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A microservice that interacts and fetches information about the most important companies of the world

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Code Challenge: Fintech API

A microservice that interacts and fetches information about the most important companies of the world. This project get the information from the third party Yahoo! Finance.

The solution is made in Kotlin and Spring Boot Framework with gradle and is based on DDD and hexagonal architecture, so the structure is based on three layers: infrastructure, application and domain.

Getting started

The repository provides a compiled version of gradle called gradlew (for unix) and gradle.bat (for windows users). Use it to compile, test and run the application.

Depending on the operating system used, the following error may appear when running gradlew: /usr/bin/env: ‘sh\r’: No such file or directory. This error appears when there is windows line endings instead of unix line endings. There are many tools available to solve this problem. I recommend using the tool dos2unix (sudo apt-get install dos2unix; dos2unix gradlew).

How to run

Using Docker

A pre-compiled version is provided by DockerHub: marceldape/code-challenge-kt-spring

docker run -d -p 8080:8080 --name code-challenge-kt-spring marceldape/code-challenge-kt-spring:latest

Note: all the images are build by the CI pipeline.

From CLI:

From the root directory, grant execute permission for gradlew (chmod +x gradlew)

./gradlew bootRun

How to test

This project has an extreme high level of testing, from unit tests to acceptance tests covering all three layers.

./gradlew test

API Documentation

This microservice exposes two endpoints:

GET Companies Endpoint

Provide three random stock symbol (aka ticker) that provides from the InMemoryCompaniesRepository.


GET Stocks Endpoint

Provide information about the company and their value for a certain interval from the third party Yahoo! Finances.



  • STOCK_SYMBOL is the ticker of the company. Example: AAPL for Apple, AMZN for Amazon, etc...
  • INTERVAL defines the price in relation to a time interval. Must be: daily, weekly or monthly


Interact with the API via browser, curl or postman.

By curl: In order to get information on the APPLE company and its weekly value

# Get three tickers
curl http://localhost:8080/api/v1/companies
# Get info about AAPL (apple) stock and their weekly value
curl http://localhost:8080/api/v1/stocks/AAPL?interval=weekly

By Postman: You can import the postman collection Fintech-code-challenge-kt-spring.postman_collection.json from the repository which shows two examples of requests

Continuous integration

This project ensure the code quality of the new features using the continuous integration pipeline ( See ci.yaml) run by GitHub Actions. The pipeline will:

  • Compile
  • Test
  • Build Docker image
  • Push Docker image to DockerHub


A microservice that interacts and fetches information about the most important companies of the world






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