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A HTML helper written in PHP to create a html table. Written for Anax-MVC.
First version includes the class SimpleHTMLTable.php and an example file in webroot folder, simplehtmltable.php.

To install with Composer and Packagist add chtmltable to your composer.json file in Anax.

"require": {
    "php": ">=5.4",
    "meax/chtmltable": "dev-master"

Move the example file simplehtmltable into your Anax installation's webroot folder.

How to build a table

Method createTable($columns, $data)
Accepts a multiarray $columns representing the header row and the columns of the table.
Accepts a multiarray or object $data which represents the rows of the table.

Example $columns

$columns = array([  
'name' => 'name',   
'label' => 'Name',     
'name' => 'id',     
 'label' => 'Id',    

'name' - a value referring to a key in object or array $data
'label' - the label to be placed in between the tags.

Example $data

$data = array(  
1 => [   
'name' => 'Maria',  
'id' => '1' 
2 => [  
'name' => 'Anon',  
'id' => '2'  

Will result in a table:

| Name| Id |
| Maria | 1 |
| Anon | 2 |

###Creating links for column data

It is possible to create links for all cells in a column according to a linkpattern given in 'linkbase' and 'linkkey'. 'linkbase' is a static base url for the links and 'linkkey' can be defined to locate a key in the array or object $data.


$columns = array([
  'name' => 'fruits',
  'label' => 'Fruits',
  'name' => 'animals',
  'label' => 'Animals',
  'linkbase' => '',
  'linkkey' => 'animals',

$data = array(
  1 => [
  'fruits' => 'Apple', 
  'animals' => 'Horse' 
  2 => [
  'fruits' => 'Banana', 
  'animals' => 'Monkey' 

###Converting column data

With the help of the method getDisplayVal($val, $displaytype, $format) it is possible to convert values from the array/object $data into another display value. This version supports converting true/false, 1/0, emtpy/not empty into simply "Yes" or "No". It also supports converting a date string into another date format.

$columns = array([
  'name' => 'date',
  'label' => 'Date',
  'display' => 'convert-datestr',
  'displayformat' => 'Y-m-d',
  'name' => 'title',
  'label' => 'Title',
  'name' => 'published',
  'label' => 'Published',
  'display' => 'yes-no',     

$data = array(
  1 => [
  'date' => '2015-05-15 12:14', 
  'title' => 'A blog post',
  'published' => true,
  2 => [
  'date' => '2015-05-16 13:15', 
  'title' => 'Another post',
  'published' => false,

Have a look at the example file simplehtmltable.php to see what creating links and converting data looks like.


A php class to build HTML tables, written for Anax-MVC






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