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K8s Hard Mode on Azure

This readme lists out steps I followed for creating a practise Kubernetes cluster on Azure compute.

The guide I followed is Kelsey Hightower's "Kubernetes the hard way" It can be found here

Disclaimers: This is not a conversion or a re-implementation of it. It's not even really a guide. This is simply a summary of what I went through, to create a Kubernetes cluster on Azure compute. I scripted up all the components for az Azure CLI as I was learning how to bootstrap a K8s control plane and worker nodes on bare Azure virtual machines. This is not production ready. This is not all 100% secure. This is not AKS or ACS-Engine equivalent.

If you require more info on every step below, be sure to check out Kelsey's guide as mentioned above.

I've created a brain dump image of all the components


  • Azure Account with sufficient credit
  • Azure subscription access
  • CFSSL and CFSSLJSON as per Kelsey's guide
  • Azure CLI

You can use my kube-tools which has all the prerequisites to bootstrap Kubernetes

Create temporary folder to generate everything

mkdir _output

Generate SSH keys

To access your cluster controller and workers VMs you will need to generate SSH key


Create network


Create the compute resources


make sure VMs are all up, You can ssh to them to test

az vm list -g $RESOURCEGROUP -o table --show-details
#grab public ip of a vm
ssh azureuser@<ip> -i id_rsa

Generate all certs and key pairs


Copy certificates to controllers and workers:


Generate kubernetes configs for all components


Copy kubeconfigs to controllers and workers


Data encryption configs and key

Generate secret encryption key and upload to controllers



Firstly setup unique etcd configs for each controller

for instance in controller-0 controller-1 controller-2; do ./ ${instance} ; done

Copy bootstrap script to controllers


Bootstrap etc on each controller

EXTERNAL_IP=$(az vm list -g $RESOURCEGROUP --query="[?name=='controller-0']" -o json --show-details | jq .[0].publicIps | sed 's/\"//g')
ssh azureuser@$EXTERNAL_IP


Once this is done on all controllers, check health on one of them

sudo ETCDCTL_API=3 etcdctl member list \
--endpoints= \
--cacert=/etc/etcd/ca.pem \
--cert=/etc/etcd/kubernetes.pem \

Bootstrap Kubernetes

Generate and copy systemd files for kube api, scheduler, and controller manager

for instance in controller-0 controller-1 controller-2; do ./ ${instance}; done

Copy Kubernetes bootstrap scripts to each controller


Setup API server, controller manager and scheduler on each controller server

EXTERNAL_IP=$(az vm list -g $RESOURCEGROUP --query="[?name=='controller-0']" -o json --show-details | jq .[0].publicIps | sed 's/\"//g')
ssh azureuser@$EXTERNAL_IP



kubectl get componentstatuses --kubeconfig admin.kubeconfig
curl -H "Host: kubernetes.default.svc.cluster.local" -i

Create the API server load balancer



you need to be able to run curl against every controller vm public ip as well as the load balancer ip. if this does not work you need to ssh to the controller and make sure /healthz endpoint is exposed internally. once its exposed internally you should ensure it can be exposed from the public IP as well. If all else fails, follow load balancer troubleshooting guide here

KUBERNETES_PUBLIC_ADDRESS=$(az network public-ip show -n kubernetes-master -g $RESOURCEGROUP | jq .ipAddress | sed 's/\"//g')
curl --cacert ca.pem https://${KUBERNETES_PUBLIC_ADDRESS}:6443/version

Bootstrap Kubernetes workers

Copy the bootstrap scripts to node


ssh to each node and run the bootstrap installs like so:


./ $CIDR_RANGE                                                                                                


SSH back to your controllers and test the node availability: kubectl get nodes --kubeconfig admin.kubeconfig You should see your nodes in ready state

Remote kubectl Access


#copy file to your `~/.kube/
cp  ./_output/config ~/.kube/config
kubectl get nodes
kubectl get componentstatuses

Pod Network Routing

Create UDRs to routes to join worker PODCIDR to node IPs


Cluster DNS addon



Scripts, notes & learning repo for running Kubernetes on bare Azure compute.






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