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pulled collection_util ns out of collection.clj
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AlexBaranosky committed Jan 22, 2012
1 parent 7e4a2fc commit 10bacd5
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Showing 4 changed files with 89 additions and 87 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/midje/checkers/chatty.clj
Expand Up @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@

(ns ^{:doc "Checkers that explain more about a failure."}
(:use [midje.checkers util]
(:use [midje.checkers.util :only [named-as-call]]
[midje.checkers.defining :only [as-checker]]
[midje.util.form-utils :only [pairs quoted? single-arg-into-form-and-name]]))

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108 changes: 25 additions & 83 deletions src/midje/checkers/collection.clj
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[midje.util.form-utils :only [regex? tack-on-to record? classic-map? rotations
pred-cond macro-for sort-map]]
[midje.util.object-utils :only [function-name named-function?]]
[midje.checkers util extended-equality chatty defining]
[midje.checkers collection-util util extended-equality chatty defining]
[midje.error-handling.exceptions :only [user-error]]
[clojure.string :only [join]]))

(def looseness-modifiers #{:in-any-order :gaps-ok})

(defn- inexact-checker?
"Can the checker potentially match non-unique elements
in a seq? (Ex: regex #'a+' can match 'a' and 'aa'.)"
(or (extended-fn? checker)
(regex? checker)))

(defn- total-match?
"Have all the expected elements have been discovered?"
(= (count (:expected-found comparison))
(count (:expected comparison))))

(defn- closer-match?
"Did the candidate match more expected elements than before?"
[candidate best-so-far]
(> (count (:actual-found candidate))
(count (:actual-found best-so-far))))

(defn- better-of [candidate best-so-far]
(if (closer-match? candidate best-so-far) candidate best-so-far))

(defn- collection-like?
"Extend coll? to include strings."
(or (coll? thing)
(string? thing)))

(defn- right-hand-singleton?
"The kind of thing that, in (contains X), means (contains [X])"
(or (not (coll? thing)) (map? thing)))

(defn- same-lengths? [actual expected]
(= (count actual) (count expected)))

(defn- expected-fits?
"Could expected fit as a subsequence of actual?"
[actual expected]
(>= (count actual) (count expected)))

(defn- noted-falsehood
"Produce a partially constructed chatty falsehood that contains
a :notes key with the strings."
[& strings ]
(as-chatty-falsehood {:notes strings}))

(defn- try-re
"Use the function (re-find or re-matches) to apply re to the thing.
If function blows up, return a chatty failure about it."
[re thing function]
(function re thing)
(catch Exception ex
(noted-falsehood (format "%s can't be used on %s, a %s."
(pr-str re) (pr-str thing) (type thing) ".")))))

(defn- base-starting-candidate
"A data structure that represents which actual elements, matching
expected elements, have been found from an original set of expected
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -427,31 +370,30 @@
(count expected)
(count actual))))))))

(defn- has-xfix [x-name pattern-fn take-fn]
(checker [actual expected looseness]
(pred-cond actual
set? (noted-falsehood (format "Sets don't have %ses." x-name))
map? (noted-falsehood (format "Maps don't have %ses." x-name))
:else (let [ [actual expected looseness] (standardized-arguments actual expected looseness)]
(cond (regex? expected)
(try-re (pattern-fn expected) actual re-find)

(expected-fits? actual expected)
(match?(take-fn (count expected) actual) expected looseness)

(cl-format nil
"A collection with ~R element~:P cannot match a ~A of size ~R."
(count actual) x-name (count expected))))))))

(def ^{:midje/checker true} has-prefix
(container-checker-maker 'has-prefix
(has-xfix "prefix" #(re-pattern (str "^" %)) take)))

(def ^{:midje/checker true} has-suffix
(container-checker-maker 'has-suffix
(has-xfix "suffix" #(re-pattern (str % "$")) take-last)))
(letfn [(has-xfix [x-name pattern-fn take-fn]
(checker [actual expected looseness]
(pred-cond actual
set? (noted-falsehood (format "Sets don't have %ses." x-name))
map? (noted-falsehood (format "Maps don't have %ses." x-name))
:else (let [[actual expected looseness] (standardized-arguments actual expected looseness)]
(cond (regex? expected)
(try-re (pattern-fn expected) actual re-find)

(expected-fits? actual expected)
(match? (take-fn (count expected) actual) expected looseness)

:else (noted-falsehood
(cl-format nil
"A collection with ~R element~:P cannot match a ~A of size ~R."
(count actual) x-name (count expected))))))))]

(def ^{:midje/checker true} has-prefix
(container-checker-maker 'has-prefix
(has-xfix "prefix" #(re-pattern (str "^" %)) take)))

(def ^{:midje/checker true} has-suffix
(container-checker-maker 'has-suffix
(has-xfix "suffix" #(re-pattern (str % "$")) take-last))))

(defchecker has [quantifier predicate]
(checker [actual]
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61 changes: 61 additions & 0 deletions src/midje/checkers/collection_util.clj
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
(ns midje.checkers.collection-util
(:use [midje.util.form-utils :only [regex?]]
[midje.checkers.extended-equality :only [extended-fn?]]
[midje.checkers.chatty :only [as-chatty-falsehood]]))

(defn inexact-checker?
"Can the checker potentially match non-unique elements
in a seq? (Ex: regex #'a+' can match 'a' and 'aa'.)"
(or (extended-fn? checker)
(regex? checker)))

(defn total-match?
"Have all the expected elements have been discovered?"
(= (count (:expected-found comparison))
(count (:expected comparison))))

(defn closer-match?
"Did the candidate match more expected elements than before?"
[candidate best-so-far]
(> (count (:actual-found candidate))
(count (:actual-found best-so-far))))

(defn better-of [candidate best-so-far]
(if (closer-match? candidate best-so-far) candidate best-so-far))

(defn collection-like?
"Extend coll? to include strings."
(or (coll? thing)
(string? thing)))

(defn right-hand-singleton?
"The kind of thing that, in (contains X), means (contains [X])"
(or (not (coll? thing)) (map? thing)))

(defn same-lengths? [actual expected]
(= (count actual) (count expected)))

(defn expected-fits?
"Could expected fit as a subsequence of actual?"
[actual expected]
(>= (count actual) (count expected)))

(defn noted-falsehood
"Produce a partially constructed chatty falsehood that contains
a :notes key with the strings."
[& strings ]
(as-chatty-falsehood {:notes strings}))

(defn try-re
"Use the function (re-find or re-matches) to apply re to the thing.
If function blows up, return a chatty failure about it."
[re x f]
(f re x)
(catch Exception ex
(noted-falsehood (format "%s can't be used on %s, a %s."
(pr-str re) (pr-str x) (type x) ".")))))
5 changes: 2 additions & 3 deletions src/midje/checkers/extended_equality.clj
Expand Up @@ -2,9 +2,8 @@

(ns ^{:doc "`=` extended for regular expressions, functions, etc."}
[midje.checkers.chatty :only [chatty-checker-falsehood?]]
[midje.util.form-utils :only [classic-map? pairs record? regex?]]))
(:use [midje.checkers.chatty :only [chatty-checker-falsehood?]]
[midje.util.form-utils :only [classic-map? pairs record? regex?]]))

(defn extended-fn? [x]
(or (fn? x)
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