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MapRoulette Docs

Documentation site for

If you would like to contribute to this documentation, thank you!

  • If you have a video or article we should link to, feel free to open an issue and we will look at the best way to include it in
  • If you want to write or translate documentation, please get in touch at

Technical Details

This is based on Eleventy Starter.

This site is hosted on Netlify.

Netlify Status


Running locally

# install the project dependencies
npm install

# run the build and server locally
npm run start

# run the production build
npm run build

# run netlify cms proxy server (for local CMS access)
npx netlify-cms-proxy-server

Netlify Dev

# Install the Netlify CLI globally
npm install -g netlify-cli
netlify dev

Serverless functions are located in src/functions

A serverless functions pipeline is included via Netlify Dev. By running netlify dev you'll be able to execute any of your serverless functions directly like this:

  • /.netlify/functions/hello

Redirects and proxies

Netlify's Redirects API can provide friendlier URLs as proxies to these URLs.

  • /api/hello


If you run into any strange errors or problems, this Troubleshooting doc may assist you.