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Installation and Configuration for cfgov-refresh

There are two ways to install:

Vagrant-box installation

1. Environment variables setup

The project uses a number of environment variables. The script will create a .env file for you from the .env_SAMPLE file found in the repository, if you don't already have one.

Inside the .env file you can customize the project environment configuration.

If you would like to manually copy the environment settings, copy the .env_SAMPLE file and un-comment each variable after adding your own values.

cp -a .env_SAMPLE .env && open -t .env

Then load the environment variables with:

. ./.env

2. Fetch extra playbooks

The project pulls together various open source and closed source plays. The plays are managed through ansible-galaxy, a core module for this exact purpose. To download all the dependencies, use this command:

ansible-galaxy install -r ansible/requirements.yml

3. Launch Vagrant virtual environment

The project uses Vagrant to create the simulated virtual environment allowing the developer to work on a production-like environment while maintaining development work on the local machine. To create this virtual environment, you need to execute the following command.

vagrant up

NOTE: Please be patient the first time you run this step.

4. Front-end Tools

In order to run the application, we must generate the front-end assets. After running the following commands, visit http://localhost:8001 to see the site running. You can also place the first two export commands into your .bashrc to simplify things later.

export CFGOV_HOME=path/to/cfgov-refresh
cfgov init
cfgov assets
cfgov django start

Stand-alone installation

1. Back-end setup

Virtualenv & Virtualenvwrapper Python modules

Install Virtualenv and virtualenvwrapper to create a local environment for your server:

pip install virtualenv virtualenvwrapper

Autoenv module

Install Autoenv however you’d like. (We use Homebrew):


brew install autoenv

After installation, Homebrew will output instructions similar to:

To finish the installation, source in your shell:
  source /Users/[YOUR MAC OSX USERNAME]/homebrew/opt/autoenv/

Any time you run the project you’ll need to run that last line. If you’ll be working with the project consistently, we suggest adding it to your bash profile by running:

echo 'source /Users/[YOUR MAC OSX USERNAME]/homebrew/opt/autoenv/' >> ~/.bash_profile

If you need to find this info again later, you can run:

brew info autoenv

NOTE: If you use ZSH you’ll need to use zsh-autoenv, but we can’t provide support for issues that may arise.


Install Elasticsearch however you’d like. (We use Homebrew):

brew install elasticsearch

Just as with autoenv, Homebrew will output similar instructions after installation:

To have launchd start elasticsearch at login:
    ln -sfv /Users/[YOUR MAC OSX USERNAME]/homebrew/opt/elasticsearch/*.plist ~/Library/LaunchAgents
Then to load elasticsearch now:
    launchctl load ~/Library/LaunchAgents/homebrew.mxcl.elasticsearch.plist
Or, if you don’t want/need launchctl, you can just run:
    elasticsearch --config=/Users/[YOUR MAC OSX USERNAME]/homebrew/opt/elasticsearch/config/elasticsearch.yml

Any time you work on the project, you’ll need to open a new tab and run that last line. If you’ll be working on the project consistently, we suggest using the first option utilizing launchd.

If you need to find this info again later, you can run:

brew info elasticsearch

MYSQL Database

Start MYSQL with the following command:

mysql.server start

Then run the MYSQL creation script from project root directory:


If you would like to have a custom database setup then you can pass in the necessary arguments:

./ <dbname> <username> <password>

NOTE: Be sure to update your local settings in cfgov/cfgov/settings/ to account for these changes.

If something goes wrong and you'd like to delete the database and start again, you can do so with:

mysql v1 -u root -p -e 'drop database v1;'

Virtual Environment

In the project root directory, create a virtualenv that you’ll name cfgov-refresh:

mkvirtualenv cfgov-refresh

The new virtualenv will activate right away. To activate it later on (say, in a new terminal session) use the command workon cfgov-refresh. You’ll know you have a virtual environment activated if you see the name of it in parentheses before your terminal prompt. Ex:



Install the following GovDelivery dependencies into your virtual environment:

pip install git+git://
pip install git+git://

NOTE: GovDelivery is a third-party web service that powers our subscription forms. Users may decide to swap this tool out for another third-party service. The application will throw an error if the GovDelivery environment variables are not set in the Project Configuration.

2. Front-end setup

The cfgov-refresh front-end currently uses the following frameworks / tools:

  • Gulp: task management for pulling in assets, linting and concatenating code, etc.
  • Bower: Package manager for front-end dependencies.
  • Less: CSS pre-processor.
  • Capital Framework: User interface pattern-library produced by the CFPB.

NOTE: If you’re new to Capital Framework, we encourage you to start here.

  1. Install Node.js however you’d like.
  2. Install Gulp and Bower:
npm install -g gulp bower

3. Install dependencies

NOTE: Protractor (for the test suite) can be installed globally to avoid downloading Chromedriver repeatedly. To do so, run:

npm install -g protractor && webdriver-manager update

Next, install dependencies with:


NOTE: To re-install and rebuild all the site’s assets run ./ again. See the usage section updating all the project dependencies.

4. Project configuration

The project uses a number of environment variables. The script will create a .env file for you from the .env_SAMPLE file found in the repository, if you don't already have one.

Inside the .env file you can customize the project environment configuration.

If you would like to manually copy the environment settings, copy the .env_SAMPLE file and un-comment each variable after adding your own values.

cp -a .env_SAMPLE .env && open .env

Then load the environment variables with:

. ./.env

If you need to test this project without Autoenv, you can set each environment variable by directly setting its value from the command-line with:


5. Usage

Continue following the Usage instructions in the README.