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Add pass-through methods for DataProcessor
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MSVC won't compile when they have been redefined as public on the adapter
class when used in conjunction with the boost.python class_ exporter.
Refs #5157
  • Loading branch information
martyngigg committed Mar 28, 2014
1 parent f3c7a76 commit dbf9091
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Expand Up @@ -46,20 +46,48 @@ namespace Mantid
/// A constructor that looks like a Python __init__ method
DataProcessorAdapter(PyObject* self);

// Public access for protected base methods for boost.python to call
using API::DataProcessorAlgorithm::setLoadAlg;
using API::DataProcessorAlgorithm::setLoadAlgFileProp;
using API::DataProcessorAlgorithm::setAccumAlg;
using API::DataProcessorAlgorithm::determineChunk;
using API::DataProcessorAlgorithm::loadChunk;
using API::DataProcessorAlgorithm::load;
using API::DataProcessorAlgorithm::splitInput;
using API::DataProcessorAlgorithm::forwardProperties;
using API::DataProcessorAlgorithm::getProcessProperties;
using API::DataProcessorAlgorithm::assemble;
using API::DataProcessorAlgorithm::saveNexus;
using API::DataProcessorAlgorithm::isMainThread;
using API::DataProcessorAlgorithm::getNThreads;
// -------------------- Pass through methods ----------------------------
// Boost.python needs public access to the base class methods in order to
// be able to call them. We should just be able to put a using declaration
// to raise the methods to public but this does not work on MSVC as in
// the class_ definition it can't seem to figure out that its calling
// this class not DataProcessorAlgorithm. This means we have to resort to
// proxy methods :(

void setLoadAlgProxy(const std::string & alg) { this->setLoadAlg(alg); }

void setLoadAlgFilePropProxy(const std::string & filePropName) { this->setLoadAlgFileProp(filePropName); }

void setAccumAlgProxy(const std::string & alg) { this->setAccumAlg(alg); }

API::ITableWorkspace_sptr determineChunkProxy() { return this->determineChunk(); }

void loadChunkProxy() { this->loadChunk(); }

API::Workspace_sptr loadProxy(const std::string &inputData, const bool loadQuiet = false) { return this->load(inputData, loadQuiet); }

std::vector<std::string> splitInputProxy(const std::string & input) { return this->splitInput(input); }

void forwardPropertiesProxy() { this->forwardProperties(); }

boost::shared_ptr<Kernel::PropertyManager> getProcessPropertiesProxy(const std::string &propertyManager)
return this->getProcessProperties(propertyManager);

API::Workspace_sptr assembleProxy(const std::string &partialWSName, const std::string &outputWSName)
return this->assemble(partialWSName, outputWSName);
void saveNexusProxy(const std::string &outputWSName, const std::string &outputFile)
this->saveNexus(outputWSName, outputFile);

bool isMainThreadProxy() { return this->isMainThread(); }

int getNThreadsProxy() { return this->getNThreads(); }
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------

/// The PyObject must be supplied to construct the object
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Expand Up @@ -23,53 +23,53 @@ void export_DataProcessorAlgorithm()

class_<DataProcessorAlgorithm, bases<Algorithm>, boost::shared_ptr<DataProcessorAdapter>,
boost::noncopyable>("DataProcessorAlgorithm", "Base class workflow-type algorithms")
.def("setLoadAlg", &DataProcessorAdapter::setLoadAlg,
.def("setLoadAlg", &DataProcessorAdapter::setLoadAlgProxy,
"Set the name of the algorithm called using the load() method [Default=Load]")

.def("setLoadAlgFileProp", &DataProcessorAdapter::setLoadAlgFileProp,
.def("setLoadAlgFileProp", &DataProcessorAdapter::setLoadAlgFilePropProxy,
"Set the name of the file property for the load algorithm when using "
"the load() method [Default=Filename]")

.def("setAccumAlg", &DataProcessorAdapter::setAccumAlg,
.def("setAccumAlg", &DataProcessorAdapter::setAccumAlgProxy,
"Set the name of the algorithm called to accumulate a chunk of processed data [Default=Plus]")

.def("determineChunk", &DataProcessorAdapter::determineChunk,
.def("determineChunk", &DataProcessorAdapter::determineChunkProxy,
"Return a TableWorkspace containing the information on how to split the "
"input file when processing in chunks")

.def("loadChunk", &DataProcessorAdapter::loadChunk,
.def("loadChunk", &DataProcessorAdapter::loadChunkProxy,
"Load a chunk of data")

.def("load", (loadOverload1)&DataProcessorAdapter::load,
.def("load", (loadOverload1)&DataProcessorAdapter::loadProxy,
"Loads the given file or workspace data and returns the workspace. "
"The output is not stored in the AnalysisDataService.")

.def("load", (loadOverload2)&DataProcessorAdapter::load,
.def("load", (loadOverload2)&DataProcessorAdapter::loadProxy,
"Loads the given file or workspace data and returns the workspace. "
"If loadQuiet=True then output is not stored in the AnalysisDataService.")

.def("splitInput", &DataProcessorAdapter::splitInput,
.def("splitInput", &DataProcessorAdapter::splitInputProxy,

.def("forwardProperties", &DataProcessorAdapter::forwardProperties)
.def("forwardProperties", &DataProcessorAdapter::forwardPropertiesProxy)

.def("getProcessProperties", &DataProcessorAdapter::getProcessProperties,
.def("getProcessProperties", &DataProcessorAdapter::getProcessPropertiesProxy,
"Returns the named property manager from the service or creates "
"a new one if it does not exist")

.def("assemble", &DataProcessorAdapter::assemble,
.def("assemble", &DataProcessorAdapter::assembleProxy,
"If an MPI build, assemble the partial workspaces from all MPI processes. "
"Otherwise, simply returns the input workspace")

.def("saveNexus", &DataProcessorAdapter::saveNexus,
.def("saveNexus", &DataProcessorAdapter::saveNexusProxy,
"Save a workspace as a nexus file. If this is an MPI build then saving only "
"happens for the main thread.")

.def("isMainThread", &DataProcessorAdapter::isMainThread,
.def("isMainThread", &DataProcessorAdapter::isMainThreadProxy,
"Returns true if this algorithm is the main thread for an MPI build. For "
"non-MPI build it always returns true")

.def("getNThreads", &DataProcessorAdapter::getNThreads,
.def("getNThreads", &DataProcessorAdapter::getNThreadsProxy,
"Returns the number of running MPI processes in an MPI build or 1 for "
"a non-MPI build")
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