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midje.clojure.core for things I wish were in clojure.core
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marick committed Jan 26, 2013
1 parent b80eafd commit 1def023
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Showing 34 changed files with 316 additions and 285 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/midje/checkers.clj
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
(ns ^{:doc "Checkers are for checking results of expectations, or checking
that appropriate arguments are passed to prerequisites"}
(:use [midje.util.thread-safe-var-nesting :only [var-root]]))
(:use midje.clojure.core))

(letfn [(republish [namespace symbols]
(require namespace)
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5 changes: 3 additions & 2 deletions src/midje/checking/checkers/collection.clj
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(ns ^{:doc "Checkers for collections and strings."}
(:use [clojure.set :only [union]]
(:use midje.clojure.core
[clojure.set :only [union]]
[clojure.pprint :only [cl-format]]
[midje.util.backwards-compatible-utils :only [every-pred-m]]
[midje.util.form-utils :only [regex? record? classic-map? pred-cond macro-for]]
[midje.util.form-utils :only [pred-cond macro-for]]
[midje.checking.checkers collection-util util chatty defining collection-comparison]
[midje.checking.extended-falsehood :only [extended-true?]]
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5 changes: 3 additions & 2 deletions src/midje/checking/checkers/collection_comparison.clj
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(ns ^{:doc "Code to use to compare collections."}
(:use [clojure.math.combinatorics :only [permutations]]
[midje.util.form-utils :only [tack-on-to rotations sort-map]]
(:use midje.clojure.core
[clojure.math.combinatorics :only [permutations]]
[midje.util.form-utils :only [tack-on-to sort-map]]
[midje.util.object-utils :only [function-name named-function?]]
[midje.checking.checkers collection-util util chatty defining]
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/midje/checking/checkers/collection_util.clj
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
(ns midje.checking.checkers.collection-util
(:use [midje.util.form-utils :only [extended-fn? regex?]]
(:use midje.clojure.core
[midje.checking.extended-falsehood :only [as-data-laden-falsehood]]))

(defn same-lengths? [actual expected]
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5 changes: 3 additions & 2 deletions src/midje/checking/checkers/simple.clj
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(ns ^{:doc "Prepackaged functions that perform common checks."}
(:use [midje.checking.checkers.defining :only [as-checker checker defchecker]]
(:use midje.clojure.core
[midje.checking.checkers.defining :only [as-checker checker defchecker]]
[midje.checking.extended-falsehood :only [extended-false?]]
[midje.checking.extended-equality :only [extended-=]]
[midje.checking.checkers.util :only [named-as-call]]
[midje.error-handling.exceptions :only [captured-throwable?]]
[midje.util.ecosystem :only [clojure-1-3? +M -M *M]]
[midje.util.form-utils :only [defalias def-many-methods pred-cond regex?]]
[midje.util.form-utils :only [def-many-methods pred-cond]]
[midje.util.backwards-compatible-utils :only [every-pred-m some-fn-m]]
[clojure.algo.monads :only [domonad set-m]])
(:import [midje.error_handling.exceptions ICapturedThrowable]))
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/midje/checking/checkers/util.clj
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
(ns midje.checking.checkers.util
(:use [midje.util.form-utils :only [classic-map?]]
(:use midje.clojure.core
[midje.util.object-utils :only [name-object]]))

(defn named-as-call
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5 changes: 2 additions & 3 deletions src/midje/checking/examples.clj
@@ -1,12 +1,11 @@
(ns ^{:doc "Core Midje functions that process expects and report on their results."}
(:use clojure.test
(:use midje.clojure.core
[midje.checking.extended-equality :only [extended-= evaluate-checking-function]]
[midje.error-handling.exceptions :only [captured-throwable]]
[midje.util.namespace :only [immigrate]])
(:require [midje.config :as config]
[midje.emission.boundaries :as emission-boundary]
[midje.parsing.1-to-explicit-form.background :as background]
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5 changes: 3 additions & 2 deletions src/midje/checking/extended_equality.clj
@@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
(ns ^{:doc "`=` extended for regular expressions, functions, etc."}
(:use [midje.checking.extended-falsehood :only [as-data-laden-falsehood data-laden-falsehood?]]
[midje.util.form-utils :only [classic-map? extended-fn? pairs record? regex?]]))
(:use midje.clojure.core
[midje.checking.extended-falsehood :only [as-data-laden-falsehood data-laden-falsehood?]]
[midje.util.form-utils :only [pairs]]))

