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refs #4201 ConvertToMDEvents ready for thread pull
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abuts committed Jan 8, 2012
1 parent 55a8ecd commit e6813cd
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Showing 7 changed files with 449 additions and 140 deletions.
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion Code/Mantid/Framework/MDAlgorithms/CMakeLists.txt
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Expand Up @@ -78,7 +78,8 @@ set ( INC_FILES
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Expand Up @@ -130,7 +130,11 @@ namespace MDAlgorithms

/// helper class to orginize metaloop on various algorithm options
template<Q_state Q,size_t N_ALGORITHMS >
friend class LOOP_ND;
friend class LOOP_MATRIX_ALG;

/// helper class to orginize metaloop on various algorithm options
template<Q_state Q,size_t N_ALGORITHMS >
friend class LOOP_EVENT_ALG;

/// known momentum analysis mode ID-s (symbolic representation of correspondent enum);
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@@ -0,0 +1,364 @@
#include "MantidKernel/System.h"
#include "MantidKernel/Exception.h"
#include "MantidAPI/Algorithm.h"

#include "MantidDataObjects/EventWorkspace.h"
#include "MantidDataObjects/Workspace2D.h"

#include "MantidAPI/NumericAxis.h"
#include "MantidAPI/Progress.h"
#include "MantidKernel/PhysicalConstants.h"

#include "MantidMDEvents/MDEventWSWrapper.h"
#include "MantidMDEvents/MDEvent.h"

#include "MantidMDAlgorithms/IConvertToMDEventsMethods.h"
#include "MantidMDAlgorithms/ConvertToMDEventsDetInfo.h"
#include "MantidMDAlgorithms/ConvertToMDEventsCoordTransf.h"

namespace Mantid
namespace MDAlgorithms
/** The macrodefinitions for ConvertToMDEvents function, making the conversion from into the MD events
* @date 11-10-2011
Copyright &copy; 2010 ISIS Rutherford Appleton Laboratory & NScD Oak Ridge National Laboratory
This file is part of Mantid.
Mantid is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
Mantid is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
File/ change history is stored at: <>
Code Documentation is available at: <>

// service variable used for efficient filling of the MD event WS -> should be moved to configuration;
#define SPLIT_LEVEL 2048

//// Class to process event workspace by rebinning
template<Q_state Q, AnalMode MODE>
class ConvertToMDEvensEventWSAutoRebin: public IConvertToMDEventsMethods
/// shalow class which is invoked from processQND procedure and describes the transformation from workspace coordinates to target coordinates
/// presumably will be completely inlined
template<Q_state Q, AnalMode MODE, CnvrtUnits CONV,XCoordType XTYPE>
friend struct COORD_TRANSFORMER;
// the instanciation of the class which does the transformation itself
virtual void conversionChunk(){};
size_t setUPConversion(Mantid::API::MatrixWorkspace_sptr pWS2D, const PreprocessedDetectors &detLoc,
const MDEvents::MDWSDescription &WSD, boost::shared_ptr<MDEvents::MDEventWSWrapper> inWSWrapper)
size_t numSpec=IConvertToMDEventsMethods::setUPConversion(pWS2D,detLoc,WSD,inWSWrapper);

// initiate the templated class which does the conversion of workspace data into MD WS coordinates;

return numSpec;

void runConversion(API::Progress *pProg)
DataObjects::EventWorkspace_const_sptr pEventWS = boost::static_pointer_cast<const DataObjects::EventWorkspace>(inWS2D);

// counder for the number of events
size_t n_added_events(0);
// amount of work
const size_t numSpec = inWS2D->getNumberHistograms();

const size_t specSize = this->inWS2D->blocksize();
size_t nValidSpectra = pDetLoc->det_id.size();
// copy experiment info into target workspace
API::ExperimentInfo_sptr ExperimentInfo(inWS2D->cloneExperimentInfo());
// run index;
uint16_t runIndex = this->pWSWrapper->pWorkspace()->addExperimentInfo(ExperimentInfo);
// number of dimesnions
std::vector<coord_t> Coord(n_dims); // coordinates for single event
// if any property dimension is outside of the data range requested, the job is done;

