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  1. Download PDF "Breaking_Pakistani_Indian_Cyber_Infrastructure_using_Panthera".
  2. It deals intermediate level of breaking into Pakistani & Indian cyber infrastructure for DNS to steal, spoof and ddos.
  3. Created to know statisics of affected systems in Pakistan and India specifically for educational and informational purpose only.




  1. Advanced Dns hack software
  2. This is a protection software by hacking and revealing full information it can


  1. Panthera written in Python, Perl, Bash, Awk, Sed combined with power of native applications metasploit, nmap, unix utils

What is Panthera?

  1. Panthera is a collection of scripts and codings in Perl and Python for all DNS related attacks
  2. Panthera is also designed to enumerate DNS and DNS pointing Sub Domains with websites using OSINT rather waiting for apis. Panthera have built in file list which is collected from top sources like Google, Yahoo, Bing, Baidu, and Ask, Netcraft, Virustotal, ThreatCrowd, DNSdumpster, Robtex, ReverseDNS, etc and only naming a few.
  3. It eliminate duplicates, shows only common names found on actual domains rather wasting time and also gives recorded results of DNS pointed Sub Domains which could be wildcard alterted.
  4. Panther can perform DNS banner grabbing
  5. Panthera gives 100% accurate results.
  6. Panthera can give third party visited requests from Dns
  7. Panthera can give Dns Zone Transfers, AXFR
  8. Panthera can give you Dns Txt and Dns spoofing information
  9. Panthera can perform cache, recursion of DNS
  10. Panthera can perform DNS pointing to Sub Domains
  11. Panthera can point wild card enteries domain using DNS brute
  12. Panthera can perform DDOS using Dns spoofed packets to victim causing amplification and load on victim
  13. Panthera have Dns cache poisoning capability for powerful web spoofing
  14. Panthera have ability to scan CNAME and Aliases, in net block to expose domain hijack vulnerabilities in seconds

How requests are handled?

  1. Web requests are automatically handled by Perl modules.
  2. Web requests are automatically handled by Python modules.
  3. Web requests are automatically handled by Bash, Awk and Sed scripting modules.

How DNS requests are handled?

  1. The tool is designed to listen on TCP or UDP ports (default is port 53) for incoming requests and forward those requests when necessary to deal with real DNS server over UDP.
  2. Scappy can handle DNS queries automatically and more accurately
  3. This tool can ONLY be used as domain name records forge


  1. In your terminal, git clone
  2. Best path would be /root/Downloads/panthera as paths are set to this folder
  3. Perl: "perl -MCPAN -e shell", then, "install LWP::Simple", then, "install Term::ANSIColor"
  4. Python: pypi(dot)python(dot)org/pypi/setuptools then type, "easy_install pip" then, "pip install scapy"
  5. Make .sh scripts in Panthera world readable and write able by chmod 755 filename or chmod +x filename option


  1. Panthera needs Kali
  2. Panthera needs Perl
  3. Panthera needs Python
  4. Panthera use Nmap
  5. Panthera use Metasploit
  6. Panthera use Bash scripting
  7. Panthera use Awk scripting
  8. Panthera use Sed scripting



Advanced Dns hack software


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