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Refs #5293 - First attempt at a "RetrieveRunInfo" PythonAlgorithm.
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Currently, only accepts .raw files, and only when the facility is set to
  • Loading branch information
PeterParker committed May 9, 2012
1 parent 5937fcd commit f827657
Showing 1 changed file with 87 additions and 0 deletions.
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
from MantidFramework import *
from LoadEVSRaw import Intervals, sumWsList
from mantid import logger, config

def chunks(l, n):
for i in xrange(0, len(l), n):
yield l[i:i+n]

def createTableFromGroup(filenameGroup, propNames):
for filename in filenameGroup:
# If we are dealing with raw files then turn off loading log files, since they are often missing
# and do not contain the log information we are looking for anyway.
if filename.endswith(".raw"):
Load(Filename=filename, OutputWorkspace=filename)

wsGroup = ', '.join(filenameGroup)
tableWsName = "INFO_" + wsGroup
CreateLogPropertyTable(InputWorkspaces=wsGroup, LogPropertyNames=propNames, GroupPolicy="First", OutputWorkspace=tableWsName)

for filename in filenameGroup:

return mtd[tableWsName]

def sumTableList(tableList, name):
if len(tableList) == 0:
raise ValueError("Unable to sum zero TableWorkspaces.")

if len(tableList) == 1:
# If we only have one table to sum, then all we have to do is rename it.
# Else we have multiple tables, and want the first one to contain all the information from the others.
firstTable = tableList[0]
otherTables = tableList[1:]
for table in otherTables:
for i in range(0, table.rowCount()):
row = table.row(i)
# Rename the first workspace to our result, then get rid of the rest.
for otherTable in otherTables:

class RetrieveRunInfo(PythonAlgorithm):
def category(self):
return 'Utility;PythonAlgorithms'

def PyInit(self):
# Declare algorithm properties.
self.declareProperty('Runs', '' , MandatoryValidator(), Description='Runs, e.g. \"2012-2020\"')
self.declareWorkspaceProperty('OutputWorkspace', '' , Direction.Output, Type=ITableWorkspace, Description='Name of workspace into which the result will be put.')

def PyExec(self):
PROP_NAMES = "inst_abrv, run_number, user_name, run_title, hd_dur"

# Check we're in ISIS so that PROP_NAMES are present.
if config["default.facility"] != "ISIS":
raise RuntimeError("Only ISIS instrument runs are currently supported.")

runString = self.getPropertyValue("Runs")
outputWsName = self.getPropertyValue("OutputWorkspace")

runs = Intervals.fromString(runString)
filenames = FileFinder.findRuns(runString)

# Make sure we have something to work with, and warn user if some files are not present.
if len(filenames) == 0:
sys.exit("No files were found. Quitting.")
if len(filenames) < len(runs.getValues()):
logger.error( str(len(runs.getValues()) - len(filenames)) + " files could not be found. Carrying on with those that were." )

# Split the file names into groups of given size. Dealing with the runs in
filenameGroups = list(chunks(filenames, CHUNK_SIZE))

tables = [createTableFromGroup(filenameGroup, PROP_NAMES) for filenameGroup in filenameGroups]

sumTableList(tables, outputWsName)

# Set as the output workspace.
self.setPropertyValue('OutputWorkspace', outputWsName)

# Register algorthm with Mantid.

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