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Merge f59403e into be69b37
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ahumphreys87 committed Aug 21, 2016
2 parents be69b37 + f59403e commit 3758cdf
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Showing 6 changed files with 195 additions and 10 deletions.
9 changes: 9 additions & 0 deletions .travis.yml
Expand Up @@ -14,3 +14,12 @@ install:
- curl -L | bash
- if [[ $MAINRUN == true ]]; then npm run-script coveralls; fi
- npm install travis-ci
provider: releases
api_key: $GH_TOKEN
tags: true
- node trigger-deploy-mn-com.js
21 changes: 21 additions & 0 deletions
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
### Description

1. The problem you are facing (in as much detail as is necessary to describe the problem to someone who doesn't know anything about the system you're building)
2. A summary of the proposed solution
3. A description of how this solution solves the problem, in more detail than item #2
4. Any additional discussion on possible problems this might introduce, questions that you have related to the changes, etc.

### Expected behavior

Tell us what you think should happend.

### Actual behavior

If it is possible, please create a small demo that demonstrates the issue.
Please refrain from giving code examples in altJS languages like CoffeeScript, etc. Marionette is written in plain-old JavaScript and is generally easier for all members in the community to read.

### Environment

1. Marionette version:
2. Backbone version:
3. Additional build tools, etc:
6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
### Proposed changes

Link to the issue:
118 changes: 118 additions & 0 deletions
@@ -1,3 +1,95 @@
### v3.0.0

Version 3.0.0 of Marionette has arrived and contains many improvements over version
2.x but also some API Changes. Below is a list of the changes made to each component.

To help the community transition over we have released a v2 patch tool to assist
the upgrade. [Marionette Patch Tool] (

#### View
* `LayoutView` + `ItemView` merge and rename to `View`.
* `Marionette.View` -> `ViewMixin`
* Add `LayoutView` shortcut methods
* `isDestroyed` and `isRendered` need to be made private with a public accessor method.
* Add `before:show` event to `ChildView` when added after show
* Call `Backbone.View` with result of options (163188eeb8)
* Make `CompositeView`'s `renderChildren` public.
* Rename `childEvents` to `childViewEvents`.
* View: set `isDestroyed` to false by default breaking
* Remove passing view options as a function breaking
* Rename `templateHelpers` to `templateContext`
* Make sure `before:render` is triggered before emptying regions.
* Regions are not attached directly to the layout. Use `getRegion` instead.
* Allow `CompositeView` to attach to existing HTML with `template:false`
* Add `hasRegion` for layouts
* Make `getChildView` private
* Enable passing `preventDestroy` to `region.empty`.
* `LayoutView` should remove its element before destroying child regions. There's now an option to turn it on, but now it’s available by default. This helps remove all of the synchronous paints going up the tree.

#### CollectionView
* Accept `ChildView` as a function
* Check if filter is set
* `CollectionView.destroyChildren` now triggers `destroy:children`
* ChildView now accepts a function instead of using `getChildView` which was removed
* Proxied events do not append “this” as an argument
* `emptyView` now accepts a function as an arg.
* Removed the `apply:filter` event from `CollectionView`.
* `removeChildView` now returns the removed view.

#### Regions
* Fix inconsistency in `addRegion`, it now behaves like `addRegions` and adds the region to internal this.regions.
* `View` can replace regions's el.
* Replace region manager with `region-mixin`.
* Removed static `buildRegion`
* Removed `swap` events.

#### Application
* Introduce region to `Application` (`rootRegion`)
* Remove regions
* Remove Initializers and Finalizers Callbacks
* Remove Application `vent`, `commands`, `requests`

#### Object
* Added support for `Object.isDestroyed`

#### ES6
* Add Rest & Spread ES6 syntax
* Use ES6 Modules
* Replaced `var` and `let` with `const`.

#### General Enhancements
* Add `DEV_MODE`
* Add Marionette feature flags
* Change multiple arg usage to drop for lodash 3 support.
* Behavior, View Mixins.
* Add `cid` field to object, application, behavior, and region
* Add `TemplateCache` options.
* Allow a user to define trigger handlers in options.
* Increased Lodash compatibility, (now supports upto lodash 4)
* Add first class support for Backbone.Radio in Mn.Object
* Update BB and _ deps to modern versions
* Upgraded Radio from 0.9 to 2.0
* `delegateEntityEvents`. Delegate Events used to set delegate entity events, it was extracted because now backbone calls delegateEvent everytime the element is set.
* Added `Backbone.Babysitter` to `Mn` and removed the Babysitter dependency.