// take at least bufSize amout of data in one run for efficiency
size_t buf_size = ((specSize>SPLIT_LEVEL)?specSize:SPLIT_LEVEL);
// allocate temporary buffer for MD Events data
std::vector<coord_t> allCoord(0); // MD events coordinates buffer

std::vector<float> sig_err(2*buf_size); // array for signal and error.
std::vector<uint16_t> run_index(buf_size); // Buffer run index for each event
std::vector<uint32_t> det_ids(buf_size); // Buffer of det Id-s for each event

for (size_t wi=0; wi < nValidSpectra; wi++)
size_t ic = pDetLoc->detIDMap[wi];
int32_t det_id = pDetLoc->det_id[wi];

const DataObjects::EventList & el = pEventWS->getEventList(ic);
//size_t numEvents = el.getNumberEvents();

const MantidVec& X = el.dataX();
const MantidVec& Signal = el.dataY();
const MantidVec& Error = el.dataE();
if(!trn.calcYDepCoordinates(Coord,ic))continue; // skip y outsize of the range;

for (size_t j = 0; j < Signal.size(); ++j)
// drop emtpy histohrams

if(!trn.calcMatrixCoord(X,ic,j,Coord))continue; // skip ND outside the range
float ErrSq = float(Error[j]*Error[j]);

// coppy all data into data buffer for future transformation into events;
run_index[n_added_events] = runIndex;
det_ids[n_added_events] = det_id;


} // end spectra loop

} // end detectors loop;





// Class to process event workspace by direct conversion:
//template<Q_state Q, AnalMode MODE>
//class ConvertToMDEvensEventWS: public IConvertToMDEventsMethods
// /// shalow class which is invoked from processQND procedure and describes the transformation from workspace coordinates to target coordinates
// /// presumably will be completely inlined
// template<Q_state Q, AnalMode MODE, CnvrtUnits CONV,XCoordType XTYPE>
// friend struct COORD_TRANSFORMER;
// // the instanciation of the class which does the transformation itself
// //
// public:
// size_t setUPConversion(Mantid::API::MatrixWorkspace_sptr pWS2D, const PreprocessedDetectors &detLoc,
// const MDEvents::MDWSDescription &WSD, boost::shared_ptr<MDEvents::MDEventWSWrapper> inWSWrapper)
// {
// size_t numSpec=IConvertToMDEventsMethods::setUPConversion(pWS2D,detLoc,WSD,inWSWrapper);
// // initiate the templated class which does the conversion of workspace data into MD WS coordinates;
// trn.setUP(this);
// return numSpec;
// }
// void runConversion(API::Progress *pProg)
// {
// // counder for the number of events
// size_t n_added_events(0);
// // amount of work
// const size_t numSpec = inWS2D->getNumberHistograms();
// const size_t specSize = this->inWS2D->blocksize();
// size_t nValidSpectra = pDetLoc->det_id.size();
// // copy experiment info into target workspace
// API::ExperimentInfo_sptr ExperimentInfo(inWS2D->cloneExperimentInfo());
// // run index;
// uint16_t runIndex = this->pWSWrapper->pWorkspace()->addExperimentInfo(ExperimentInfo);
// // number of dimesnions
// std::vector<coord_t> Coord(n_dims); // coordinates for single event
// // if any property dimension is outside of the data range requested, the job is done;
// if(!trn.calcGenericVariables(Coord,n_dims))return;
// // take at least bufSize amout of data in one run for efficiency
// size_t buf_size = ((specSize>SPLIT_LEVEL)?specSize:SPLIT_LEVEL);
// // allocate temporary buffer for MD Events data
// std::vector<coord_t> allCoord(0); // MD events coordinates buffer
// allCoord.reserve(n_dims*buf_size);
// std::vector<float> sig_err(2*buf_size); // array for signal and error.
// std::vector<uint16_t> run_index(buf_size); // Buffer run index for each event
// std::vector<uint32_t> det_ids(buf_size); // Buffer of det Id-s for each event

