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Refactor the code, create documentation to code, and update tests (#43)
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* chore(.gitignore): add ignore rules for database configuration files in migrations and instance directories
test( refactor test cases to use unittest.TestCase and improve readability
test( add test case to confirm if blueprints were registered
test( add test case to verify if there are no duplicate blueprints registered
test( add test case to check if all registered routes are present
test( add test case to check if all registered endpoints are present
test( add test case to count the number of HTTP verbs registered for routes

* fix( remove unused property 'endpoints' to improve code readability and maintainability
fix( remove unused property 'blueprints' to improve code readability and maintainability
refactor( simplify test_when_blueprints_have_been_registered by directly comparing expected blueprints with actual blueprints
refactor( simplify test_when_not_exists_registered_blueprints by directly comparing expected blueprints with actual blueprints
refactor( simplify test_when_endpoints_have_been_registered by directly comparing expected endpoints with actual endpoints
refactor( simplify test_when_methods_have_been_registered by directly comparing expected methods with actual methods

* chore(version): update package version from 2.5.0 to 2.7.0
test( add unit test to verify the updated package version is correct

* feat(tests): add file for test fixtures and client setup
refactor(tests): remove file as it is no longer needed
feat(tests): add file for testing message endpoints
refactor(tests): remove file as it is no longer needed

* chore(makefile): update test command in makefile to use pytest instead of ward for consistency with other projects
chore(makefile): update format command in makefile to use line length limit of 89 characters instead of 79 characters for consistency with other projects
chore(makefile): update check command in makefile to use line length limit of 89 characters instead of 79 characters for consistency with other projects
chore(pyproject.toml): add flask-sqlalchemy and pytest as dev dependencies for the project

* test( refactor test methods to improve readability and maintainability
test( add assertions to verify that the expected blueprints have been registered
test( add assertions to verify that the expected routes have been registered
test( add assertions to verify that the expected endpoints have been registered

* feat( add Router class for managing routes in a web application

The Router class provides methods to define and manage different HTTP routes (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE) for the application's controllers and actions. It includes the following methods:

- `_method_route()`: Private method that organizes routes by HTTP method.
- `namespace(name: str)`: Static method to create a namespace for routes.
- `get(path: str, resource: str)`: Static method to define a GET route.
- `post(path: str, resource: str)`: Static method to define a POST route.
- `put(path: str, resource: str)`: Static method to define a PUT route.
- `delete(path: str, resource: str)`: Static method to define a DELETE route.
- `all(resource: str, only=None, base_path="")`: Static method to define routes for all standard RESTful actions for a resource.
- `_add_routes(name, actions, base_path)`: Private method to add routes for specified actions under a given name and base path.

fix( remove empty line

* test( add tests for checking if blueprints have been registered and if messages routes and endpoints have been registered
test( add tests for checking the number of registered routes and their methods
test( delete unused test file

* chore( remove unused route definition for "user" endpoint
chore( uncomment and refactor browser fixture to use test_client() and properly handle database session
feat( add tests for updating and deleting messages using PUT HTTP method
chore( remove assertion for "user" blueprint in test_when_blueprints_have_been_registered() test

* chore(tests): remove outdated version test file
test( update version test to use the correct version number

* test( remove unnecessary blank line to improve code readability
test( remove unnecessary blank line to improve code readability

* fix( fix import statement for http_method_override middleware module
feat( add HTTPMethodOverrideMiddleware and CustomRequest classes to handle HTTP method override functionality

* fix( refactor update method to handle both JSON and form data for updating message title
test( add tests for creating and updating a message using direct requests

* chore( remove unused methods and add new method to improve code organization and readability
chore( remove unused file to improve code organization and maintainability
chore( comment out unused routes to improve code organization and maintainability
test(messages_endpoint_test add tests to ensure proper registration of messages endpoints
test( add tests to ensure proper registration of routes and methods count

* chore: bump version to 2.7.1

Bump the version from 2.7.0 to 2.7.1 in, pyproject.toml, and to reflect the latest changes and improvements in the mvc-flask project.
  • Loading branch information
marcuxyz committed Nov 12, 2023
1 parent 3088c94 commit d1262ef
Show file tree
Hide file tree
Showing 21 changed files with 347 additions and 353 deletions.
6 changes: 5 additions & 1 deletion .gitignore
Expand Up @@ -2,4 +2,8 @@

