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Releases: mariocannistra/rtl-power-fftw

version 5

19 Aug 13:14
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code cleanup around binary matrix output metadata;
bugfix: cropping option was not properly managed in baseline subtraction code section;
added actualBINS variable to properly check for correct number of baseline values (when cropping)
added current hop counter for proper baseline offset calculation (when cropping)

Windows compatibility release

22 May 09:31
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This zip file contains the windows build of my branch of rtl-power-fftw.
It has been modified to add CTRL-C management code that works on both Debian (Linux) and Windows.

In order to build this program on Windows I had to download and build all the dependencies, including libfftw3f, librtlsdr and libusb-1.0.20

librtlsdr comes from the sources but I'm now considering usage of the modified version by since it allows HF tuning without using an upconverter.

Ever since building on Debian is a lot easier I'm providing just the sources for that platform.