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Creepts - Decentralized Tower Defense Game


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Getting Started


  • Docker
  • docker-compose
  • node 12.x
  • yarn
  • jinja2


Make sure to include the submodules:

git clone --recurse-submodules ssh://

or using the http address:

git clone --recurse-submodules


To run execute:

% docker build . -t cartesi/creepts
% yarn
% rm deploy_done
% jinja2 -D num_players=2 docker-compose-template.yml | docker-compose -f - up --build

To run with geth instead of ganache:

% docker build . -t cartesi/creepts
% yarn
% rm deploy_done
% jinja2 -D num_players=2 docker-compose-template-geth.yml | docker-compose -f - up --build

To shutdown:

% jinja2 -D num_players=2 docker-compose-template.yml | docker-compose -f - down -v

You can follow the output of a docker instance with:

% docker logs -f [name of the instance]

This will run an environment connected to a private net (ganache or geth), with no tournaments deployed. To deploy a new tournament you need to run the instantiate_tournament.js truffle script. To do this you need to have truffle installed, and run:

% truffle exec instantiate_tournaments.js --network development --level 0 --commit-duration 50 --reveal-duration 200 --round-duration 50

    -l, --level <level>: Level number [0-7]
    --commit-duration <duration>: Duration in seconds of commit phase
    --reveal-duration <duration>: Duration in seconds of reveal phase
    --round-duration <duration>: Duration in seconds of round phase

This will print something like this:

Using network 'development'.

Creating tournament for level 0 with commit duration of 200 seconds
MatchManagerInstantiator => 0x3068E180Cb7440f0E01F2d6EEa1aA0E146A619F8
RevealInstantiator => 0x70836Bd7fbF1a13fD83396A9638b40088189A978
Step => 0xAAa6B33bDeD121609835aD13f88018564FbbA7D3
DApp => 0x5A3E31d6855810E2fe8FE5135B6d086837fCEC88
Tournament created: 0xa7a7e33a72435916ce2e3643dacccb101af362de8cfe0d5b27ba4acd2df60b24

This new tournament will be created in commit phase. To simulate a post of a log to this tournament you need a file in hand, and call the dispatcher by using the script.

% ./ localhost:3001 dapp_data_0/
Committing log hash: fe7a808b870492a94337d0c3682a3030029d9f479a93c2b2d162f79638850d01 to dispatcher: localhost:3001...

After the environment is running, open http://localhost:8090 to open the game UI.

Running on Testnet

Cartesi will provided a docker image called cartesi/creepts-onchain with references to pre-deployed contracts to the testnets ropsten, kovan, rinkeby and matic_testnet. So in order to run the cartesi node on your machine you need to create an ethereum wallet, put some funds on it, then create an Infura application for your node. Define two environment variables: MNEMONIC with your 12-words account mnemonic (between quotes), and WEB3_PROVIDER_URI with the wss endpoint of your Infura application, then run docker-compose.

% export MNEMONIC="<mnemonic>"
% export WEB3_PROVIDER_URI=wss://<infura_id>
% docker-compose up

Wait for the environment to be up, and open a brower at http://localhost:8090

In order to shutdown the environment hit CTRL-C to detach and bring the containers down using the command below. Keep in mind that in order to defend your score against your opponents you should keep your node running until the end of the tournament.

% docker-compose down -v

If you want to deploy your own contracts you can build a docker image by doing the following command:

docker build . -t cartesi/creepts-onchain -f Dockerfile.onchain --build-arg MNEMONIC="<mnemonic>" --build-arg PROJECT_ID=<infura_project_id>


Thank you for your interest in Cartesi! Head over to our Contributing Guidelines for instructions on how to sign our Contributors Agreement and get started with Cartesi!

Please note we have a Code of Conduct, please follow it in all your interactions with the project.


Note: This component currently has dependencies that are licensed under the GNU GPL, version 3, and so you should treat this component as a whole as being under the GPL version 3. But all Cartesi-written code in this component is licensed under the Apache License, version 2, or a compatible permissive license, and can be used independently under the Apache v2 license. After this component is rewritten, the entire component will be released under the Apache v2 license. The arbitration d-lib repository and all contributions are licensed under GPL 3. Please review our COPYING file.


Creepts - Decentralized Tower Defense Game



Code of conduct





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  • Rust 53.3%
  • JavaScript 23.5%
  • Shell 12.6%
  • Dockerfile 8.7%
  • JSONiq 1.9%