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API Events

A list of events and examples are provided below.

This event will be fired before a field is created. You can cancel it to prevent the player from creating a field.

  • getPlayer() will return the Player who placed the Field block.
  • getFieldSettings() will return the settings of the Field trying to be created.
  • setFieldSettings(FieldSettings) will let you change the actual Field Settings.
  • getBlock() will return you the Field block.
  • setCancelled(boolean) will let you cancel the event.

Example: Prevent xtomyserrax from creating a field

public void onFieldPreCreation(FieldPreCreationEvent e) {
    Player player = e.getPlayer();
    String name = player.getName();
    if(name.equals("xtomyserrax")) {

API Methods

It is fairly easy to hook into PreciousStones. Just add the jar into your project as an external jar and add the import '''net.sacredlabyrinth.Phaed.PreciousStones.PreciousStones'''

You can access the api statically PreciousStones.API(). Alternatively if you want access to the inner workings you can hook into all managers using PreciousStones.getInstance(), though this is not recommended.

Here are the methods available through the API:

 * If the block can be placed in the location
 * @param player the player attempting the placement of the block
 * @param location the location where the block is being placed
 * @return whether it can be placed in the location or not
boolean canPlace(Player player, Location location);

 * If the specific block can be broken
 * @param player the player attempting the destruction of the block
 * @param location the location of the block in question
 * @return whether it can be broken or not
boolean canBreak(Player player, Location location);

 * Whether the block is a field block or an unprotectable block. these blocks are stored on the database,
 * thus cannot be removed or have their types changed without causing inconsistencies in the plugin.
 * @param location the location of the block in question
 * @return whether it is a pstone
boolean isPStone(Location location);

 * If a field with the specified flag is currently protecting the area
 * @param flag the flag that is protecting the area (use FieldFlag.ALL to target any flag)
 * @param location the location that is being protected
 * @return whether a field with the specified flag is protecting the area
boolean isFieldProtectingArea(FieldFlag flag, Location location);

 * Returns the fields with the specified flag that are currently protecting the area
 * @param flag the flag that is protecting the area (use FieldFlag.ALL to target any flag)
 * @param location the location that is being protected
 * @return the fields with the specified flag that are protecting the area
List<Field> getFieldsProtectingArea(FieldFlag flag, Location location);

 * Whether the flag applies to the player on that specific location.
 * i.e.:
 * if you pass in FieldFlag.PREVENT_ENTRY, it will tell you if the flag prevents the player from entering the field
 * if you pass in FieldFlag.HEAL, it will tell you if the flag heals the player
 * if you pass in FieldFlag.PREVENT_PLACE, it will tell you if the flag prevents the player from placing
 * if you pass in FieldFlag.LAUNCHER, it will tell you if the flag will launch the player
 * This takes into account who the flag applies to by default (allowed or non-allowed players) and any modification
 * flags that are in used in the field (apply-to-reverse, apply-to-all)
 * @param player the player who will be affected by the flag
 * @param flag the flag that you want to test against
 * @param location the location you want to test against
 * @return whether th eflag applies to the player
boolean flagAppliesToPlayer(Player player, FieldFlag flag, Location location);

 * Returns a count of fields the player has placed
 * @param player the player whose fields you want counted
 * @param flag the flag that will identify the field.  Use FieldFlag.ALL to count all of his fields
 * @return the number of fields this player has placed
int getPlayerFieldCount(Player player, FieldFlag flag);

 * Returns all of the fields the player has placed
 * @param player the player whose fields you want
 * @param flag   the flag that will identify the field.  Use FieldFlag.ALL to count all of his fields
 * @return a list of fields the player placed, it is never null.  If the player has not placed any fields it will be empty
List<Field> getPlayerFields(Player player, FieldFlag flag);