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Happy terraforming 😍🥂!
should be installedglobally
so that it can be run from anywhere on your computer.
npm install -g tfv
Run with alias
npm i -g tfv
tfv --help
Run with alias
tfv -h
tfv <command>
tfv install <version> [option] Example: tfv install 1.0.11 [aliases: i]
tfv list [option] Example: tfv list [aliases: ls]
tfv remove <version> Example: tfv rm 1.0.11 [aliases: rm]
tfv auto-switch Example: tfv as [aliases: as]
tfv use <version> Example: tfv use 1.0.11
-h, --help Show help [boolean]
-v, --version Show version number [boolean]
Version | Description |
x.x.x | Installs terraform version x.x.x |
x^ | Installs latest version of release x |
x.x.^ | Installs latest version of release x.x |
latest | Installs latest version of terraform |
tfv install <version>
Run with option
tfv install <version> --arch <system-architecture>
tfv install 1.5.7 -arch amd64
NOTE: The default system-architecture is the architecture of your computer (arm64, amd64, x64, etc...)
Version | Description |
x.x.x | use terraform version x.x.x |
latest | use latest version of terraform |
tfv use <version>
NOTE: You would get a password prompt. Accept it. This is a one-time request to set the terraform executable in your system path.
Option | Option Alias | Description |
Defaults to listing terraform versions installed locally (in tfv store) | ||
--local |
-l |
Lists all terraform versions installed locally |
--remote |
-r |
Lists all terraform versions available remotely, on terraform server |
tfv list [option]
Run with alias
tfv ls [option]
Remove terraform versions managed by tfv
tfv remove <versions>
Run with alias
tfv rm <versions>
tfv rm x.y.z z.x.y
Auto-detects your project terraform version, downloads it if it's not in tfv store, and switch to the version
tfv auto-switch
Run with alias
tfv as