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How to identify and remedy nonrandom missing data in population genetics

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Nonrandom missing data in population genetics analysis (and how to correct it)

Marc A. Beer

The randomness (or lack thereof) of missing data is an important consideration for analysis. Population genetic datasets frequently contain missing genotypes due to variation in sequencing quality across genetic loci and individual samples. When these missing data are random with respect to key characteristics of the data (e.g., with respect to samples’ geographic regions of origin), we expect that they will lead to little distortion to the patterns we study; we will see a demonstration of this in just a moment. However, when data are missing not at random (MNAR), genetic relationships among samples can indeed become distorted and adversely affect inference. A more thorough treatment of random and non-random missing data can be found at a wonderful series of webpages by Stef van Buuren (

You might be wondering why genetic data MNAR might occur. What might lead to a correlation between missing data and some characteristics of our samples? One example is the improper randomization of samples into multiplexed sequencing libraries. If we sample individuals from six populations and treat each population’s samples separately (i.e., when preparing sequencing libraries and/or carrying out sequencing itself), nonrandomness in missing data or other nonrandom aberrations may result. In this case, some sequencing runs may go poorly, leading to poor sequencing depth and missing data that are correlated with samples’ populations of origin; this misfortune could have been avoided by randomizing samples into sequencing libraries with respect to population of origin. Another case that is salient to reduced-representation sequencing is inter-population restriction site polymorphism. Some populations may lack restriction sites that are present in other populations. The former populations would have completely missing data at loci that are otherwise genotyped in other populations.

Okay, the potential for genetic data MNAR are clearly present, but besides some nebulous warning that it can cause distortion, should we really care? In this walkthrough, I’ll show you how data MNAR can distort inference from a common population genetic analysis: principal components analysis (PCA). Then, I’ll show you how to remedy the problem using a related analysis, discriminant analysis of principal components (DAPC).

Let’s start by loading in some packages. One of these is adegenet, which contains numerous functions for carrying out population genetics analyses, including PCA and DAPC. Handily, it also includes genetic datasets that we can use as examples.


1. Load in a population genetic dataset

The package adegenet contains several genetic datasets, and we will use one as an example. Let’s load in a dataset containing genotypes for 30 microsatellite loci for 600 diploid individuals from six populations simulated under an island model. Much of this walkthrough will involve the locus/allele matrix stored in the tab subset of the dataset. If you are less familiar with genind objects, take a few minutes to look through some of the data object’s subcomponents. Let’s visualize the locus/allele matrix below. Rows are individual samples and each column refers to a locus and one of its alleles. E.g., column names loc-1.03 and loc-1.19 refer to two different alleles at locus 1; entries in the matrix indicate how many copies of given allele are present (ranging from 0 to 2). Your own datasets may look different: while some of the microsatellite loci in this example dataset have many alleles, the SNPs typical of modern genomic datasets often have only two (and thus biallelic loci uniformly will only have two columns per locus).

#load in example data distributed with adegenet
##in genind format, which is useful for our purposes

#we'll use only the first dataset
data <- dapcIllus$a

#isolating the genotype matrix
data_tab <- data$tab

#rows are individuals while columns record the presence/absence of a given allele for a codominant locus
#notice that column names refer to a locus (e.g., loc-1 or loc-2) followed by the allele of interest
#(e.g., loc-1.03 and loc-1.19 refer to two different alleles at locus 1)
#for biallelic loci, such as SNPs, there will uniformly be only two columns per locus
loc-1.03 loc-1.19 loc-2.01 loc-2.04 loc-2.40 loc-2.41 loc-2.44 loc-3.08 loc-3.10 loc-3.38
1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 2 0
1 1 0 0 2 0 0 0 2 0
1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 2 0
2 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0
1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0

Note that this is a complete dataset - there are no missing data. We will introduce missing data both randomly and nonrandomly to demonstrate their effects on results from principal components analysis (PCA). To get a baseline understanding of the complete dataset, let’s run PCA on it now.

