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Initial Release

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@marcussacana marcussacana released this 25 Dec 05:45
· 5 commits to master since this release

Merry Christmas!

It is with great enthusiasm that I am today releasing OrbisGL in its initial version. This "Homebrew Template" is a simplified version that includes the necessary binaries for compilation on Windows, excluding Visual Studio. This means that all you need to create your PS4 homebrew now is to have Visual Studio installed and this file extracted to a location of your preference.

To make it work, you need to launch the "Developer Command Prompt for VS 2022" and within the extracted template folder, execute one of the following commands:

  • Build-Windows debug
    • Compiles a pkg build for debugging. When launching the application, it will freeze until the debugger is connected to port 2222.
  • Build-Windows release
    • Compiles a pkg build for publication.
  • Build-Windows remote_debug
    • Compiles a project build for remote debugging through itemzflow. An NFSv3 server will be initiated, and you need to configure itemzflow to connect. Upon launching the application, it will also wait for a debugger connection on the same port 2222.
  • Build-Windows clear
    • Clears compilation residues from the folder.

PS: The commands are case-sensetive so take care!