(defn evaluate-checking-function
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142 changes: 142 additions & 0 deletions src/midje/clojure/core.clj
@@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
(ns ^{:doc "Functions I wouldn't mind to see in clojure.core"}

;;; Types and pseudo types

(defn regex? [x]
(= (class x) java.util.regex.Pattern))

(defn stringlike?
"String or regex"
(or (string? x)
(regex? x)))

(defn classic-map? [x]
(.isInstance clojure.lang.APersistentMap x))

(defn record? [x]
(and (map? x) (not (classic-map? x))))

(defn extended-fn? [x]
(or (fn? x)
(= (class x) clojure.lang.MultiFn)))

(defn named? [x]
(instance? clojure.lang.Named x))

;;; Annoyances

(defn strictly [loose-predicate]
(comp boolean loose-predicate))

(def any? (strictly some))

(def not-empty? (strictly seq))

;;; Vars

(defn var-root [var]
(alter-var-root var identity))

(defn var-name
"Get the namespace-qualified name of a var."
(apply symbol (map str ((juxt (comp ns-name :ns)
(meta v)))))

;;; Namespaces

(defn alias-var
"Create a var with the supplied name in the current namespace, having the same
metadata and root-binding as the supplied var."
[name ^clojure.lang.Var var]
(apply intern *ns*
(with-meta name (merge {:dont-test (str "Alias of " (var-name var))}
(meta var)
(meta name)))
(when (.hasRoot var) [@var])))

(defmacro defalias
"Defines an alias for a var: a new var with the same root binding (if
any) and similar metadata. The metadata of the alias is its initial
metadata (as provided by def) merged into the metadata of the original."
[dst src]
`(alias-var (quote ~dst) (var ~src)))

(letfn [(move-var [var sym]
(let [sym (with-meta sym (assoc (meta var) :ns *ns*))]
(if (.hasRoot var)
(intern *ns* sym (var-root var))
(intern *ns* sym))))]

(defn immigrate
"Create a public var in this namespace for each public var in the
namespaces named by ns-names. The created vars have the same name, root
binding, and metadata as the original except that their :ns metadata
value is this namespace."
[& ns-names]
(doseq [ns ns-names]
(require ns)
(doseq [[sym ^clojure.lang.Var var] (ns-publics ns)]
(move-var var sym))))

(defn immigrate-from
"Like `immigrate`, except wth a list of named symbols."
[ns symbols]
(doseq [sym symbols]
(move-var (ns-resolve ns sym) sym))))

;;; Maps

(defn hash-map-duplicates-ok
"Like hash-map, except duplicate keys are OK. Last one takes precedence."
[& keys-and-vals]
(if (empty? keys-and-vals)
(apply assoc {} keys-and-vals)))

(defn invert
"Produce a map with values as keys.
Values are assumed unique."
(reduce (fn [so-far [key val]]
(assoc so-far val key))

(defn dissoc-keypath
"Like `dissoc`, but takes a sequence of keys.
There must be at least two keys."
[map keys]
(let [[path-to-end-key end-key] [(butlast keys) (last keys)]
ending-container (get-in map path-to-end-key)
without-key (dissoc ending-container end-key)]
(assoc-in map path-to-end-key without-key)))

;;; Sequences

(defn separate-by
"Like clojure.core/separate, but not lazy, returns nil for empty list."
[predicate forms]
(let [group (group-by (strictly predicate) forms)]
[ (group true) (group false) ]))

(defn rotations
"Returns a lazy seq of all rotations of a seq"
(for [i (range 0 (count coll))]
(lazy-cat (drop i coll) (take i coll))))

