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Start moving common functionality to seperate script file
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Refs #10855
  • Loading branch information
DanNixon committed May 15, 2015
1 parent f93593a commit d28eab1
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Showing 2 changed files with 366 additions and 289 deletions.
@@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
#pylint: disable=invalid-name,attribute-defined-outside-init,too-many-instance-attributes,too-many-branches
#pylint: disable=invalid-name,attribute-defined-outside-init,too-many-instance-attributes,too-many-branches,no-init
from mantid.kernel import *
from mantid.api import *
from mantid.simpleapi import *

import mantid
import os
import string
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -72,8 +73,18 @@ def PyInit(self):

def PyExec(self):
from IndirectReductionCommon import (load_files,

self._workspace_names, self._chopped_data = load_files(self._data_files,

for c_ws_name in self._workspace_names:
is_multi_frame = isinstance(mtd[c_ws_name], WorkspaceGroup)
Expand All @@ -95,18 +106,18 @@ def PyExec(self):
bin_counts = [mtd[ws].blocksize() for ws in mtd[c_ws_name].getNames()]
num_bins = np.amax(bin_counts)

masked_detectors = self._identify_bad_detectors(workspaces[0])
masked_detectors = identify_bad_detectors(workspaces[0])

# Process workspaces
for ws_name in workspaces:
monitor_ws_name = ws_name + '_mon'

# Process monitor
if not self._unwrap_monitor(ws_name):
if not unwrap_monitor(ws_name):
ConvertUnits(InputWorkspace=monitor_ws_name, OutputWorkspace=monitor_ws_name, Target='Wavelength', EMode='Elastic')


# Do background removal if a range was provided
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -300,289 +311,6 @@ def _setup(self):
self._workspace_names = []

def _load_files(self):
Loads a set of files and extracts just the spectra we care about (i.e. detector range and monitor).

for filename in self._data_files:
# The filename without path and extension will be the workspace name
ws_name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(filename))[0]
logger.debug('Loading file %s as workspace %s' % (filename, ws_name))

Load(Filename=filename, OutputWorkspace=ws_name)

# Load the instrument parameters
LoadParameterFile(Workspace=ws_name, Filename=self._ipf_filename)

# Add the workspace to the list of workspaces

# Get the spectrum number for the monitor
instrument = mtd[ws_name].getInstrument()
monitor_index = int(instrument.getNumberParameter('Workflow.Monitor1-SpectrumNumber')[0])
logger.debug('Workspace %s monitor 1 spectrum number :%d' % (ws_name, monitor_index))

# Chop data if required
chop_threshold = mtd[ws_name].getInstrument().getNumberParameter('Workflow.ChopDataIfGreaterThan')[0]
x_max = mtd[ws_name].readX(0)[-1]
self._chopped_data = x_max > chop_threshold
except IndexError:
self._chopped_data = False
logger.information('Workspace %s need data chop: %s' % (ws_name, str(self._chopped_data)))

workspaces = [ws_name]
if self._chopped_data:
ChopData(InputWorkspace=ws_name, OutputWorkspace=ws_name, MonitorWorkspaceIndex=monitor_index,
IntegrationRangeLower=5000.0, IntegrationRangeUpper=10000.0, NChops=5)
workspaces = mtd[ws_name].getNames()

for chop_ws_name in workspaces:
# Get the monitor spectrum
monitor_ws_name = chop_ws_name + '_mon'
ExtractSingleSpectrum(InputWorkspace=chop_ws_name, OutputWorkspace=monitor_ws_name,

# Crop to the detectors required
CropWorkspace(InputWorkspace=chop_ws_name, OutputWorkspace=chop_ws_name,
StartWorkspaceIndex=int(self._spectra_range[0]) - 1,
EndWorkspaceIndex=int(self._spectra_range[1]) - 1)

logger.information('Loaded workspace names: %s' % (str(self._workspace_names)))
logger.information('Chopped data: %s' % (str(self._chopped_data)))

# Sum files if needed
if self._sum_files:
if self._chopped_data:

logger.information('Summed workspace names: %s' % (str(self._workspace_names)))

def _sum_regular_runs(self):
Sum runs with single workspace data.