#run PCA on the complete dataset
data_pca <- dudi.pca(data, center=TRUE, scale=TRUE, scannf=FALSE, nf=2)

#summarize PC coordinates by population
pc_pop <- data.frame(pop=data$pop, data_pca$li)
pc_pop_summ <- pc_pop %>%
  group_by(pop) %>%
  summarise(pc1_mean=mean(Axis1), pc2_mean=mean(Axis2))

#plot results
p_fulldata <- ggplot()+
  geom_point(data_pca$li, mapping=aes(x=Axis1, y=Axis2, colour=data$pop), size=3, alpha=0.5)+
  geom_point(pc_pop_summ, mapping=aes(x=pc1_mean, y=pc2_mean, fill=pop), colour="black", shape=24, size=4)+
    labs(x="PC1", y="PC2", colour="Population", fill="Population \n mean", title = "Full dataset (0% missing data)")+
  scale_y_continuous(limits=c(-10, 10), breaks=seq(from=-10, to=10, by=2))+
  scale_x_continuous(limits=c(-10, 10), breaks=seq(from=-10, to=10, by=2))+

The results of PCA are visualized below. Individuals from different populations (coloured points) clearly cluster together. Noteworthy is the relatively large distance between populations P2 and P4 along PC2 (the vertical axis). The relationship between these two populations will be used to understand how random and nonrandom missing data can impact our inference

2. Data missing at random

Before investigating nonrandom missing data, let’s start with the best-case scenario of random missing data.

We will convert the genotypes of 20% (6) of the loci to missing data for 50% (150) of the individuals, leading to a missing data rate of 10% in terms of a genotype matrix; note that this percentage should be roughly the same in terms of the tab matrix in the genind object, with some variation since loci can have different numbers of alleles. The code is shown and annotated below, but briefly, we first randomly select 20% of the loci, and then for each of those loci, we randomly select 50% of the individuals to have missing data. We will repeat this process selecting 80% of the loci and 50% of the individuals, leading to a missing data rate of 40%. Thus, we have randomly introduced two different magnitudes of missing data in a way that is uncorrelated with properties of our samples (e.g., their populations of origin). If we wanted, we could introduce missing data more uniformly across loci, but the above procedure is sufficient for our purposes.

#simulate random missing data (10%)

#save a copy of the data_tab to modify
data_random <- data
data_tab_random <- data_tab

#we will select 20% of the loci to add missing data to
loc_select <- sample(x=levels(data$loc.fac),
              size=round(0.20*length(levels(data$loc.fac)), digits=0),

#for each locus, we will randomly select 50% of individuals (i.e., 150 individuals) to introduce missing data to
for (i in 1:length(loc_select)){
  #randomly sample from all the individuals in the dataset
  ind <- sort(sample(x=rownames(data$tab),
                size=round(0.50*length(rownames(data$tab)), digits=0),
  #for the current locus, replace genotypes of randomly selected individuals with NA values
  data_tab_random[ind, which(data$loc.fac==loc_select[i])] <- NA

#simulate random missing data (40%)

#save a copy of the data_tab to modify
data_random_040 <- data
data_tab_random_040 <- data_tab

#we will select 80% of the loci to add missing data to
loc_select <- sample(x=levels(data$loc.fac),
                     size=round(0.8*length(levels(data$loc.fac)), digits=0),

#for each locus, we will randomly select 50% of individuals (i.e., 300 individuals) to introduce missing data to
for (i in 1:length(loc_select)){
  #randomly sample from all the individuals in the dataset
  ind <- sort(sample(x=rownames(data$tab),
                     size=round(0.5*length(rownames(data$tab)), digits=0),
  #for the current locus, replace genotypes of randomly selected individuals with NA values
  data_tab_random_040[ind, which(data$loc.fac==loc_select[i])] <- NA

Let’s conduct PCA on the modified datasets. Note that PCA requires complete data, so we will first fill in the now-missing data using mean value imputation. The code below both imputes missing data and carries out PCA.

