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Repository for From your data to vector tiles in your web&mobile app workshop at FOSS4G 2021, Buenos Aires

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Repository for From your data to vector tiles in your web&mobile app workshop at FOSS4G 2021, Buenos Aires

This README will guide you through the workshop step by step. The goal of the workshop is to have a web application with map showing cycleways in the center of Buenos Aires. There will be also POIs - bike shops and bike sharing stations - with pop-ups displaying some additional information about the POI. The map will be in a theme of FOSS4G 2021.

Intro - setup tools

From your data to vector tiles in web & mobile apps | FOSS4G 2021 Workshop #0 Intro

Block 1 - Extract data from OpenStreetMap

Extract data from OpenStreetMap | FOSS4G 2021 Workshop Block #1

Project preparation

Download 3.12.2 release

mkdir foss4g
unzip v3.12.2
mv openmaptiles-3.12.2 openmaptiles

Download Buenos Aires city from OSM

make download-osmfr area=south-america/argentina/buenos_aires_city

Creating extra layer cycleway

  • Create folder cycleway in layers

  • Create empty files:

    • mapping.yaml
      • used by imposm (used by import-osm)
    • cycleway.yaml
      • used by OMT-T
    • cycleway_merge.sql
      • data pre-processing (during import-sql)
    • cycleway.sql
      • used by import-sql

code for files

project modification

Modification of .env file

  • MAX_ZOOM=14

Add cycleway.yaml into openmaptiles.yaml

  • layers/cycleway/cycleway.yaml
  • center: [0, 0, 10]
  • id: foss4g

modification of docker-compose.yml - postgres ports

  • "5432:5432"

import OSM into database

make clean

make import-borders
make import-data

make import-osm
make import-wikidata

Block 2 - Add own data, analyse in QGIS & PostGIS

Add own data, analyse in QGIS & PostGIS | FOSS4G 2021 Workshop Block #2

1. Add PostGIS connection to QGIS.

Go to Browser/PostGIS/New Connection…

  • Name: osm_buenos_aires
  • Host: localhost
  • Port: 5432
  • Database: openmaptiles
  • User: openmaptiles
  • Password: openmaptiles

Check you can see added osm_cycleway_linestring table. Go to Browser/PostGIS/osm_buenos_aires/public/osm_cycleway_linestring and double-click on it. Cycleways should be added to map canvas.

2. Add basemap for context via MapTiler plugin

  1. Go to Plugins/Manage and Install plugins.../All and search for MapTiler
  2. Right-click on MapTiler in Browser and add API key <your-API-key>

    ⚠️ Expired API key: This API key was generated just for workshop purpose. Get your own at 3Add Streets map

3. Analyse bike shops (geojson) in QGIS


  1. Download GeoJSON from
  2. Add GeoJSON to QGIS (drag and drop)
  3. Reproject data from WGS84 (EPSG:4326) to Pseudo-Mercator (EPSG:3857).
    1. Go to Processing toolbox/Vector general/Reproject layer
    2. Choose Input layer: bicicleterias-de-la-ciudad bicicleterias_WGS [EPSG:4326]
    3. Choose Target CRS: EPSG:3857 - WGS 84/Pseudo-Mercator
    4. Choose [Create temporary layer]
    5. Run

Add new attribute field

  1. Open attribute table
  2. Toggle editing
  3. Add New field
    1. Name: distance
    2. Type: Integer
  4. Save edits

Distance analysis

Go to Processing toolbox/GRASS/vector/v.distance

  • from: Reprojected
  • to: osm_cycleway_linestring
  • upload: dist
  • column for upload: distance
  • Save to temporary file Nearest


Right-click on Nearest/Make Permanent

  • Format: GeoJSON
  • File name: openmaptiles/data/bike_shops_w_distance.geojson.

4. Import bike shops (geojson) to PostGIS

Processed GeoJSON available for download at:

Use import-data docker image to import the processed GeoJSON bike_shops_w_distance.geojson into PostGIS table ba_bike_shops.

cd openmaptiles
docker-compose run --rm -v $PWD:/omt import-data /bin/sh
ogr2ogr --version
ogr2ogr -f "PostgreSQL" PG:"dbname=openmaptiles" /omt/data/bike_shops_w_distance.geojson -nln ba_bike_shops

You should be able to see the table ba_bike_shops in QGIS now.

