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A Reactive Node server (with frontend and universal/common compnents)

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(Previously named RxJS Server. Some old usage of that name might ReMain.) Since the restructure to three projects, I need to re-enable the services. Right now, the chat is up, but CI-services are down for a while longer.

A websocket server built around RxJS. The project goal is to make a proof of concept of a well-structured medium-sized micro services cluster. No frameworks were hurt nor installed during the making of this project.

  • Docker will be used to help with infrastructure.
  • AWS will be used as the cloud host.
  • JSDoc for generating documentation.
  • Testing will be done with node-tap.


  • You should have docker installed. But you can do without.
  • If running on non-docker host, set all env vars needed. See .docker-env for needed settings or tests at app/config/index.test.js.


  • For docker: npm run docker:up .
  • Local host: npm install .


Since this project is backend only, here's some of the starting points.

  • npm run tw will run complete test-suite and restart when files change.
  • npm run test:cover for test coverage.
  • npm run jsdoc to rebuild the docs.
  • npm run docker:up for docker-compose setup and run.
  • npm start will test your config, and then start the app.
  • npm run eslint will lint your code. You should really use a plugin to your IDE instead.
  • npm run to list all commands.

File structure

  • app/
    • Creates and runs the server.
    • server/
    • Sets up the http server, websocket server and sets up the event streams components.
    • config/
      • Reads the env vars with the app prefix.
    • components/
      • All the middleware component for the app.
        • interactions
          • Contains the atomic actions and event streams. The events object also contains a merged event$Collection object.
        • repository
          • Holds the Reduced state. Can be used for initializing a starting value.
    • helpers/


Unit tests are written inside the unit to make the units atomic.

Only use require on the top level of each module/component as to avoid side-effects between tests.

Contain all dynamic code in factories/#create-functions so code can be unit tested in isolation.

Design patterns

This project tries to minimize the API surface by not using large frameworks. Tools that can be replaced by a small amount of custom code will not be used for the same reason.


  • does not conform to the above rule due to limitations in my understanding of implementing a websocket server from the net module.
  • RxJS could be replaced by CSP channels written with generators. Google suggestion: "kyle simpson csp".

All components will export a create factory function. This makes testing easier and lessens the side effects of node modules being singletons.

Only the root level files (usually index.js) require modules. Child modules get them sent in as arguments to the create factory function.

Functions that depend on variables in the parent scope should also use a create factory function by creating an isolated parent scope. This makes it easier to reason about what variables are accessed in the parent scope.


  • Cycle.js with great docs and heavy usage of RxJS is the main source of inspiration.
  • Interactions (actions and events) comes from the MVI-pattern Intent part as seen in cycle.js docs.
  • Repositories were inspired by Redux, but named after a Microsoft pattern.
  • The dependency injection were inspired by angular and Microsoft, although it's not the DI pattern but just simple argument passing.
  • File structure were inspired by google's suggestion on AngularJS 1.x file structure.
  • Testing tools were inspired by Eric Elliot's blogs.
  • Config solution was inspired by the npm package dotenv.


First read the Then follow the instructions in

// TODO:

  • Make issues for the todos.
  • Complete jsdoc for stable parts.
  • Make a client.
  • Move server app into a subfolder to make room for more sibling services.
    • Add a rabbitMQ or redis service.
    • Add a graph database (Neo4j).
  • Deploy to AWS ESC. Check if it suits with docker-machine deploy.
  • Add free CI service. [DONE]
  • Add a github static project page.
  • Add .
  • Add .
  • Add info of .
  • Read RxJS docs to understand exactly when data flows from subject to subscriber.
  • Add https wss support with openssl.
  • Get deepEquals assertion with strict equals. Node-tap seem to use == instead of ===.
  • Include a hash of the previous event data to secure badly inserted data.
  • Unsubscribe and dispose of assets.
  • Fix ./app/**/**/**/**/*.test.js in test script. Nothing wrong with stars, but enough already!


A websocket server built around RxJS.


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