#re-do PCA to see effects

#10% missing data

#insert tab with missing data back into the genind object
data_random$tab <- data_tab_random

#note that there cannot be missing entries in PCA, so we will impute the now-missing data
data_random_imputed <- scaleGen(x=data_random, center=TRUE, scale=TRUE, NA.method="mean")

#run the PCA
data_random_pca <- dudi.pca(data_random_imputed, center=TRUE, scale=TRUE, scannf=FALSE, nf=2)

#summarize PC coordinates by population
pc_random_pop <- data.frame(pop=data$pop, data_random_pca$li)
pc_random_pop_summ <- pc_random_pop %>%
  group_by(pop) %>%
  summarise(pc1_mean=mean(Axis1), pc2_mean=mean(Axis2))

p_random <- ggplot()+
  geom_point(data_random_pca$li, mapping=aes(x=Axis1, y=Axis2, colour=data$pop), size=3, alpha=0.5)+
  geom_point(pc_random_pop_summ, mapping=aes(x=pc1_mean, y=pc2_mean, fill=pop), colour="black", shape=24, size=4)+
  labs(x="PC1", y="PC2", colour="Population", fill="Population \n mean", title = "10% random missing data")+
  scale_y_continuous(limits=c(-10, 10), breaks=seq(from=-10, to=10, by=2))+
  scale_x_continuous(limits=c(-10, 10), breaks=seq(from=-10, to=10, by=2))+

#40% missing data

#insert tab with missing data back into the genind object
data_random_040$tab <- data_tab_random_040

#note that there cannot be missing entries in PCA, so we will impute the now-missing data
data_random_040_imputed <- scaleGen(x=data_random_040, center=TRUE, scale=TRUE, NA.method="mean")

#run the PCA
data_random_040_pca <- dudi.pca(data_random_040_imputed, center=TRUE, scale=TRUE, scannf=FALSE, nf=2)

#summarize PC coordinates by population
pc_random_040_pop <- data.frame(pop=data$pop, data_random_040_pca$li)
pc_random_040_pop_summ <- pc_random_040_pop %>%
  group_by(pop) %>%
  summarise(pc1_mean=mean(Axis1), pc2_mean=mean(Axis2))

p_random_040 <- ggplot()+
  geom_point(data_random_040_pca$li, mapping=aes(x=Axis1, y=Axis2, colour=data$pop), size=3, alpha=0.5)+
  geom_point(pc_random_040_pop_summ, mapping=aes(x=pc1_mean, y=pc2_mean, fill=pop), colour="black", shape=24, size=4)+
    labs(x="PC1", y="PC2", colour="Population", fill="Population \n mean", title = "40% random missing data")+
  scale_y_continuous(limits=c(-10, 10), breaks=seq(from=-10, to=10, by=2))+
  scale_x_continuous(limits=c(-10, 10), breaks=seq(from=-10, to=10, by=2))+

The results of PCA on the two imputed datasets are shown below (panels B and C), adjacent to the original PCA we conducted on the complete, unimputed dataset (Panel A). At a respectable missing data rate of 10%, the broad patterns are largely undistorted. Even the missing data rate of 40% captures most of the patterns found in the complete dataset.

However, you might notice that individual PC scores, as well as population means, are shifted towards the graph origin; distances between population means have accordingly decreased. This “collapse” towards the origin is a symptom of mean value imputation, and the obscuration of the true patterns becomes more extreme with increasing missing data. More sophisticated imputation methods (such as one based on snmf in the R package LEA) may combat this distortion. Indeed, it would be fair to say that the observed distortion is a consequence of both missing data and imputation. In general, however, the effects of random missing data are rather mild because individuals of all populations are affected similarly.

2. Data missing not-at-random

Now that we have seen the relatively mild effects of random missing data, let’s investigate nonrandom missing data.

The process for introducing nonrandom missing data is a little bit different. As in the first random missing data simulation, we will keep the total missing data at 10%, but half of it will be random and half nonrandom with respect to population. First, we introduce missing data at 20% of the loci for 150 individuals (25% of the total individuals); these individuals will be randomly sampled from populations 2 and 4. The fact that we introduced this missing data only to populations 2 and 4 is what makes these missing data nonrandom with respect to population.

We will introduce the remaining random missing data by randomly selecting an individual (with replacement) from the entire dataset and introducing missing data at a randomly selected locus. This process is repeated until the remaining 5% missing data is achieved, for a total of 10% missing data. Thus, we have introduced both nonrandom missing data and random missing data.

