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marcoemorais committed May 21, 2012
0 parents commit 44abb9c
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Showing 2 changed files with 109 additions and 0 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions README
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A simulation of the Monty Hall problem in python.
108 changes: 108 additions & 0 deletions
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python

import random

class MontyHall:
"Simulate a game in the Monty Hall problem."

def __init__(self):
self.rng = random.Random()

def setupDoorPermutations(self):
"Permutations of goat1, goat2, and car used in the game."
self.doorPermutations = (
('goat1', 'goat2', 'car'),
('goat1', 'car', 'goat2'),
('goat2', 'goat1', 'car'),
('goat2', 'car', 'goat1'),
('car', 'goat1', 'goat2'),
('car', 'goat2', 'goat1')

def setupDoors(self):
"Setup the doors containing the goats and car."
# use random number generator to pick one of the door permutations
rand_door_permutation = self.rng.randint(0,5)
self.doors = self.doorPermutations[rand_door_permutation]

def door(self, ind):
"Return a door number given an index."
return ind+1

def ind(self, door):
"Return an index given a door number."
return door-1

def isWinner(self, door):
"Return true when the player has won the game."
return self.doors[self.ind(door)] == 'car'

def winningDoor(self):
"Return the door number containing the car."
return self.door( self.doors.index('car') )

def switchDoor(self, door):
"Switch the door selected by the player."
if self.isWinner(door):
# since the user is switching away from the winning door,
# randomly choose between one of the two available goats
choices = [ (2,3), (1,3), (1,2) ]
choose = choices[self.ind(door)]
# use random number generator to pick one of the door choices
rand_choice = self.rng.randint(0,1)
door = choose[rand_choice]
# the host will never show the door containing the car,
# so the user will always select the door containing the car
door = self.winningDoor()
return door

def game(self, door, switch_door):
"Play a single game and return the outcome."
if switch_door:
door = self.switchDoor(door)
return self.isWinner(door)

def randDoor(self):
"Help the user by picking a random door to start."
return self.rng.randint(1,3)

def pcnt(num, denom, scale=100.0):
"Return number as percent from [0.0, scale]"
return num*scale/denom

def main():
switch_door = True
games = 10000
monty_hall = MontyHall()
outcomes = [None] * games # history of game outcomes
picked = [None] * games # history of doors picked by user
winning = [None] * games # history of winning door
verbose = True

for g in range(games):
# use random number generator to pick a door (not strictly necessary)
door = monty_hall.randDoor()
outcomes[g] =, switch_door)
if verbose:
picked[g] = door
winning[g] = monty_hall.winningDoor()

won = sum(outcomes)
lost = games - won
print('games\n count=%-5d\n won=%-5d(%3.1f)\n lost=%-5d(%3.1f)' %
(games, won, pcnt(won,games), lost, pcnt(lost,games)))

if verbose:
reports = [ ('picked', picked), ('winning', winning) ]
for name,raw in reports:
counts = [raw.count(door) for door in range(1,4)]
pcnts = [pcnt(count, games) for count in counts]
print('%s\n door1=%-5d(%3.1f)\n door2=%-5d(%3.1f)\n door3=%-5d(%3.1f)' %
(name, counts[0], pcnts[0], counts[1], pcnts[1], counts[2], pcnts[2]))

if __name__ == '__main__':

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