(defn map-first
"Like map, but applies f to only the first element of the seq"
[f x]
(cons (f (first x)) (rest x)))
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions src/midje/data/compendium.clj
Expand Up @@ -2,8 +2,8 @@
about a particular subject'. The Midje compendium contains
the currently relevant facts."}
(:use [midje.error-handling.exceptions :only [user-error]]
[midje.util.form-utils :only [dissoc-keypath]])
(:use midje.clojure.core
[midje.error-handling.exceptions :only [user-error]])
(:require [ :as fact]
[midje.config :as config]))

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3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion src/midje/data/prerequisite_state.clj
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
(ns ^{:doc "The semi-sweet representation of provided forms."}
(:use [utilize.seq :only (separate find-first)]
(:use midje.clojure.core
[utilize.seq :only (separate find-first)]
[midje.util.object-utils :only [object-name]]
[midje.checking.extended-equality :only [extended-= extended-list-=]]
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/midje/data/project_state.clj
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
(ns ^{:doc "What we know about the changing project file/namespace tree."}
(:use [midje.util.form-utils :only [invert separate-by]]
(:use midje.clojure.core
[swiss-arrows.core :only [-<>]]
[bultitude.core :only [namespaces-in-dir namespaces-on-classpath]])
(:require [midje.emission.boundaries :as emission-boundary]
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5 changes: 3 additions & 2 deletions src/midje/error_handling/background_validations.clj
@@ -1,12 +1,13 @@
(ns ^{:doc "Validation methods confirming the proper syntax of (against-)background macros."}
(:use [clojure.pprint :only [cl-format]]
(:use midje.clojure.core
[clojure.pprint :only [cl-format]]
[midje.error-handling.validation-errors :only [simple-validation-error-report-form
validation-error-report-form validate when-valid]]
[midje.parsing.util.arrows :only [start-of-checking-arrow-sequence? take-arrow-sequence]]
[midje.parsing.1-to-explicit-form.background :only [seq-headed-by-setup-teardown-form?]]
[midje.parsing.1-to-explicit-form.prerequisites :only [metaconstant-prerequisite?]]
[midje.util.form-utils :only [def-many-methods named? pred-cond]]
[midje.util.form-utils :only [def-many-methods pred-cond]]
[midje.util.backwards-compatible-utils :only [some-fn-m]]))

(def #^:private possible-wrapping-targets #{:facts, :contents, :checks })
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6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions src/midje/error_handling/validation_errors.clj
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
(ns ^{:doc "Code for identifying invalid Midje syntax. Includes control
flow macros, validation error creation, etc."}
(:use [clojure.algo.monads :only [defmonad domonad]]
[midje.parsing.util.file-position :only [form-position]]
[midje.util.form-utils :only [named?]])
(:use midje.clojure.core
[clojure.algo.monads :only [defmonad domonad]]
[midje.parsing.util.file-position :only [form-position]])
(:require [midje.emission.api :as emit]))

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3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion src/midje/parsing/0_to_fact_form/formulas.clj
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
(ns ^{:doc "Midje's special blend of generative-style testing."}
(:use [midje.util.form-utils :only [first-named? named? pop-docstring pop-opts-map]]
(:use midje.clojure.core
[midje.util.form-utils :only [first-named? pop-docstring pop-opts-map]]
[midje.error-handling.validation-errors :only [simple-validation-error-report-form validate-m validate]]
[midje.parsing.1-to-explicit-form.prerequisites :only [head-of-form-providing-prerequisites?]]
[midje.parsing.util.arrows :only [leaf-expect-arrows leaves-contain-arrow?]]
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5 changes: 3 additions & 2 deletions src/midje/parsing/1_to_explicit_form/background.clj
@@ -1,12 +1,13 @@
(ns ^{:doc "Code to be run before, after or around facts. Also,
prerequisites that pertain to a group of facts."}
(:use [midje.parsing.util.arrows :only [start-of-checking-arrow-sequence? take-arrow-sequence]]
(:use midje.clojure.core
[midje.parsing.util.arrows :only [start-of-checking-arrow-sequence? take-arrow-sequence]]
[midje.parsing.1-to-explicit-form.metaconstants :only [predefine-metaconstants-from-form]]
[midje.parsing.1-to-explicit-form.prerequisites :only [metaconstant-prerequisite? prerequisite-to-fake]]
[ :only [with-installed-fakes]]
[midje.parsing.util.wrapping :only [for-wrapping-target? with-wrapping-target]]
[midje.util.form-utils :only [first-named? map-first pred-cond separate-by
[midje.util.form-utils :only [first-named? pred-cond
symbol-named? translate-zipper]]
[midje.util.laziness :only [eagerly]]
[midje.util.thread-safe-var-nesting :only [namespace-values-inside-out
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5 changes: 3 additions & 2 deletions src/midje/parsing/1_to_explicit_form/facts.clj
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
(ns ^{:doc "Parsing facts."}
(:use [midje.error-handling.validation-errors :only [validate when-valid]]
(:use midje.clojure.core
[midje.error-handling.validation-errors :only [validate when-valid]]
[midje.util.namespace :only [semi-sweet-keyword?]]

