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Grids framework for Laravel

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  • Support of themes (sets of templates for grid components) and templates for individual components
  • Twitter Bootstrap v3 used by default
  • Filtering
  • Sorting
  • Caching
  • Totals calculation (sum, average value, records count, etc)
  • Pagination
  • Working with different data providers (php array, Eloquent model/Query builder)
  • Smart input handling allows to avoid conflicts with get parameters & easily place few interactive grids on same page
  • Extensibility & flexibility through components support
  • Ready controls allowing to change appearance (dropdown for specifying records per page, control that shows/hides columns, etc)

Upcoming features

  • Everything will be a component (filters, columns, etc)
  • Autodetecting columns based on Eloquent model (if not specified)
  • Builtin output formatters for different column types
  • Using simple php arrays to configure grids
  • Working with json data sources via ajax
  • Demo application with Laravel 5

Ask for more features. You are welcome!


  • Laravel 4.X / 5.X
  • illuminate/html package if you use Laravel5.X
  • php 5.4+


Installation using Composer

Step 1: Declare dependency

Add nayjest/grids to "require" section of your composer.json

"require": {
    "nayjest/grids": "~0.4"
Step 2: Update dependencies

Run following command:

php composer.phar update
Step 3: Register service provider in Laravel application

Add following line:


to 'providers' section of app/config/app.php file.

Additional setup for Laravel 5

You need to add "illuminate/html" to composer dependencies of your application, register service provider 'Illuminate\Html\HtmlServiceProvider' and add aliases in app/config/app.php file:

    'Form'  => 'Illuminate\Html\FormFacade',
    'HTML'  => 'Illuminate\Html\HtmlFacade',



        # Step 1. 
        # Let's take a Laravel query as data provider
        # Some params may be predefined, other can be controlled using grid components         
        $query = (new User)
            ->where('role', '=', User::ROLE_AUTHOR);
        # Step 2. 
        # Instantiate & Configure Grid
        $grid = new Grid(
            (new GridConfig)
                # Grids name used as html id, caching key, filtering GET params prefix, etc
                # If not specified, unique value based on file name & line of code will be generated
                # See all supported data providers in sources
                ->setDataProvider(new EloquentDataProvider($query))
                # Setup caching, value in minutes, turned off in debug mode
                # Setup table columns
                    # simple results numbering, not related to table PK or any obtained data
                    new IdFieldConfig,
                    (new FieldConfig)
                        # will be displayed in table heder
                        # That's all what you need for filtering. 
                        # It will create controls, process input 
                        # and filter results (in case of EloquentDataProvider -- modify SQL query)
                            (new FilterConfig)
                        # optional, 
                        # use to prettify output in table cell 
                        # or print any data located not in results field matching column name
                        ->setCallback(function ($val, EloquentDataRow $row) {
                            if ($val) {
                                $icon  = "<span class='glyphicon glyphicon-user'></span>&nbsp;";
                                $user = $row->getSrc();
                                return $icon . HTML::linkRoute('users.profile', $val, [$user->id]);
                        # sorting buttons will be added to header, DB query will be modified
                    (new FieldConfig)
                            (new SelectFilterConfig)
                    (new FieldConfig)
                            (new SelectFilterConfig)
                    (new FieldConfig)
                        ->setLabel('Registration date')
                    (new FieldConfig)
                    (new FieldConfig)
                # Setup additional grid components
                    # Renders table header (table>thead)
                    (new THead)
                        # Setup inherited components
                            # Add this if you have filters for automatic placing to this row
                            new FiltersRow,
                            # Row with additional controls
                            (new OneCellRow)
                                    # Control for specifying quantity of records displayed on page
                                    (new RecordsPerPage)
                                    # Control to show/hide rows in table
                                    (new ColumnsHider)
                                    # Submit button for filters. 
                                    # Place it anywhere in the grid (grid is rendered inside form by default).
                                    (new HtmlTag)
                                            'type' => 'submit',
                                            # Some bootstrap classes
                                            'class' => 'btn btn-primary'
                                # Components may have some placeholders for rendering children there.
                    # Renders table footer (table>tfoot)
                    (new TFoot)
                            # TotalsRow component calculates totals on current page (max, min, sum, average value, etc)
                            # and renders results as table row.
                            # By default 'sum' algorithm used.
                            new TotalsRow([
                            # Renders row containing one cell with colspan attribute equal to the table columns count
                            (new OneCellRow)
                                # Pagination control
                                ->addComponent(new Pager)
        # Step 3.
        # Render grid (preferred in view)
        <?php echo $grid->render(); ?>
        # Example below will also work as Grid class implements __toString method.
        # Note that you can't forward Exceptions through __toString method on account of PHP limitations.
        # Therefore you can preliminarily render grid in debug reasons and pass the resutls to a view.
        <?php echo $grid; ?>
        # And the shortest way:
        <?= $grid ?>


  • Class names in example used without namespaces therefore you must import it before
  • Grids does not includes Twitter Bootstrap css/js files to your layout. You need to do it manually Quick links:
<!-- Latest compiled and minified CSS -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">

<!-- Optional theme -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">

<!-- Latest compiled and minified JavaScript -->
<script src=""></script>
  • Nayjest\Grids\Components\Pager component works only with Laravel 4.X, for Laravel 5 use Nayjest\Grids\Components\Laravel5\Pager

Upgrade guide

From 0.3.X to 0.4

  1. Use THead & TFoot instead of Header & Footer components
  2. If you have customized grid view (grid.php), refactor it using changes in default view
  3. Some components became default, so you don't need to add it to configuration

Default components hierarchy:

- GridConfig
    - THead
        - ColumnHeadersRow
        - FiltersRow
    - TFoot
        - OneCellRow
            - Pager

For adding components to default one, resolve it by name and use addComponent / addComponents methods.


(new GridConfig)
                (new HtmlTag)
                        'type' => 'submit',
                        'class' => 'btn btn-success btn-sm'

Note that setComponents method rewrites defaults.


© 2014 Vitalii Stepanenko

Licensed under the MIT License.


Grids framework for Laravel









  • PHP 100.0%