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Data and code accompanying the paper: 'Dynamics of collective motion across time and species' by Papadopoulou et al.

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Collective motion across species and time


This repository contains the data and code accompanying the paper:

Papadopoulou M., Fürtbauer I., O’Bryan L.R., Garnier S., Georgopoulou D.G., Bracken A.M., Christensen C., and King A.J. (2022) "Dynamics of collective motion across time and species". Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B 20220068.

The code provided is open source, but we kindly ask you to cite the above paper if you make use of it.


The data comprise analysed tragectories of four species: stickleback fish, homing pigeons, goats and chacma baboons. Specifically, they include:

  1. col_motion_metrics: metrics of collective motion for each event of collective motion of all species. The columns include: the unique id of events with duration more than 15 seconds (event), the 9 metrics that composed the swarm space, the duration of each event in sampling steps (event_dur) and the duration in seconds (event_dur_s).
  2. relative_positions: bearing angles (in rad) of all group members to their closest 4 neighbors (rank 1 to 4) during all events of collective motion of all species. Plotted in Figure 2.
  3. trajectories_eg: example trajectories of events of collective motion of all species. Plotted in Figure 1.
  4. swarm_space: the results of the swarm space analysis, specifically the PCA output (pca_res.Rdata), the coordinates of all events in the PC1-PC2 space (pcs_data.csv), and in the tSNE1-tSNE2 space (tsne_data.csv), with group size information included. Plotted in Figure 2.
  5. all_events_durs.csv: the summary of events per species. Columns include: ev_count (number of events in a given day), dur (total duration of events in a day), cdur (cumulative duration of events over days), tot_dur (the total duration of events across all days per species). Plotted in Figure 1.
  6. pol_speed_data.csv: smoothed polarization and speed of all groups/dates across species. Plotted in Figure 1.
  7. changepoints_stats.csv: the results of our changepoint (segmented regression) and stationarity (kpss tests) analysis. Created by the across_time_analysis.R file. Includes columns: var (metric name), theta_idx (the point in the events timeseries that the changepoint is identified), theta_s (the changepoint in seconds), sl (the confidence level of the changepoint identification), sl_bool (whether the changepoint is significant), ci_l and ci_h (lower and upper confidence interval of changepoint), ci_ls and ci_hs (the confidence intervals in seconds), boots_sd (the standard deviation of the changepoint from the bootstrap analysis), kpss_pvalue (the p-value of the kpss test for stationarity), kpss_bool (whether a timeseries is identified as stationary or not). Plotted in Figure 3.

The raw data are collected for the previous studies:

  • Sticklebacks:

Georgopoulou DG, King AJ, Brown RM, Fürtbauer I. 2022 Emergence and repeatability of leadership and coordinated motion in fish shoals. Behavioral Ecology 33, 47–54.

  • Pigeons:

Sankey DWE, Storms RF, Musters RJ, Russell WT, Hemelrijk CK, Portugal SJ. (2021). "Absence of “selfish herd” dynamics in bird flocks under threat". Current Biology.

  • Goats:

Sankey DWE, O’Bryan LR, Garnier S, Cowlishaw G, Hopkins P, Holton M, Fürtbauer I, King AJ. 2021 Consensus of travel direction is achieved by simple copying, not voting, in free-ranging goats. Royal Society Open Science 8, rsos.201128, 201128.

  • Baboons:

Bracken AM, Christensen C, O’Riain MJ, Fürtbauer I, King AJ. 2022 Flexible group cohesion and coordination, but robust leader–follower roles, in a wild social primate using urban space. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 289, 20212141.


The code reproduces the main figures and across time analysis of the study. All analysis is performed in R, version 4.1. Files:

  • Fig1.R: reproduces Figure 1.
  • Fig2.R: reproduces Figure 2.
  • Fig3.R: reproduces Figure 3.
  • across_time_analysis.R: performs the timeseries analysis on the metrics of collective motion across species (changepoint analysis, bootstrap, and kpss stationarity test), producing the changepoints_stats.csv file, plotted in Figure 3.

Package dependencies: dplyr, tseries,, boot, stringr, reshape2, raster, ggplot2, cowplot, wesanderson, (extrafont)


This work is supported by an Office for Naval Research (ONR) Global Grant (N629092112030) awarded to Andrew J. King.



Data and code accompanying the paper: 'Dynamics of collective motion across time and species' by Papadopoulou et al.






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