# Ignore configuration of database
8 changes: 4 additions & 4 deletions makefile
@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
.PHONY: test
FLAKS_ENV=testing ward
FLAKS_ENV=testing pytest -vvv

.PHONY: format
@black . -l 79
@black . -l 89

.PHONY: check
@black . -l 79 --check
@black . -l 89 --check

6 changes: 2 additions & 4 deletions mvc_flask/
Expand Up @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
from flask.blueprints import Blueprint

from .router import Router
from .middleware.http_method_override import (
from .middlewares.http_method_override import (
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -33,9 +33,7 @@ def register_blueprint(self, app: Flask):
controller = route[0]
blueprint = Blueprint(controller, controller)

obj = import_module(
obj = import_module(f"{self.path}.controllers.{controller}_controller")
view_func = getattr(obj, f"{controller.title()}Controller")

self.hook.register(view_func, blueprint)
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion mvc_flask/
@@ -1 +1 @@
__version__ = "2.5.0"
__version__ = "2.7.1"
111 changes: 102 additions & 9 deletions mvc_flask/
Expand Up @@ -6,10 +6,49 @@

class Router:
Router class for managing routes in a web application.
This class provides methods to define and manage different HTTP routes
(GET, POST, PUT, DELETE) for the application's controllers and actions.
ROUTES (list): A class-level list that stores all the routes registered
with their respective HTTP methods, paths, controllers,
and actions.
_method_route(): Private method that organizes routes by HTTP method.
namespace(name: str): Static method to create a namespace for routes.
get(path: str, resource: str): Static method to define a GET route.
post(path: str, resource: str): Static method to define a POST route.
put(path: str, resource: str): Static method to define a PUT route.
delete(path: str, resource: str): Static method to define a DELETE route.
all(resource: str, only=None, base_path=""): Static method to define routes for all
standard RESTful actions for a resource.
_add_routes(name, actions, base_path): Private method to add routes for specified
actions under a given name and base path.


def _method_route():
Organizes routes by HTTP method.
dict: A dictionary where each key is an HTTP method and the value is a list
of routes associated with that method.

routes = {}

for route in Router.ROUTES:
Expand All @@ -23,38 +62,83 @@ def _method_route():

def namespace(name: str):
Creates a namespace for routes.
name (str): The name of the namespace.
Namespace: An instance of Namespace associated with the given name.

return Namespace(name, Router)

def get(path: str, resource: str):
Defines a GET route.
path (str): URL path for the route.
resource (str): The 'controller#action' string specifying the controller and action.

controller, action = resource.split("#")
{controller: Model(["GET"], path, controller, action)}
Router.ROUTES.append({controller: Model(["GET"], path, controller, action)})

def post(path: str, resource: str):
Defines a POST route.
path (str): URL path for the route.
resource (str): The 'controller#action' string specifying the controller and action.

controller, action = resource.split("#")
{controller: Model(["POST"], path, controller, action)}
Router.ROUTES.append({controller: Model(["POST"], path, controller, action)})

def put(path: str, resource: str):
Defines a PUT route.
path (str): URL path for the route.
resource (str): The 'controller#action' string specifying the controller and action.

controller, action = resource.split("#")
{controller: Model(["PUT", "PATCH"], path, controller, action)},

def delete(path: str, resource: str):
Defines a DELETE route.
path (str): URL path for the route.
resource (str): The 'controller#action' string specifying the controller and action.

controller, action = resource.split("#")
{controller: Model(["DELETE"], path, controller, action)}
Router.ROUTES.append({controller: Model(["DELETE"], path, controller, action)})

def all(resource: str, only=None, base_path=""):
Defines routes for all standard RESTful actions for a resource.
resource (str): The name of the resource.
only (str or None): A space-separated string of actions to limit the routes to.
base_path (str): The base path to prepend to the resource path.

group = [
Expand All @@ -69,6 +153,15 @@ def all(resource: str, only=None, base_path=""):

def _add_routes(name, actions, base_path):
Adds routes for specified actions under a given name and base path.
name (str): The name of the resource.
actions (list): A list of actions to create routes for.
base_path (str): The base path to prepend to the resource path.

groups = {
"index": "get",
"new": "get",
Expand Down

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