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Quiz - Milestone project 3 Code Institute


The purpose of the project is to build a site where users, can play the quiz, tracked their scores and also where admin can easily modify data base, add and delete users and questions. This site allows users to play short general knowledge quiz.

The project has the following sections:

  • Home page contains main image and navigation bar with access to quiz, login and register

  • Login page contains username field, password filed and login button

  • Register page contains fields: first name, last name, username, email, password confirm password and register button

  • Quiz page contains quiz for play after user / admin has been logged in

  • Settings page for changing user details and passwords

  • Admin page, only accessible for Admin

UX stories:

Admin stories:

  • As an admin I would like to manage a smoothly functioning game

  • As an admin I would like to be able to add new questions

  • As an admin I would like to add users and to delete them

User stories:

  • As a user I would like to register and login easily and conveniently through a simple process

  • As a user I would like to play quiz where I can test my general knowledge

  • As a user I would like to track my previous score



Design and colors:


  • I used Roboto from, from Google Fonts




  • navbar-dark bg-dark (for the nav): #212529

Quiz: Completed:

  • tag (icon): #9ABC66
  • card box shadows (on questions overview and completed): #DEDEDE

Accounts: Login/Register:

  • on card box shadow: #DEDEDE
  • card button: rgb(104, 145, 162)

Bootstrap colors in use: Navbar:

  • on login and register: btn-outline-light me-2 class is used

403 Error page:

  • Go Back button (btn-danger class) #dc3545

Alert messages (flash messages):

  • alert-danger #842029
  • alert-success #0f5132

Quiz questions:

  • Submit button (btn-primary class) #0d6efd

Quiz overview:

  • Start new quiz button (btn-secondary class) #5c636
  • Continue button (btn-secondar classy) #5c636


Technology Used:

Tools Used:

  • Visual code studio

  • Git pod

  • Github for repository hosting service

  • Heroku to deploy web application

  • MongoDB for database

  • PEP8 online for validation of Python code

  • W3C for HTML validation

  • Jigsaw for CSS validation

  • Moqups for wireframes


Project setup:


  • Create a new repository on Git Hub using code institute`s template

  • Change repository visibility

  • Press green button to open project in git pod

  • Create file and make initial commit

  • Make regular commits after project change with quality description using commands: git add -A and git commit -m "message"

  • Use git push command in terminal for code commits


  • Navigate to MongoDB

  • Create account

  • Create data base


  • Navigate to Heroku

  • Register account

  • Press button New

  • Select create a New App, enter the app name and select region

  • Press Resource and connect with database

Deployment`s final steps:

  • After registration of test users, change status of one of the users to admin

  • Create quiz questions


Throughout the development of the project, I carried out testing. I used the Chrome Developer Tools consistently. The application structure and mobile-first layout was tested on Google Chrome, Firefox and Safari. The application was tested on the following smartphone devices: iPhone11, Google Pixel 3,

Functional testing:

  • That all of the links are open smoothly

  • That application is mobile responsive

  • That user can get logged in

  • That quiz can not be run before user is logged in

  • That user needs to create account

  • That user name and e-mail must be unique

  • That user name and password length must be between 10 and 150 characters

  • That e-mail must be in valid form

  • That users and admin can change passwords and other account settings

  • That admin can delete users

  • That admin can delete, add and modify questions

  • If someone write \admin\ in URL gets error message

  • That user can continue with unfinished session

  • That finished session is inaccessible for players

Testing examples:

Google Chrome:


Safari / mobile phone:

Validation tests:





This project was built only for educational purpose and won`t be in commercial use


No description, website, or topics provided.






No releases published
