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Maraca JavaScript runtime

The JavaScript runtime for the Maraca language.


yarn add maraca


npm install maraca --save

Maraca documentation

Full documentation for the Maraca language itself can be found at

Table of contents


The core runtime API parses and runs Maraca source code.

maraca(source, config?, output?);

The config parameter can be provided to setup the @ and # Maraca language features, and the output parameter can be provided to enable streaming.

import maraca from 'maraca';

const source = '[x: 1, y: 2, z: x? * y?]';

// snapshot
const data = maraca(source);

// stream
maraca(source, (data) => console.log(data));


The Maraca source can either be a string, or a nested set of objects, with each key defining a module:

type Source =
  | string
  | {
      [key]: Source;

If the object form is used, evaluation starts with the 'start' script, which can then load the modules using the normal ? syntax.

library (optional)

If provided, the library parameter sets up custom streams that are then available to your source code, again using the normal ? syntax.

Custom streams can either be a constant Data value (see Data format below), or a stream generator function, with the following API:

type Generator = (
  set: (data: Data) => void,
  get: (stream: Stream) => Data,
  create: (generator: Generator) => Stream,
) =>
  | void
  | (dispose?) => void;

So the library has the type:

type Library = {
  [key]: Data | Generator;

output (optional)

If provided, the runtime will run in stream mode, outputting the results to the given callback.

Data format

The data output by Maraca has the following format:

type Data = ValueData | BlockData;

type ValueData = {
  type: 'value';
  value: string;
  push: (value: Data) => void;

type BlockData = {
  type: 'block';
  value: Block;
  push: (value: Data) => void;

type Block = {
  toPairs: () => { key: Data; value: Data }[];

The push method on each individual data value can be used to manually push updates into your Maraca code.


parse: (source: string) => AST

Convert a Maraca script to AST.

fromJS: (value: any) => Data

Convert a JavaScript value into Maraca data.


import maraca, { fromJs } from 'maraca';

const source = ['module? + tick?', { module: '#data?' }];

const library = {
  data: fromJs({ a: 1, b: 2, c: 3 }),
  tick: (set) => {
    let count = 1;
    const interval = setInterval(() => set(fromJs(count++)), 1000);
    return (dispose) => dispose && clearInterval(interval);

maraca(source, library, (data) => console.log(data));