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Releases: marcdel/open_telemetry_decorator


05 May 17:12
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  • Fixes a bug which included input parameters you didn't ask for in the span attributes.

Full Changelog: v1.5.1...v1.5.2


27 Apr 06:43
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  • Fixes a bug with missing attrs_version

Full Changelog: v1.5.0...v1.5.1


27 Apr 05:12
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  • 🚨 The decorator now uses the O11y.set_attribute(s) functions to set attributes on spans. This means that the attribute processing logic that was here previously has been migrated there. However, there are some backwards incompatible changes listed below.
  • 🚨 The decorator no longer supports nested attributes in the include option. The O11y set_attribute and set_attributes functions should now be used to handle more complex attribute specifications. The SpanAttributes protocol in particular is what I recommend if you need to extract a subset of fields from an object. The example below will add only and to the span attributes.
defmodule User do
  @derive {O11y.SpanAttributes, only: [:id, :name]}
  defstruct [:id, :name, :email, :password]

defmodule UserFactory do
  use OpenTelemetryDecorator

  @decorate with_span("UserFactory.create", include: [:user])
  def create() do
    user = %User{id: 1, name: "Bob", email: "", password: "secret"}
    {:ok, user}
  • 🚨 Changes the default attrs_version to "v2". You can override this with config :open_telemetry_decorator, attrs_version: "v1", but that only affects usages of Attribtues directly.
  • ⚠️ Changes AttributesV2 to use the O11y.set_attribute(s) functions. The attribute processing logic that was here previously has been migrated there. However, there are some backwards incompatible changes listed below.
  • ⚠️ Changed functionality: the error attribute is no longer treated differently from other attributes. It will be namespaced or prefixed as expected. If you're using Honeycomb this field will be automatically derived from the span's status_code, so you don't need to (and probably shouldn't) set it manually. Instead, use O11y.set_error/1 to set the status code to "error" and message to the provided (string or exception) value.
  • ⚠️ Changed functionality: maps and structs given to Attributes.set/2 will be flattened and prefixed with the given name. e.g.
params = %{key: "value"}
Attributes.set(:params, params)
# Becomes
%{"params.key" => "value"}

Full Changelog: v1.4.13...v1.5.0


20 Mar 20:25
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  • Updates O11y dependency to v0.1.4 to fix an issue with setting error messages on spans.

Full Changelog: v1.4.12...v1.4.13


18 Mar 06:01
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  • Updates decorator to use the o11y version of start and end span
  • Refactor tests to use O11y.TestHelper and the available structs for asserting on span conents.

Full Changelog: v1.4.11...v1.4.12


09 Mar 02:05
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Clean up after ourselves instead of right before setting the status

I didn't realize Span.end_span does not change the current span, which is why when the parent catches the reraise it had the wrong span as the current span.
We're starting the span in a place where we can hold on to it so we can manually update the current span to the parent so that callers that aren't using the decorator have the correct current span.

Full Changelog: v1.4.10...v1.4.11


07 Mar 23:29
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Addresses an issue setting error status on parent spans after exception

When two functions that are decorated with the with_span function are nested and the child throws, the current span was not being set back to the parent as expected.
Calling Tracer.set_status would attempt to set the status on the child span which has been closed at that point and fail meaning the parent's status would be undefined.


14 Feb 07:55
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Adds the ability to pass links to a function decorated with with_span or trace. This is done by passing a links option to the decorator.

The links option should be the atom names of variables containing linked spans. You can create a link to a span with


require OpenTelemetry.Tracer, as: Tracer

def parent do
  parent_span = Tracer.start_span("parent")
  link =


@decorate with_span("child", links: [:parent_link])
def child(parent_link) do
  # ...

Full Changelog: v1.4.8...v1.4.9


13 Dec 08:15
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  • Adds a v2 of the attributes module and the ability to toggle between. The v2 version is more limited, but simpler and (hopefully) easier to understand.
  • Changes with_span to use start/end span

Previously dyalizer would not error on invalid contracts for functions
annotated with the decorator. presumably this was because the return
actually happens in a closure.

So, for example, the following code would pass dialyzer successfully

@spec hello :: {:ok, :asdf}
@decorate with_span("hello")
def hello do

After this change it fails as expected

The @spec for the function does not match the success typing of the function.


Success typing:
@spec hello() :: :world

Full Changelog: v1.4.7...v1.4.8


29 Oct 05:01
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  • Fixes a bug causing the attribute prefix to be appended twice when using the include option
  • Update and remove unused dependencies