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calibration for cycle 2023/02
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Devashibhai committed Apr 28, 2023
1 parent 45ad480 commit c8e8171
Showing 1 changed file with 151 additions and 0 deletions.
151 changes: 151 additions & 0 deletions direct_inelastic/MERLIN/calibration/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
import numpy as np
import scipy
from scipy.optimize import fmin
from scipy.special import erfc
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import itertools as iter

#script to take fitted values and make adjustments to det_corr file
def adjust_detector_MER(fit_res,det_corrfile):
# Inputs:
# fit_res -- the file produced by file (in csv format)
# det_source_file -- the ASCII file containing calibration information from the previous cycle.
# Outputs:
# The file with name det_source_file +'_corrected.dat' containing the calibration information
# both source fit_res file and det_corr_file should be located in the script directory.
#fit_res = os.path.basename(fit_res)
#det_source_file = os.path.basename(det_source_file)
#run_dir = config['']
#fit_res = os.path.join(run_dir,fit_res)
#full_det_source_file = os.path.join(run_dir,det_source_file )

#finall_corr_file = os.path.splitext(det_source_file)
#finall_corr_file = finall_corr_file[0]+'_corrected.dat'
#finall_corr_file_fp = os.path.join(run_dir,finall_corr_file)

tub_fit = np.genfromtxt(fit_res,
names="col1, col2, col3, col4, col5, col6, col7, col8",
dtype = (int, float, float, float, float, float, float, float))
det = np.genfromtxt(det_corrfile,
names="detno, offset, l2, code, 2theta, phi, w_x, w_y, w_z, f_x, f_y, f_z, a_x, a_y, a_z, det1, det2, det3, det4",
dtype =(int, float, float, int, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float))

fid = open(os.path.join(config[''], 'det_corr_test_Helen.dat'),'w')
#take first 12 lines from original det_corr file and copy across into the new version
with open(det_corrfile) as myfile:
head = list(iter.islice(myfile,12))
for item in head:

tube = det['detno']/10000
num_tubes = len(open(fit_res).readlines()) - 1
degrad_conv = 180/np.pi

tube_len_short = 1.234 #active length of short tubes
tube_len_long = 2.9 #active length of long tubes
low_short_tube_pos = -1.45 #offset of the tubes below the beam stop
high_short_tube_pos = 0.216 #offset of the tubes above the beam stop
nDet = 512
xbin_short = tube_len_short/nDet
xbin_long = tube_len_long/nDet

#true_pos = [-0.48, -0.21, -0.15, 0, 0.15, 0.28, 0.48] #fractional positions of stripes taken from calibration bin
#true_pos = np.array(true_pos)*tube_len_long
true_pos = [-1.246, -0.649, -0.443, 0, 0.4511, 0.856, 1.239]

for count in range(0,num_tubes):
tube_fix = tub_fit['col1'][count]
fit_par = [tub_fit['col2'][count],tub_fit['col3'][count],tub_fit['col4'][count],tub_fit['col5'][count],tub_fit['col6'][count],

if tube_fix/10==31:
tube_type=1 #short upper tube
elif tube_fix/10==32:
tube_type=2 #short lower tube
tube_type=0 #long tube

index = np.nonzero(tube==tube_fix)
dist_old = det['l2'][index]
th_old = det['2theta'][index]
phi_old = det['phi'][index]
[x_old,z_old,y_old] = mysph2cart(phi_old/degrad_conv,(th_old-90)/degrad_conv,dist_old)

if tube_type==0:
fit_pos = ((np.array(fit_par)-256)/512)*tube_len_long
#true_pos = [-0.48, -0.21, -0.15, 0, 0.15, 0.28, 0.48] #fractional positions of stripes taken from calibration bin
#true_pos = np.array(true_pos)*tube_len_long
true_pos = [-1.246, -0.649, -0.443, 0, 0.4511, 0.856, 1.239]
ideal_det_pos = -0.5*tube_len_long + 0.5*xbin_long + np.array(range(0,nDet))*xbin_long
elif tube_type==1:
fit_par = [tub_fit['col6'][count],tub_fit['col7'][count],tub_fit['col8'][count]]
#true_pos = [0.15, 0.28, 0.48] #fractional positions of stripes taken from calibration bin
#true_pos = np.array(true_pos)*tube_len_long
true_pos = [0.4511, 0.856, 1.239]
fit_pos = high_short_tube_pos + ((np.array(fit_par))/512)*tube_len_short
ideal_det_pos = high_short_tube_pos + 0.5*xbin_short + np.array(range(0,nDet))*xbin_short
elif tube_type==2:
fit_par = [tub_fit['col2'][count],tub_fit['col3'][count],tub_fit['col4'][count]]
#true_pos = [-0.48, -0.21, -0.15] #fractional positions of stripes taken from calibration bin
#true_pos = np.array(true_pos)*tube_len_long
true_pos = [-1.246, -0.649, -0.443]
fit_pos = low_short_tube_pos + ((np.array(fit_par))/512)*tube_len_short
ideal_det_pos = low_short_tube_pos + 0.5*xbin_short + np.array(range(0,nDet))*xbin_short
error('Adjust Detectors - Invalid argument')

print fit_par
print fit_pos
print true_pos

z_new = tube_correction(true_pos,fit_pos,ideal_det_pos)

phi_new, theta_new, dist_new = mycart2sph(x_old,z_new,y_old)
phi_new = phi_new*degrad_conv
theta_new = theta_new*degrad_conv + 90

det['l2'][index] = dist_new
det['2theta'][index] = theta_new
det['phi'][index] = phi_new

for i in range(0,nDet):
fid.write('{0:7.0f} {1:8.1f} {2:10.5f} {3:5.0f} {4:11.5f} {5:11.5f} {6:11.5f} {7:11.5f} {8:11.5f} {9:11.5f} {10:11.5f} {11:11.5f} {12:11.5f}'
'{13:11.5f} {14:11.5f} {15:3.0f} {16:3.0f} {17:3.0f} {18:3.0f}\n'
.format(det['detno'][index][i], det['offset'][index][i], det['l2'][index][i], det['code'][index][i], det['2theta'][index][i], det['phi'][index][i], det['w_x'][index][i], det['w_y'][index][i],
det['w_z'][index][i],det['f_x'][index][i], det['f_y'][index][i], det['f_z'][index][i], det['a_x'][index][i], det['a_y'][index][i], det['a_z'][index][i], det['det1'][index][i],
det['det2'][index][i], det['det3'][index][i], det['det4'][index][i]))

def mysph2cart(az,elev,r):
z = r*np.sin(elev)
x = r*np.cos(elev)*np.cos(az)
y = r*np.cos(elev)*np.sin(az)
return x, y, z

def mycart2sph(x,y,z):
r = np.sqrt(x**2+y**2+z**2)
elev = np.arctan2(z,np.sqrt(x**2+y**2))
az = np.arctan2(y,x)
return az, elev, r

def tube_correction(true_pos,meas_pos,ideal_det_pos):
p = np.polyfit(meas_pos,true_pos,3)
z_new = np.poly1d(p)(ideal_det_pos)
return z_new

# Inputs:
# 1 the file produced by file (in csv format)
# 2 the file containing calibration information from the previous cycle.
# The procedure writes calibrated file with the name {2}_corrected.dat

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