// //// Equivalent of: this->convertEventList(wi);
// //EventList & el = in_ws->getEventList(wi);
// //// We want to bind to the right templated function, so we have to know the type of TofEvent contained in the EventList.
// //boost::function<void ()> func;
// //switch (el.getEventType())
// //{
// //case TOF:
// // func = boost::bind(&ConvertToDiffractionMDWorkspace::convertEventList<TofEvent>, &*this, static_cast<int>(wi));
// // break;
// //case WEIGHTED:
// // func = boost::bind(&ConvertToDiffractionMDWorkspace::convertEventList<WeightedEvent>, &*this, static_cast<int>(wi));
// // break;
// // func = boost::bind(&ConvertToDiffractionMDWorkspace::convertEventList<WeightedEventNoTime>, &*this, static_cast<int>(wi));
// // break;
// //default:
// // throw std::runtime_error("EventList had an unexpected data type!");
// //}
// //// Give this task to the scheduler
// //double cost = double(el.getNumberEvents());
// //ts->push( new FunctionTask( func, cost) );
// //// Keep a running total of how many events we've added
// //eventsAdded += el.getNumberEvents();
// //if (bc->shouldSplitBoxes(eventsAdded, lastNumBoxes))
// //{
// // // Do all the adding tasks
// // tp.joinAll();
// // // Now do all the splitting tasks
// // ws->splitAllIfNeeded(ts);
// // tp.joinAll();
// // // Count the new # of boxes.
// // lastNumBoxes = ws->getBoxController()->getTotalNumMDBoxes();
// // eventsAdded = 0;
// //}
// // tp.joinAll();
// // // Do a final splitting of everything
// // ws->splitAllIfNeeded(ts);
// // tp.joinAll();
// //
// // // Recount totals at the end.
// //// cputim.reset();
// // ws->refreshCache();
// // //TODO: Centroid in parallel, maybe?
// // ws->getBox()->refreshCentroid(NULL);

// // This little dance makes the getting vector of events more general (since you can't overload by return type).
// typename std::vector<T> * events_ptr;
// getEventsFrom(el, events_ptr);
// typename std::vector<T> & events = *events_ptr;
// // Iterators to start/end
// typename std::vector<T>::iterator it = events.begin();
// typename std::vector<T>::iterator it_end = events.end();
// for (; it != it_end; it++)
// {
// // Get the wavenumber in ang^-1 using the previously calculated constant.
// double wavenumber = wavenumber_in_angstrom_times_tof_in_microsec / it->tof();
// // Q vector = K_final - K_initial = wavenumber * (output_direction - input_direction)
// coord_t center[3] = {Q_dir_x * wavenumber, Q_dir_y * wavenumber, Q_dir_z * wavenumber};
// // Push the MDLeanEvent with the same weight
// out_events.push_back( MDE(float(it->weight()), float(it->errorSquared()), center) );
// }

//template <class T>
//void ConvertToDiffractionMDWorkspace::convertEventList(int workspaceIndex)
// {
// EventList & el = in_ws->getEventList(workspaceIndex);
// size_t numEvents = el.getNumberEvents();
// // Get the position of the detector there.
// std::set<detid_t>& detectors = el.getDetectorIDs();
// if (detectors.size() > 0)
// {
// // The 3D MDEvents that will be added into the MDEventWorkspce
// std::vector<MDE> out_events;
// out_events.reserve( el.getNumberEvents() );
// // This little dance makes the getting vector of events more general (since you can't overload by return type).
// typename std::vector<T> * events_ptr;
// getEventsFrom(el, events_ptr);
// typename std::vector<T> & events = *events_ptr;
// // Iterators to start/end
// typename std::vector<T>::iterator it = events.begin();
// typename std::vector<T>::iterator it_end = events.end();
// for (; it != it_end; it++)
// {
// // Get the wavenumber in ang^-1 using the previously calculated constant.
// double wavenumber = wavenumber_in_angstrom_times_tof_in_microsec / it->tof();
// // Q vector = K_final - K_initial = wavenumber * (output_direction - input_direction)
// coord_t center[3] = {Q_dir_x * wavenumber, Q_dir_y * wavenumber, Q_dir_z * wavenumber};
// // Push the MDLeanEvent with the same weight
// out_events.push_back( MDE(float(it->weight()), float(it->errorSquared()), center) );
// }
// // Clear out the EventList to save memory
// if (ClearInputWorkspace)
// {
// // Track how much memory you cleared
// size_t memoryCleared = el.getMemorySize();
// // Clear it now
// el.clear();
// // For Linux with tcmalloc, make sure memory goes back, if you've cleared 200 Megs
// MemoryManager::Instance().releaseFreeMemoryIfAccumulated(memoryCleared, (size_t)2e8);
// }
// // Add them to the MDEW
// ws->addEvents(out_events);
// }
// }

} // endNamespace MDAlgorithms
} // endNamespace Mantid


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