#simulate nonrandom missing data (10%)

#set the the number of individuals to introduce missing data to
ind_sample_size <- round(0.5*length(rownames(data$tab)), digits=0)/2

#save a copy of the data_tab to modify
data_nonrandom <- data
data_tab_nonrandom <- data_tab

#we will select 20% of the loci to add missing data to
loc_select <- sample(x=levels(data$loc.fac),
                     size=round(0.20*length(levels(data$loc.fac)), digits=0),

#for each locus, we will nonrandomly select 25% of individuals (i.e., 150 individuals) to introduce missing data to
for (i in 1:length(loc_select)){
  #randomly sample individuals from populations 2, and 4
  ind <- sort(sample(x=rownames(data$tab)[which(data$pop=="P2" | data$pop=="P4")],
  #for the current locus, replace genotypes of nonrandomly selected individuals with NA values
  data_tab_nonrandom[ind, which(data$loc.fac==loc_select[i])] <- NA

#we will select an additional set of loci to add random missing data to
random_samples <- round(0.20*length(levels(data$loc.fac)), digits=0) * ind_sample_size

for (i in 1:random_samples){
  ind <- sort(sample(x=rownames(data$tab),
  loc_random <- sample(x=levels(data$loc.fac),
  data_tab_nonrandom[ind, which(data$loc.fac==loc_random)] <- NA

Let’s conduct PCA on the new dataset containing nonrandom missing data. Note that we will again impute missing values. We will present the results next to our previous examples.

#re-do PCA to see effects

#insert tab with missing data back into the genind object
data_nonrandom$tab <- data_tab_nonrandom

#note that there cannot be missing entries in PCA, so we will impute the now-missing data
data_nonrandom_imputed <- scaleGen(x=data_nonrandom, center=TRUE, scale=TRUE, NA.method="mean")

#run the PCA
##note that broad patterns are largely unchanged.
#With increasing missing data, we might see shifts of points towards the center along both axes.
##This is due to imputation of missing values to the mean value of the entire dataset, which is a naive imputation method
##Other imputation methods may better preserve "true" patterns, such as snmf imputation from the R package LEA
##in general, it is still best practice to reduce missing data as much as possible
data_nonrandom_pca <- dudi.pca(data_nonrandom_imputed, center=TRUE, scale=TRUE, scannf=FALSE, nf=2)

#summarize PC coordinates by population
pc_nonrandom_pop <- data.frame(pop=data$pop, data_nonrandom_pca$li)
pc_nonrandom_pop_summ <- pc_nonrandom_pop %>%
  group_by(pop) %>%
  summarise(pc1_mean=mean(Axis1), pc2_mean=mean(Axis2))

p_nonrandom <- ggplot()+
  geom_point(data_nonrandom_pca$li, mapping=aes(x=Axis1, y=Axis2, colour=data$pop), size=3, alpha=0.5)+
  geom_point(pc_nonrandom_pop_summ, mapping=aes(x=pc1_mean, y=pc2_mean, fill=pop), colour="black", shape=24, size=4)+
  labs(x="PC1", y="PC2", colour="Population", fill="Population \n mean", title="10% missing data (5% random; 5% nonrandom)")+
  scale_y_continuous(limits=c(-10, 10), breaks=seq(from=-10, to=10, by=2))+
  scale_x_continuous(limits=c(-10, 10), breaks=seq(from=-10, to=10, by=2))+

Shown below are the results of PCA on the original dataset (Panel A), the two datasets containing random missing data (at rates of B: 10% and C: 40%), and the dataset containing nonrandom missing data (D).

Much of the broad insight that could be garnered from PCA remains, even when 5% of the dataset is missing nonrandomly. However, you might notice that the distortion of relationships between populations in PC space is much greater than the distortion we observed with random missing data at the same overall missing data rate (i.e., Panel B). Indeed, even 40% random missing data appears to result in less distortion relative to the true patterns in the full dataset. In particular, because the nonrandom missing data affected populations 2 and 4, they now appear more similar (i.e. closer together) along PC2. Note that the other populations are not entirely free of distortion: Population 3 has shifted leftward along PC1 and downward along PC2. Again, this is a symptom of both the missing data itself and the imputation method.

Wait, but why do we care? I just acknowledged that the broad insight from PCA remains largely unobscured. These scatterplots are often not the end goal of PCA. For example, population genetics often uses genetic distances among individuals or populations to gain insight into phenomena such as isolation by resistance, a pattern in which environmental conditions between locations on the landscape either facilitate or impede gene flow. These genetic distances are sometimes calculated as the Euclidean distances between individuals based on their PC coordinates (e.g., Shirk et al., 2017). In the case of nonrandom missing data here, the genetic distances between individuals from populations 2 and 4 will have decreased relative to their true values. Clearly, there is potential for these distortions to impact downstream analyses.

