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NCU Cloud Computing and Services Final Project

A CTFd plugin to deploy per-user instances using Kubernetes. The plugin is based on frankli0324/ctfd-whale.

It is only developed and tested on AWS EKS so far, so it needs some other modifications to work on other Kubernetes clusters.


The setup is only tested on Learner Lab account from AWS Academy, which only have a LabRole to connect each others. To use it on regular AWS account you need to setup IAM roles manually.


  • A EKS cluster
  • A ECR repository
  • A EC2 Server


Need to attach LabRole to the EC2 instance.

  1. Install Docker and Docker Compose
  2. Clone this repo to ~/deploy
  3. Setup AWS credentials:
TOKEN=`curl -s -X PUT "" -H "X-aws-ec2-metadata-token-ttl-seconds: 21600"`
curl -s -H "X-aws-ec2-metadata-token: $TOKEN"
ta/iam/security-credentials/LabRole | jq -r '"[default]\naws_access_key_id=\(.AccessKeyId)\naws_secret_access_key=\(.Sec
retAccessKey)\naws_session_token=\(.Token)\n"' > ~/.aws/credentials
mkdir -p ~/deploy/secrets
cat ~/.aws/credentials > ~/deploy/secrets/aws_credentials
aws eks list-clusters --region us-east-1  # Testing
  1. Add a DNS A record on a custom domain pointing to EC2 (for HTTPS) and change the domain name in ~/deploy/user_conf.d/ctfd.conf
  2. cd to ~/deploy/CTFd and docker compose up -d
  3. Navigate to the domain name and setup CTFd

If you don't have a custom domain, you can modify ~/deploy/CTFd/docker-compose.yml to use the original nginx instead. Then you can access your CTFd via http://ec2-?????


Prepare images

Login to ECR

eval `aws ecr get-login --region us-east-1 | sed 's/-e none//'`

Build images

Take challenge-hello-world for example.

ECRHOST=?????  # Change this
docker build . -t $ECRHOST/challenge-registry:challenge-hello-world
docker push $ECRHOST/challenge-registry:challenge-hello-world

Deploy to CTFd

  1. Go to admin panel
  2. Create new challenge > select dynamic_kubernetes
  3. Fill other form fields.
  4. Copy the content of challenge-template.yaml; to Kubernetes Config Template field.
  5. Create

P.S. Do not fill static flag if you need to use dynamicly generated flag

Auto Scaling

Ensure that your node group is allowed to have more than 1 nodes, then

curl -O
sed -i 's/<YOUR CLUSTER NAME>/YOUR_EKS_CLUSTER_NAME_HERE/' cluster-autoscaler-autodiscover.yaml
kubectl apply -f cluster-autoscaler-autodiscover.yaml

Ref: Deploy the Cluster Autoscaler

To test, you can try create a lot of challenge instances with

for i in $(seq 1 20); do python ./challenge-hello-world/challenge-template.yaml $i apply; done


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