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Part 2 (dev update)

maorninja edited this page Jul 24, 2016 · 4 revisions

What we are doing is mainly for ShadowNAND so you have some NAND tools. Basically, If you boot without SD, you will see all of Nintendo tools. What's better is that now, you can use the Micro SD card management tool on Old 3DS and it doesn't reboot the console.



What we will be doing is first renaming our original boot.bin so you don't lose your original CFW. However, we will be using a developer version of Luma3DS to make sure it works with the dev firmware. After that we will be running a downgrade in order to get the tools, then update back to 11.0 so that you can log on to the eshop.

##What you need


Section I - Preparatory works
  1. Extract 11.4.rar to the root of your SD card.
  2. Rename 11.4 on the root of your SD card to updates.
  3. In the updates folder, delete 000400000FF40102.cia and 000400000FF40002.cia.
  4. Extract DevMegaPack.rar to your Desktop.
  5. Rename Config_v11_4_NAND.cia to 000400000FF40102.cia.
  6. Rename DevMenu_Nand.cia to 000400000FF40002.cia.
  7. Copy 000400000FF40002.cia and 000400000FF40102.cia to the updates folder on your SD card.
  8. Copy sysupdater.cia to the root of your SD card.
  9. Rename your luma folder to luma_old
  10. On your SD card, rename sdmc:/homebrew/3ds/boot.bin to boot_old.bin
  11. Copy boot.bin to sdmc:/homebrew/3ds/boot.bin
  12. Copy the contents of Luma3DSv5.5.7z to the root of your SD card.
  13. Eject your SD card from your PC and put in into your 3DS.
Section II - Configuring Developer Luma3DS
  1. Hold select on boot to enter the Luma3DS menu.
  2. Use the A button and the D-Pad to turn on the following:
  • "Autoboot SysNAND"
  • "SysNAND is updated"
  • "Force A9LH detection"
  • "Show current NAND in System Settings"
  • "Show GBA boot screen in patched AGB_FIRM"
  • "Developer features"
  1. Press Start to save and reboot
Section III - Getting tools
  1. Go to FBI.
  2. Press SD and navigate to sysupdater.cia
  3. Press A to install.
  4. Launch sysupdater.
  5. Press Y
  6. Wait and DO NOT touch anything. The app will tell you when it is done (It takes less than 5 minutes). Once the app says it is done, wait, it will reboot automatically.
  7. Go to System Settings. On the bottom right on the top screen, it should say Sys. 0.0.0-0U
  8. Update to the latest version using system settings.
  9. Power off your 3DS and connect it to your PC
  10. Delete sdmc:/homebrew/3ds/boot.bin and rename sdmc:/homebrew/3ds/boot_old.bin to sdmc:/homebrew/3ds/boot.bin