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Code and plotting scripts for the paper

Thomas Bläsius, Maximilian Katzmann and Marcus Wilhelm: Partitioning the Bags of a Tree Decomposition Into Cliques.

This repository contains all code and evaluation scripts to reproduce our experiments. Below, we explain how to run our experiments using Docker (most convenient) or locally.

Running with pre-build docker image

Running the container

Use the following commands to download Docker image.


Afterwards, load the image and run it…

cd cptw

… and enter the container:


If you are running on a server and might want to log out while the experiments are running, consider running the last command in a tmux or screen session.

Running the experiments

Inside the container, we first have to download a dataset of networks and some fonts, by executing the following command.


Next, we run the experiments (this might take some time).


The results from the experiments are written to .csv files in ./output_data. We use


to run R script generating the plots used in the paper as well as some additional plots.

Afterwards, we log out and stop the container:


The results should now be in ./data/.

Running experiments natively


  • Clone repository recursively
  • Build girgs, findminhs, and htd submodules according to instructions in submodules
  • Download networks using ./
  • Install Python dependencies:
    • Run:
    • igraph
    • numpy
    • pandas
    • argh
    • pytest (for testing)

Running experiments

Experiments are defined in and experiment results are written to ./output_data. If results are already present in ./output_data, the corresponding experiments are skipped. The script can be used to remove the results already present in this repository.

To run all experiments, execute ./

To run a specific experiment (e.g. girg_scaling) execute python girg_scaling and then python post.


Plotting scripts are under plotting, can be called using Rscript <script_name.R> and write the resulting PDFs into the directory ./output.pdf.

To run all plotting scripts, execute ./

Explanation / Experiment Setup

The experiments are run using a run configuration specified in Calling python shows a list of all defined experiments, structured into groups exp_rw, girg, etc. The experiments in exp_rw are running on the real-world networks downloaded into ./input_data/ using ./ Individual experiments can be run using python exp_rw or python girg_flc.

The output of an experiment name is written to ./output_data/name/. For plotting, it is necessary, to merge all .csv-files in ./output_data/name/ to ./output_data/name.csv, using python run_experiments merge_name or to merge the files of all experiments python run_experiments post.

Typically, the output of an experiment consists of many .csv-files (e.g. one per real world network or one per girg parameter set) and if an experiment is aborted (e.g. by pressing CTRL+c) already written outputs will be kept. When re-running an experiment the previous progress will be recovered.

The plots are generated using the R script in ./plotting/. The file ./plotting/helper.R commonly used settings and imports and ./plotting/data_helper.R contains functions for reading the .csv-files created by the experiments. Individual plots are grouped into semantically named files like ./plotting/network_properties.R or ./plotting/scaling_plots.R.

Most experiments rely on the python modules under ./pftpy/. A general framework for the flexible definition of algorithmic experiments in contained in ./pftpy/actions and specific steps of our algorithm are contained in ./pftpy/graph_actions. In particular, the branch-and-bound solver is implemented in ./pftpy/graph_actions/ The framework allows to specify runs of the with varying flexible components, such as different inputs or different partitioning algorithms. For usage examples consider the following calls or browse through

python pftpy/ run -f "GraphInput:girg" "GirgGen(n=500,d=1,deg=10,seed=50771,ple=2.3,alpha=5.375)" \
"Algo:part_treedec" "HTD(seed=42,variant=minfill,timeout=300)" "Partition:branch" \
"PartitionBags(timeout=10)" "BranchingPartition(timeout=10)" "Output(printer=json)"

Here, the branch and bound solver is run on a girg and the output is given as json.

python pftpy/ run-all -f "GraphInput:girg" "GirgGen(n=500,d=1,deg=10,seed=50771,ple=2.3,alpha=5.375)" \
"Algo:part_treedec" "HTD(seed=42,variant=minfill,timeout=300)" "Partition:flc" "Partition:hs" \
"Partition:branch" "PartitionBags(timeout=10)" "BranchingPartition(timeout=10)" "Output(printer=csv)"

Here, multiple partition solvers are used (greedy, hitting set and branch-and-bound) and the result is printed as csv.