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Releases: mariinkys/delphinus_flashcards

Release 0.5.1

10 May 11:20
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  • updated dependencies
  • application now always default to light theme and does not follow system preferences (this is slightly annoying but it's required while the theme changer is fixed, right now the theme changer does not work if your default theme is dark and the application automatically sets a dark theme)
  • updated quizlet instructions
  • fixed bug #2 that prevented the creation of flashcards when a word is repeated more than once

Release 0.5

03 Apr 12:53
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  • Added proper Quizlet support
  • Reworked Vaia(Studysmarter) support
  • Added (for now experimental) Anki support (you can now download a file to import the flashcards to Anki)
  • New Toast notifications
  • Updated dependencies

Release 0.4

16 Mar 08:39
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  • Now the dictionaries are loaded with the server and passed to each request massively improving the generation speed.

Release 0.3.2

06 Mar 10:59
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  • Added Podman/Docker support to the application (self-hosting capabilities)
  • Now the flashcard results keep the input order after generation making it easier to edit them

An official docker image may come in the future, however that's not guaranteed, for now you can build the image yourself using the provided Containerfile.


05 Mar 19:49
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This release fixes a breaking bug that prevents the flashcards from being deleted


#1 Fixed, flashcards should now delete without problems

Release 0.3

05 Mar 16:55
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This release features, again, a full rewrite of the application, this time in the Rust framework Leptos. This is the third rewrite of the application and again with a different language/technology however I finally feel like I've landed somewhere this time with Leptos.

The rewrite improves the general speed and feel of the application as well as the design, it also MASSIVELY improves the Japanese flashcards generation speed.

Release 0.2

06 Nov 09:25
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This release includes a new frontend for the application written in Vue. Instead of the old "full-stack Golang" now the API is written in Go and the UI is written in Vue. This has been done in order to make new features easier to develop. Even though I have no previous experience with any other JavaScript framework, after trying Svelte, React and Vue, I feel like Vue is the one I like the most, and so I begin my JavaScript journey with this first project. (I still miss .NET and Blazor...)

Well, for now, this new release's features are:

  • A new application frontend written in Vue
  • Added the ability to review and edit the flashcards before generating them
  • Fixed a bug that made finding words with a blank space impossible.

Project Pre-Release

27 Oct 22:18
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Project Pre-Release Pre-release

Project pre-release, includes basic functionality. Still misses most of what would make it truly useful.