#### Deprecations
* Deprecate `CompositeView`
* Deprecated `Behavior` Lookups.

#### Removed
* Remove `Marionette.Module` - there’s a shim that you can pull in to get Module and Deferred
* Remove `Marionette.Deferred`
* Remove `component.json`
* Remove `Controller`
* Remove `Callbacks`
* Remove `Wreqr` (replaced with `Radio`)
* `actAsCollection`
* Removed `getValue` and internal `getOption`.

#### API Renames
* Rename `render:collection` => `render:children`
* `bindEntityEvents` renamed `bindEvents`.

### v3.0.0-pre5

#### Documentation
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -103,6 +195,32 @@ Extra release to remove public release of v3.0.0-pre.1, this release is availabl
This is a "family and friends" release. The documentation is still mostly for 2.4.4.
Please let us know if you run into any issues. Also, [please help us finish v3](!

### v2.4.7 [view commit logs](

#### Fixes

* CollectionView#reorder will no longer remove an already displayed emptyView.
* Fixed build of sourcemap files.

### v2.4.6 [view commit logs](

#### Misc

* Updated Backbone dependency to 1.3.x.

### v2.4.5 [view commit logs](

#### Fixes

* `Marionette.View#ui` will now bind events when names are hyphenated.
* Nonexistent event handlers now fail silently.

#### Misc

* Updated Backbone dependency to 1.3.2.
* devDependencies updated.
* Updated uglify to fix deprecated sourcemap pragma //@ replaced with //#.

### v2.4.4 [view commit logs](

#### Fixes
Expand Down
19 changes: 9 additions & 10 deletions
Expand Up @@ -67,16 +67,15 @@ We're happy to discuss design patterns and learn how you're using Marionette.

### Key Benefits

* Scalable: applications are built in modules, and with event-driven architecture
* Scalable: applications built in modules with event-driven architecture
* Sensible defaults: Underscore templates are used for view rendering
* Easily modifiable: make it work with your application's specific needs
* Reduce boilerplate for views, with specialized view types
* Build on a modular architecture with an `Application` and modules that attach to it
* Compose your application's visuals at runtime with `View` and `regions`
* Nested views and layouts within visual regions
* Built-in memory management and zombie-killing in views and regions
* Event-driven architecture with `Backbone.Radio`
* Flexible, "as-needed" architecture allowing you to pick and choose what you need
* Easily modifiable: works with the specific needs of your application
* Reduce boilerplate: for all views, including specialized types
* Create: application visuals at runtime with `Region` and `LayoutView` objects
* Nested: views and layouts within visual regions
* Built-in: memory management and zombie-killing for views, layoutViews and regions
* Event-driven architecture: utilizing the `Backbone.Wreqr.EventAggregator`
* Flexible: "as-needed" architecture allowing you to pick and choose what you need
* And much, much more

## Source Code and Downloads
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -112,7 +111,7 @@ for information on upgrading to the latest version of Marionette.
### Annotated Source Code

The source code for Marionette is heavily documented.
You can read the annotations for all the details of how Marionette works, and advice on which methods to override.
You can read the annotations for all the details of how Marionette works and advice on which methods to override.

##### [View the annotated source code](

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32 changes: 32 additions & 0 deletions trigger-deploy-mn-com.js
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
var Travis = require('travis-ci');
var repo = 'marionettejs/';
var travis = new Travis({
version: '2.0.0',
headers: {
'User-Agent': 'Travis/1.0'

github_token: process.env.GH_TOKEN
}, function (err, res) {
if (err) {
return console.error(err);

//get repo builds
travis.repos(repo.split('/')[0], repo.split('/')[1]).builds.get(function (err, res) {
if (err) {
return console.error(err);
//rebuild latest build{
build_id: res.builds[0].id
}, function (err, res) {
if (err) {
return console.error(err);

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