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Feedback Plugin for MariaDB Server Backend

This project is the back-end used to collect and show data from MariaDB Server's feedback plugin.

The software is licensed under GPLv2.

Running the project

The backend is written in Django. The recommended way to deploy the project is by using docker-compose.


The host machine only needs docker and docker-compose installed. Follow your distribution's instructions for docker and for docker-compose to install them.

Initial start-up

$ cd docker/
$ mkdir -p mariadb/confdir && mkdir -p mariadb/datadir && mkdir -p mariadb/tmpdir
$ sudo chown 999:999 mariadb/datadir mariadb/tmpdir
$ docker-compose up --build

The following set of commands will prepare the project for an optimal development workflow.

Running tests

First make sure the container stack is functional, by running docker ps. You should see the following entries:

84c2814a6500   docker-nginx   "nginx -g 'daemon of…"   26 hours ago   Up 26 hours>80/tcp, :::8000->80/tcp   feedback-nginx
c2d0bce78133   docker-web     "/app/ …"   26 hours ago   Up 26 hours                                           feedback-app
09e10ff5387a   docker-db      "docker-entrypoint.s…"   26 hours ago   Up 26 hours   3306/tcp                                feedback-db

Tests are run from within the web container. The command to run all unit tests is:

docker exec -it feedback-app python test

The server listens on port 8000 on the local machine. You can access it via:


The MariaDB Foundation welcomes contributions to this project. Feel free to submit a pull request via the regular GitHub workflow.

For a more in-depth code documentation, have a look at


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