5. Import Shapefile to PostGIS

  1. Download zip file from
  2. Extract zip file into openmaptiles/data.
  3. Import shapefile to PostGIS.
cd openmaptiles
docker-compose run --rm -v $PWD:/omt import-data /bin/sh
ogr2ogr -f "PostgreSQL" PG:"dbname=openmaptiles" /omt/data/estaciones-de-bicicletas-zip/estaciones_de_bicicletas_WGS84.shp -nln ba_bike_sharing_stations -s_srs EPSG:4326 -t_srs EPSG:3857

6. Analyse bike sharing stations in PostGIS

Add new table column

Either in QGIS/Database/DB Manager... or in psql console Add column distance with integer type.

cd openmaptiles
make psql
\d ba_bike_sharing_stations
ALTER TABLE ba_bike_sharing_stations ADD COLUMN distance INTEGER;
\d ba_bike_sharing_stations

Distance analysis

Either in QGIS/Database/DB Manager... or in psql console

cd openmaptiles
make psql
UPDATE ba_bike_sharing_stations AS b SET distance=(SELECT ST_Distance(b.wkb_geometry, c.geometry) FROM osm_cycleway_linestring AS c ORDER BY b.wkb_geometry <-> c.geometry LIMIT 1);

7. Add analysed data into OpenMapTiles schema as a new layer cycleway_poi

  1. create new folder cycleway_poi in layers folder
  2. create new files cycleway_poi.yaml and cycleway_poi.sql
  3. add layers/cycleway_poi/cycleway_poi.yaml into list of layers in openmaptiles.yaml

Layer definition file


  • id - id of layer used in style
  • buffer_size - buffer around layer for rendering purposes - should be bigger for layers with labels
  • fields - attributes definition
  • datasource - definition of the layer sql function
  • schema - additional sql files that should be run

Layer sql function

cycleway_poi.sql cycleway_poi.sql

  • CREATE FUNCTION layer_cycleway_poi(bbox geometry, zoom_level int)
    • we want to create function with bbox and zoom_level as input params
  • RETURNS TABLE (name text, geometry geometry, class text, hours text, distance integer)
    • function returns table with column name, geometry, class and hours. Column names match field names in cycleway_poi.yaml
  • AS SELECT name, geometry, class, hours, distance FROM ba_bike_shops WHERE zoom_level >= 12 UNION ALL ba_bike_sharing_stations WHERE zoom_level >= 12
    • table consists of union of select from ba_bike_shops table and ba_bike_sharing_stations table.
  • WHERE geometry && bbox;
    • WHERE condition assures that only data in given bbox will be returned


We modified schema, so we have to rebuild build folder before import.

make clean

Import sql

Run import of sql files.

make import-sql

Block 3 - Generate, serve and style vector tiles

Generate, serve and style vector tiles | FOSS4G 2021 Workshop Block #3

Generate vector tiles

During the make download step, there should be buenos-aires_city.bbox file download into openmaptiles/data/south-america/argentina. It contains BBOX definition (area to be generated). If there is none, you can configure this in .env file. BBOX=-58.535,-34.71,-58.331,-34.523.

Then you can generate tiles

make generate-tiles-pg

Generated tiles will be saved in openmaptiles/data/tiles.mbtiles

There are several ways to host your tiles e.g. MapTiler Cloud.

Upload tileset (tiles.mbtiles)

  1. If you used CloudShell and you do not have tiles.mbtiles generated on your computer you can download it from:
  2. Go to
  3. Sign in with Google account.
  4. Go to Tiles, click on NEW TILESET
  5. Click on SELECT A FILE FROM YOUR COMPUTER and choose generated/downloaded tiles.mbtiles
  6. Detail page of FOSS4G-Buenos Aires tileset will show up. Use plus button in viewer to zoom in to Buenos Aires.
  7. Copy URL to TileJSON in Vector tiles section.

Add style to your tileset

  1. Download prepared style.json from
  2. Open style.json in editor and scroll down to section sources. Paste the URL to TileJSON.
    "sources": {
        "foss4g": {
            "url": "<your-API-key>",
            "type": "vector"

    ⚠️ Expired API key: This API key was generated just for workshop purpose. Get your own at

  3. Save changes.
  4. Go to Maps
  5. Click on NEW MAP and choose edited style.json.
  6. Detail page of FOSS4G map will show up.

Block 4 - Web & mobile app with custom map

Web & mobile app with a custom map | FOSS4G 2021 Workshop Block #4

Web App

Sample Web App which shows map prepared during the workshop and display information about bike shops and rentals.

⚠️ Expired API key: This Sample Web app uses expired API key, that was generated just for workshop purpose. Get your own at

The detailed tutorial

web app screenshot

Mobile App

It is also possible to use the custom app in mobile application:

mobile app screenshot

MapLibre – Mapbox GL Native Open Source Fork | FOSS4G 2021 Buenos Aires, Petr Pokorny


Repository for From your data to vector tiles in your web&mobile app workshop at FOSS4G 2021, Buenos Aires






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