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SSD1306 library with font size addition

I have multiple SSD1306 OLED screens, connected to Raspberry Pi Pico / micro python through an I2C multiplexer TCA9548A, there are a lot of libraries on the net that have a font size change, but they either for Arduino or the font is only enlarged which looks not nice. I found one library on GitHub

BTW Hi kudos for the author, but when I needed to update the values on the screen it took a lot of time updating on the screen, which was almost 3 seconds to update 3 screens, so with the notes of I have worked out this library.


Currently, the installation is only manual, I will be working on the setup later.

This library is based on the Adafruit SSD1306 library, uninstall the Adafuit library if installed to save space:


make sure that mpremote is installed

pip install mpremote


Download the library as a zip file and extract it into you local drive copy the lib directory and recursive folder and file within it to your Raspberry PI Pico, using the following command.

mpremote cp -r lib/ :

To save space on Pico you can always delete Unused font sizes.

All other functions of Adafruit are still working. the only difference is that I don't have a color of text option.

PS: If the Raspberry Pi is connected through Thonny disconnect it first.

Using Library

Import the library

import ssd1306mp.ssd1306font as LCD

Initialize the lcd:

i2c = machine.I2C(0, sda=Pin(16), scl=Pin(17))
lcd = LCD.ssd1306font(width= 128, height = 64, i2c = i2c)

Send text :

lcd.text_fb(String, x, y, font_size)
# x,y top left position of the string
# font size (8, 16, 24, 32, 48, 64) all sizes are included in the library 

you can check the test file.

Using other fonts

I used free font which comes with PCtoLCD2002, but if you have any preferred font you can easily add your font to this library. you can download it from this repository:

you must edit options to be similar to this image:

PCtoLCD2002 options

Mode must be Column by Column
Custom must be (A51??) Custom checkbox is selected
    Prefix = !!
    Suffix = Empty
    Comment Prefix = "
    Comment Suffix = ",
    Data Prefix = 0x
    Data Suffic = ,
    Line Prefix = Empty
    Line Suffix = ,
    Line Tail = !!
Data per line ( doesn't matter)

Select Mode to be as character Mode (W):

PXtoLCD2002 Mode

Paste the following list for all printable letters


Paste in this field:


Select the font and Height:


Make sure that you can select a font height that can be divided by 8 otherwise, the tool will not work. you can play with pixel position and padding to get the letters to fit in the middle.

generate and save the text file in this format Ascii{font size}.txt use the function Convert_TXT2BIN(font_size) in to convert text file to bin format, save the font in lib\ssd1306font overwrite old files if needed.

upload the library again or add it by upload to command in thonny.


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