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Installation via QNAP (Console)

Marco Raddatz edited this page Mar 19, 2018 · 2 revisions
  1. Put package.json, and config.json files to a shared folder in your NAS. (for example, my path is /share/homes/admin/Docker/homebridge/)

  2. Go to ControlPanel > [Network & File Services sections] > Telnet/ SSH Make sure your NAS ssh is open and you know the port number. (for example, my NAS IP is: port: 22)

  3. Open a terminal, link to your nas via ssh. (For windows users, you may need Putty)

$ ssh -p 22 admin@
admin@'s password: <type your account password, it will not shown>
  1. there is either or two method, choose it you like.

4A. Run it using docker run command

Use docker command for start the homebridge

[~] # docker run -d --restart=always --net=host -p 51826:51826 -v /share/homes/admin/Docker/homebridge:/root/.homebridge marcoraddatz/homebridge:latest
  • Port 51826 is a port defined in config.json, you can edit it and change that.
  • Path /share/homes/admin/Docker/homebridge is the physical path of your NAS.
  • Path /root/.homebridge is a path in container.

Then, you will see a new running container in Container Station web interface.

4B. Setup using docker-compose

Create a new plain text file named docker-compose.yml in the same folder.

[~] # cd /share/homes/admin/Docker/
[/share/homes/admin/Docker/homebridge] # vi docker-compose.yml

the contents is

version: '2'
    image: marcoraddatz/homebridge:latest
    restart: always
    network_mode: host
      - "51826:51826"
      - /share/homes/admin/Docker/homebridge:/root/.homebridge

then using the command to start

[/share/homes/admin/Docker/homebridge] # docker-compose up -d

when you to want to stop container, using this command

[/share/homes/admin/Docker/homebridge] # docker-compose down

it will stop container and remove that.

also, you can hand over to Container Station web interface do the remaining stuff.

Many thanks to j796160836!

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