# Use the first workspace name as the result of summation
summed_detector_ws_name = self._workspace_names[0]
summed_monitor_ws_name = self._workspace_names[0] + '_mon'

# Get a list of the run numbers for the original data
run_numbers = ','.join([str(mtd[ws_name].getRunNumber()) for ws_name in self._workspace_names])

# Generate lists of the detector and monitor workspaces
detector_workspaces = ','.join(self._workspace_names)
monitor_workspaces = ','.join([ws_name + '_mon' for ws_name in self._workspace_names])

# Merge the raw workspaces
MergeRuns(InputWorkspaces=detector_workspaces, OutputWorkspace=summed_detector_ws_name)
MergeRuns(InputWorkspaces=monitor_workspaces, OutputWorkspace=summed_monitor_ws_name)

# Delete old workspaces
for idx in range(1, len(self._workspace_names)):
DeleteWorkspace(self._workspace_names[idx] + '_mon')

# Derive the scale factor based on number of merged workspaces
scale_factor = 1.0 / len(self._workspace_names)
logger.information('Scale factor for summed workspaces: %f' % scale_factor)

# Scale the new detector and monitor workspaces
Scale(InputWorkspace=summed_detector_ws_name, OutputWorkspace=summed_detector_ws_name,
Scale(InputWorkspace=summed_monitor_ws_name, OutputWorkspace=summed_monitor_ws_name,

# Add the list of run numbers to the result workspace as a sample log
AddSampleLog(Workspace=summed_detector_ws_name, LogName='multi_run_numbers',
LogType='String', LogText=run_numbers)

# Only have the one workspace now
self._workspace_names = [summed_detector_ws_name]

def _sum_chopped_runs(self):
Sum runs with chopped data.

num_merges = len(mtd[self._workspace_names[0]].getNames())
raise RuntimeError('Not all runs have been chapped, cannot sum.')

merges = list()

# Generate a list of workspaces to be merged
for idx in range(0, num_merges):
merges.append({'detector':list(), 'monitor':list()})

for ws_name in self._workspace_names:
detector_ws_name = mtd[ws_name].getNames()[idx]
monitor_ws_name = detector_ws_name + '_mon'


for merge in merges:
# Merge the chopped run segments
MergeRuns(InputWorkspaces=','.join(merge['detector']), OutputWorkspace=merge['detector'][0])
MergeRuns(InputWorkspaces=','.join(merge['monitor']), OutputWorkspace=merge['monitor'][0])

# Scale the merged runs
merge_size = len(merge['detector'])
factor = 1.0 / merge_size
Scale(InputWorkspace=merge['detector'][0], OutputWorkspace=merge['detector'][0], Factor=factor, Operation='Multiply')
Scale(InputWorkspace=merge['monitor'][0], OutputWorkspace=merge['monitor'][0], Factor=factor, Operation='Multiply')

# Remove the old workspaces
for idx in range(1, merge_size):

# Only have the one workspace now
self._workspace_names = [self._workspace_names[0]]

def _identify_bad_detectors(self, ws_name):
Identify detectors which should be masked
@param ws_name Name of worksapce to use ot get masking detectors

instrument = mtd[ws_name].getInstrument()

masking_type = instrument.getStringParameter('Workflow.Masking')[0]
except IndexError:
masking_type = 'None'

logger.information('Masking type: %s' % (masking_type))

masked_spec = list()

if masking_type == 'IdentifyNoisyDetectors':
ws_mask = '__workspace_mask'
IdentifyNoisyDetectors(InputWorkspace=ws_name, OutputWorkspace=ws_mask)