[midje.parsing.1-to-explicit-form.expects :only [expect?
Expand All @@ -21,7 +22,7 @@
[midje.parsing.1-to-explicit-form.metaconstants :only [predefine-metaconstants-from-form]]
[midje.util.form-utils :only [def-many-methods first-named? translate-zipper
preserve-type quoted? pred-cond reader-line-number named?]]
preserve-type quoted? pred-cond reader-line-number]]
[midje.util.laziness :only [eagerly]]
[ :only [skip-to-rightmost-leaf]]
[swiss-arrows.core :only [-<>]])
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29 changes: 3 additions & 26 deletions src/midje/parsing/2_to_lexical_maps/data_fakes.clj
@@ -1,32 +1,9 @@
(ns ^{:doc "=contains=> prereqisites"}
(:use [utilize.seq :only (separate find-first)]
[midje.util.object-utils :only [object-name]]
[midje.checkers :only [exactly]]
[midje.checking.checkers.defining :only [checker? checker-makers]]
[midje.parsing.1-to-explicit-form.expects :only [expect? up-to-full-expect-form]]
[midje.util.form-utils :only [first-named? translate-zipper map-difference
hash-map-duplicates-ok pred-cond
quoted-list-form? extended-fn?]]
[midje.checking.extended-equality :only [extended-= extended-list-=]]
[midje.parsing.util.file-position :only [user-file-position]]
[midje.util.thread-safe-var-nesting :only [namespace-values-inside-out
[midje.parsing.util.wrapping :only [with-wrapping-target]]
[midje.util.deprecation :only [deprecate]]
(:use midje.clojure.core
[ :only [macrolet]])
(:require [ :as metaconstant]
[ :as zip]
[midje.config :as config]
[midje.parsing.util.fnref :as fnref]
[midje.error-handling.exceptions :as exceptions]
[midje.parsing.lexical-maps :as lexical-maps]
[midje.emission.api :as emit])
(:require [midje.parsing.lexical-maps :as lexical-maps]))

(defn to-lexical-map-form [a-list]
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9 changes: 5 additions & 4 deletions src/midje/parsing/2_to_lexical_maps/examples.clj
@@ -1,14 +1,15 @@
(ns ^{:doc "generate a map for a particular example"}
(:use [utilize.seq :only (separate find-first)]
(:use midje.clojure.core
[utilize.seq :only (separate find-first)]
[midje.util.object-utils :only [object-name]]
[midje.checkers :only [exactly]]
[midje.checking.checkers.defining :only [checker? checker-makers]]
[midje.parsing.1-to-explicit-form.expects :only [expect? up-to-full-expect-form]]
[midje.util.form-utils :only [first-named? translate-zipper map-difference
hash-map-duplicates-ok pred-cond
quoted-list-form? extended-fn?
def-many-methods separate-by]]
def-many-methods ]]
[midje.checking.extended-equality :only [extended-= extended-list-=]]
[midje.parsing.util.file-position :only [user-file-position]]
[midje.util.namespace :only [semi-sweet-keyword?]]
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