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Grunt Template for Front End Devs

Before you start you will need NodeJS + Node Packages, GruntJS and SASS.

First, install node.js

Grunt needs node to work. If you don't have it yet, download the current version (not the LTS) and install it. Node comes with npm, the node package manager, which you will use to install packages.

Install Grunt

Open up a terminal window and type in the command below

sudo npm install -g grunt-cli

The “-g” in the command above will install grunt globally, so we can use it everywhere. Sudo will run the command as an administrator. You can skip the “sudo” part if you are using a windows machine.

Install SASS

You will need SASS to write the CSS.

In terminal window type in the command below

sudo npm install -g sass

The “-g” in the command above will install grunt globally, so we can use it everywhere. Sudo will run the command as an administrator. You can skip the “sudo” part if you are using a windows machine.

Install Packages

Now you will need to get all node packages. Open the folder in your terminal window and type in the command below

npm install

Package Overview

Most Used Plugins

  • grunt-processhtml: For the HTML template.

  • grunt-contrib-clean: Clean files and folders from the project.

  • grunt-contrib-connect: Start a connect web server.

  • grunt-contrib-watch: Watch for file changes & Reload assets live in the browser.

  • grunt-contrib-copy: Copy files into a different folder.

  • grunt-text-replace: Remove strings for production.

For CSS Compilation

  • grunt-contrib-sass: Compile Sass to CSS.

  • grunt-autoprefixer: CSS prefix

For Minify

  • grunt-contrib-cssmin: Minify CSS.

  • grunt-contrib-htmlmin: Minify HTML.

  • grunt-contrib-uglify: Minify files with UglifyJS.

For Validation

  • grunt-contrib-jshint: Validate JS

Run Grunt

Open the folder in your terminal window and type in the command below for development

grunt dev

For production and to minify everything use

grunt prod

And if you just want to validate the JavaScript use

grunt checkjs


Grunt Template for Front End Devs






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