Note that many of the distortions observed in this walkthrough have been noted in published work, including Yi & Latch, (2021). However, the aforementioned publication does not include a method for identifying and removing the loci suffering from nonrandom missing data. We will address this issue now.

3. Identifying and removing loci affected by nonrandom missing data

Conveniently enough, we can use PCA and a related analysis called Discriminant Analysis of Principal Components (DAPC) to identify loci that are particlar perpetrators of distortion resulting form nonrandom missing data. Although we previously ran PCA on genetic data to identify population genetic patterns, we will now run PCA and DAPC on missing data itself.

The first step in this procedure is to recode the tab subcomponent of a genind object such that zeros represent non-missing data and ones represent missing data (or vice-versa). The code below does this for our dataset with nonrandom missing data. Then, we’ll visualize the results in a scatterplot, as before.

#we can use PCA and DAPC to identify whether any loci are particular offenders to the nonrandom missing data distortion

data_nonrandom_01_tab <- data_tab_nonrandom

data_nonrandom_01_tab[!] <- 0L
data_nonrandom_01_tab[] <- 1L

data_nonrandom_01 <- data_nonrandom
data_nonrandom_01$tab <- data_nonrandom_01_tab

data_nonrandom_01_pca <- dudi.pca(data_nonrandom_01, center=TRUE, scale=TRUE, scannf=FALSE, nf=2)

#summarize PC coordinates by population
pc_nonrandom_01_pop <- data.frame(pop=data$pop, data_nonrandom_01_pca$li)
pc_nonrandom_01_pop_summ <- pc_nonrandom_01_pop %>%
  group_by(pop) %>%
  summarise(pc1_mean=mean(Axis1), pc2_mean=mean(Axis2))

#we can see that individuals from P2 and P4 tend to be clustered together along PC1.
#This means their multilocus missing data are similar to one another but different from the other populations
#of course, we know this because we simulated it! If you see something like this in your real data, beware that some of your genotypes are missing non-randomly.
#note that if we had other variables that group individuals, we can also see whether missing data are nonrandomly associated with those variables.
#E.g., if instead of discrete populations, we had individuals collected from many different localities. We could colour them by latitude and/or longitude to look for similar clustering

p_nonrandom_01_pop <- ggplot()+
  geom_point(data_nonrandom_01_pca$li, mapping=aes(x=Axis1, y=Axis2, colour=data$pop), size=3, alpha=0.5)+
  geom_point(pc_nonrandom_01_pop_summ, mapping=aes(x=pc1_mean, y=pc2_mean, fill=pop), colour="black", shape=24, size=4)+
    labs(x="PC1", y="PC2", colour="Population", fill="Population \n mean", title="10% missing data (5% random; 5% nonrandom)")+
  scale_y_continuous(limits=c(-15, 15), breaks=seq(from=-15, to=15, by=2))+
  scale_x_continuous(limits=c(-15, 15), breaks=seq(from=-15, to=15, by=2))+

We can see that individuals from populations 2 and 4 tend to be clustered together along PC1. This means that their multilocus missing data are similar to one another but different from the other populations. Of course, we know this because we simulated it! If you see something like this in your real data, beware that some of your genotypes are missing non-randomly. Note that if we had other variables that group individuals, we could also see whether missing data are nonrandomly associated with those variables. E.g., if instead of discrete populations, we had individuals collected from many different localities, we could colour individuals by latitude or longitude to look for similar clustering; indeed, you could even explicitly correlate individual PC scores with geography using Pearson’s r.

Now that we see that populations 2 and 4 cluster together in PC space, away from the other populations, we can better visualize the issue by assigning populations 2 and 4 to a grouping factor that is distinct from the other populations. We will do that below and visualize the results.

Although the new groups (G1 and G2) are artificial groupings (they are not truly biologically meaningful), they are convenient for confirming that individuals of populations 1 and 2 do indeed cluster away from other populations on the basis of their missing data. These groupings also allow us to run DAPC and identify loci harboring missing data that can differentiate the two sets of populations.


How to identify and remedy nonrandom missing data in population genetics






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