# Convert workspace to a list of spectra
num_spec = mtd[ws_mask].getNumberHistograms()
masked_spec = [spec for spec in range(0, num_spec) if mtd[ws_mask].readY(spec)[0] == 0.0]

# Remove the temporary masking workspace

logger.debug('Masked specta for workspace %s: %s' % (ws_name, str(masked_spec)))

return masked_spec

def _unwrap_monitor(self, ws_name):
Unwrap monitor if required based on value of Workflow.UnwrapMonitor parameter
@param ws_name Name of workspace
@return True if the monitor was unwrapped

monitor_ws_name = ws_name + '_mon'
instrument = mtd[monitor_ws_name].getInstrument()

# Determine if the monitor should be unwrapped
unwrap = instrument.getStringParameter('Workflow.UnwrapMonitor')[0]

if unwrap == 'Always':
should_unwrap = True
elif unwrap == 'BaseOnTimeRegime':
mon_time = mtd[monitor_ws_name].readX(0)[0]
det_time = mtd[ws_name].readX(0)[0]
logger.notice(str(mon_time) + " " + str(det_time))
should_unwrap = mon_time == det_time
should_unwrap = False

except IndexError:
should_unwrap = False

logger.debug('Need to unwrap monitor for %s: %s' % (ws_name, str(should_unwrap)))

if should_unwrap:
sample = instrument.getSample()
sample_to_source = sample.getPos() - instrument.getSource().getPos()
radius = mtd[ws_name].getDetector(0).getDistance(sample)
z_dist = sample_to_source.getZ()
l_ref = z_dist + radius

logger.debug('For workspace %s: radius=%d, z_dist=%d, l_ref=%d' %
(ws_name, radius, z_dist, l_ref))

_, join = UnwrapMonitor(InputWorkspace=monitor_ws_name,
OutputWorkspace=monitor_ws_name, LRef=l_ref)

RemoveBins(InputWorkspace=monitor_ws_name, OutputWorkspace=monitor_ws_name,
XMin=join - 0.001, XMax=join + 0.001,

FFTSmooth(InputWorkspace=monitor_ws_name, OutputWorkspace=monitor_ws_name, WorkspaceIndex=0)
except ValueError:
raise ValueError('Uneven bin widths are not supported.')

return should_unwrap

def _process_monitor_efficiency(self, ws_name):
Process monitor efficiency for a given workspace.
@param ws_name Name of workspace to process monitor for

monitor_ws_name = ws_name + '_mon'
instrument = mtd[ws_name].getInstrument()

area = instrument.getNumberParameter('Workflow.Monitor1-Area')[0]
thickness = instrument.getNumberParameter('Workflow.Monitor1-Thickness')[0]
attenuation = instrument.getNumberParameter('Workflow.Monitor1-Attenuation')[0]
except IndexError:
raise ValueError('Cannot get monitor details form parameter file')

if area == -1 or thickness == -1 or attenuation == -1:
logger.information('For workspace %s, skipping monitor efficiency' % (ws_name))

OneMinusExponentialCor(InputWorkspace=monitor_ws_name, OutputWorkspace=monitor_ws_name,
C=attenuation * thickness, C1=area)

def _scale_monitor(self, ws_name):
Scale monitor intensity by a factor given as the Workflow.MonitorScalingFactor parameter.
@param ws_name Name of workspace to process monitor for

monitor_ws_name = ws_name + '_mon'
instrument = mtd[ws_name].getInstrument()

scale_factor = instrument.getNumberParameter('Workflow.Monitor1-ScalingFactor')[0]
except IndexError:
logger.information('No monitor scaling factor found for workspace %s' % ws_name)

if scale_factor != 1.0:
Scale(InputWorkspace=monitor_ws_name, OutputWorkspace=monitor_ws_name,
Factor=1.0 / scale_factor, Operation='Multiply')

def _group_spectra(self, ws_name, masked_detectors):
Groups spectra in a given workspace according to the Workflow.GroupingMethod and
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