@
#include <boost/scoped_ptr.hpp>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <set>
#include <algorithm>
#include <iterator>

using namespace Mantid::API;
using namespace Mantid::Kernel;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -50,6 +55,17 @@ namespace Mantid
return outWS;

template<typename T>
T reportEvery(const T& maxReports, const T& maxIterations)
T frequency = maxReports;
if (maxIterations >= maxReports)
frequency = maxIterations/maxReports;
return frequency;

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void ConnectedComponentLabeling::calculateDisjointTree(IMDHistoWorkspace_sptr ws,
BackgroundStrategy * const strategy, VecElements& neighbourElements,
LabelIdIntensityMap& labelMap,
PositionToLabelIdMap& positionLabelMap
PositionToLabelIdMap& positionLabelMap,
Progress& progress
) const

VecIndexes allNonBackgroundIndexes;

progress.doReport("Pre-processing to filter background out");
const size_t nPoints = ws->getNPoints();
progress.resetNumSteps(10000, 0.0, 0.25);

std::vector<API::IMDIterator*> iterators = ws->createIterators(getNThreads());
const int nthreads = static_cast<int>(iterators.size());
const int nthreads = getNThreads();
std::vector<VecIndexes> manyNonBackgroundIndexes(nthreads);

Expand All @@ -118,6 +137,7 @@ namespace Mantid
nonBackgroundIndexes.push_back( iterator->getLinearIndex() );;
Expand All @@ -131,23 +151,36 @@ namespace Mantid
progress.resetNumSteps(1, 0.0, 0.5);
API::IMDIterator *iterator = ws->createIterator(NULL);
allNonBackgroundIndexes.push_back( iterator->getLinearIndex() );;


// -------- Perform labeling -----------
progress.doReport("Perform connected component labeling");

const size_t maxNeighbours = calculateMaxNeighbours(ws.get());
IMDIterator* iterator = ws->createIterator(NULL);
size_t currentLabelCount = m_startId;
for(size_t ii = 0; ii < allNonBackgroundIndexes.size(); ++ii)
const size_t nIndexesToProcess= allNonBackgroundIndexes.size();
const size_t maxReports = 100;
const size_t frequency = reportEvery(maxReports, nIndexesToProcess);
progress.resetNumSteps(100, 0.25, 0.5);
for(size_t ii = 0; ii < nIndexesToProcess ; ++ii)
if(ii % frequency == 0)
size_t& currentIndex = allNonBackgroundIndexes[ii];

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// Choose the lowest neighbour index as the parent.
size_t parentIndex = nonEmptyNeighbourIndexes[0];
for (size_t i = 1; i < nonEmptyNeighbourIndexes.size(); ++i)
size_t neighIndex = nonEmptyNeighbourIndexes[i];
if (neighbourElements[neighIndex].getId() < neighbourElements[parentIndex].getId())
parentIndex = i;
const VecElements::iterator& minIt = std::min_element(neighbourElements.begin(), neighbourElements.end());
const size_t& parentIndex = std::distance(neighbourElements.begin(), minIt);
// Get the chosen parent
DisjointElement& parentElement = neighbourElements[parentIndex];
DisjointElement& parentElement = *minIt;
// Make this element a copy of the parent
neighbourElements[currentIndex] = parentElement;
// Union remainder parents with the chosen parent
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boost::shared_ptr<Mantid::API::IMDHistoWorkspace> ConnectedComponentLabeling::execute(
IMDHistoWorkspace_sptr ws, BackgroundStrategy * const strategy) const
IMDHistoWorkspace_sptr ws, BackgroundStrategy * const strategy, Progress& progress) const
VecElements neighbourElements(ws->getNPoints());

// Perform the bulk of the connected component analysis, but don't collapse the elements yet.
LabelIdIntensityMap labelMap; // This will not get used.
PositionToLabelIdMap positionLabelMap; // This will not get used.
calculateDisjointTree(ws, strategy, neighbourElements, labelMap, positionLabelMap);
calculateDisjointTree(ws, strategy, neighbourElements, labelMap, positionLabelMap, progress);

// Create the output workspace from the input workspace
IMDHistoWorkspace_sptr outWS = cloneInputWorkspace(ws);

progress.doReport("Generating cluster image");
const int nIndexesToProcess = static_cast<int>(neighbourElements.size());
progress.resetNumSteps(nIndexesToProcess, 0.5, 0.75);
// Set each pixel to the root of each disjointed element.
for (int i = 0; i < static_cast<int>(neighbourElements.size()); ++i)
for (int i = 0; i < nIndexesToProcess; ++i)
//std::cout << "Element\t" << i << " Id: \t" << neighbourElements[i].getId() << " This location:\t"<< &neighbourElements[i] << " Root location:\t" << neighbourElements[i].getParent() << " Root Id:\t" << neighbourElements[i].getRoot() << std::endl;
outWS->setSignalAt(i, neighbourElements[i].getRoot());
outWS->setSignalAt(i, 0);
outWS->setErrorSquaredAt(i, 0);


return outWS;

boost::shared_ptr<Mantid::API::IMDHistoWorkspace> ConnectedComponentLabeling::executeAndIntegrate(
IMDHistoWorkspace_sptr ws, BackgroundStrategy * const strategy, LabelIdIntensityMap& labelMap,
PositionToLabelIdMap& positionLabelMap) const
PositionToLabelIdMap& positionLabelMap, Progress& progress) const
VecElements neighbourElements(ws->getNPoints());

