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How to create Specification

marektihkan edited this page Sep 13, 2010 · 1 revision


  1. Create new class to Core.(BoundedContext).Specifications
  2. Inherit this class from Arc.Domain.Specifications.BaseSpecification<T>
  3. Add expression to Predicate in constructor


  • Using Specification in query, it should be translatable to NHibernate criteria


namespace ExampleSolution.Core.Parties.Specifications
   public class NameContainsSpecification : BaseSpecification<Person>
       public NameContainsSpecification(string word)
           BuildPredicateFrom(x => x.FullName.Contains(word));

var person = new Person("My", "Name");
var containsMyNameInPersonFullName = new NameContainsSpecification("My Name").IsSatisfiedBy(person);