// Perform the bulk of the connected component analysis, but don't collapse the elements yet.
calculateDisjointTree(ws, strategy, neighbourElements, labelMap, positionLabelMap);
calculateDisjointTree(ws, strategy, neighbourElements, labelMap, positionLabelMap, progress);

// Create the output workspace from the input workspace
IMDHistoWorkspace_sptr outWS = cloneInputWorkspace(ws);

progress.doReport("Integrating clusters and generating cluster image");
const size_t nIterations = neighbourElements.size();
const size_t maxReports = 100;
const size_t frequency = reportEvery(maxReports, nIterations);
progress.resetNumSteps(maxReports, 0.5, 0.75);
// Set each pixel to the root of each disjointed element.
for (size_t i = 0; i < neighbourElements.size(); ++i)
for (size_t i = 0; i < nIterations; ++i)
Expand All @@ -266,7 +301,7 @@ namespace Mantid
errorSQ *=errorSQ; // Error squared at index
const size_t& labelId = neighbourElements[i].getRoot();
// Set the output cluster workspace signal value
outWS->setSignalAt(i, labelId);
outWS->setSignalAt(i, static_cast<Mantid::signal_t>(labelId));

SignalErrorSQPair current = labelMap[labelId];
// Sum labels. This is integration!
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outWS->setSignalAt(i, 0);
outWS->setErrorSquaredAt(i, 0);
if(i % frequency == 0)

return outWS;
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28 changes: 21 additions & 7 deletions Code/Mantid/Framework/Crystal/src/IntegratePeaksUsingClusters.cpp
@@ -1,7 +1,15 @@
Handles integration of arbitary single crystal peaks shapes.
Integrates arbitary shaped single crystal peaks defined on an [[MDHistoWorkspace]] using connected component analysis to determine
regions of interest around each peak of the [[PeaksWorkspace]]. The output is an integrated [[PeaksWorkspace]] as well as an image
containing the labels assigned to each cluster for diagnostic and visualisation purposes.
Uses connected component analysis to integrate peaks in an PeaksWorkspace over an MDHistoWorkspace of data.
A threshold for the Peak should be defined below which, parts of the image are treated as background. In addition, a radius estimate
is required to dispose of those clusters which are not to do with peaks, and also to associate clusters in the image with a peak center.
You can view the radius estimate as a radius cut-off.
This algorithm uses an imaging technique, and it is therefore important that the MDHistoWorkspace you are using is binned to a sufficient
resolution via [[BinMD]]. You can overlay the intergrated peaks workspace in the [[MantidPlot:_SliceViewer#Viewing_Peaks_Workspaces|Slice Viewer]] over
the generated Cluster Labeled OutputWorkspaceMD to see what the interation region used for each peak amounts to.

#include "MantidCrystal/IntegratePeaksUsingClusters.h"
Expand All @@ -11,6 +19,7 @@ Uses connected component analysis to integrate peaks in an PeaksWorkspace over a
#include "MantidAPI/WorkspaceProperty.h"
#include "MantidAPI/IMDIterator.h"
#include "MantidAPI/AlgorithmManager.h"
#include "MantidAPI/Progress.h"
#include "MantidKernel/MultiThreaded.h"
#include "MantidKernel/CompositeValidator.h"
#include "MantidKernel/MandatoryValidator.h"
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declareProperty(new PropertyWithValue<double>("Threshold", 0, positiveValidator->clone(), Direction::Input), "Threshold signal above which to consider peaks");
declareProperty(new WorkspaceProperty<IPeaksWorkspace>("OutputWorkspace","",Direction::Output), "An output integrated peaks workspace.");
declareProperty(new WorkspaceProperty<IMDHistoWorkspace>("OutputWorkspaceMD","",Direction::Output), "MDHistoWorkspace containing the clusters.");
declareProperty(new WorkspaceProperty<IMDHistoWorkspace>("OutputWorkspaceMD","",Direction::Output), "MDHistoWorkspace containing the labeled clusters used by the algorithm.");

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const double threshold = getProperty("Threshold");
const double radiusEstimate = getProperty("RadiusEstimate");
PeakBackground background(peakWS, radiusEstimate, threshold, NoNormalization, mdCoordinates);
//HardThresholdBackground background(threshold, normalization);
PeakBackground backgroundStrategy(peakWS, radiusEstimate, threshold, NoNormalization, mdCoordinates);

ConnectedComponentLabeling analysis;
LabelIdIntensityMap labelMap;
PositionToLabelIdMap positionMap;
IMDHistoWorkspace_sptr clusters = analysis.executeAndIntegrate(mdWS, &background, labelMap, positionMap);

Progress progress(this, 0, 1, 1);
IMDHistoWorkspace_sptr clusters = analysis.executeAndIntegrate(mdWS, &backgroundStrategy, labelMap, positionMap, progress);

// Link integrated values up with peaks.
const size_t nPeaks = peakWS->getNumberPeaks();
progress.resetNumSteps(nPeaks, 0, 1);
progress.doReport("Writing out PeaksWorkspace");
for(int i =0; i < peakWS->getNumberPeaks(); ++i)
for(int i =0; i < nPeaks; ++i)
IPeak& peak = peakWS->getPeak(i);
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peak.setIntensity(labelMap[ iterator->second ].get<0>());
peak.setSigmaIntensity(labelMap[ iterator->second ].get<1>());
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