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My dotfiles

My dotfiles for Arch Linux.


← 2019 dotfiles | → 2021 dotfiles

System information

Overall info:


File management

This repository contains the following directories:

  • bin: some scripts I use
  • cheatsheets: some useful guides/cheatsheets I wrote
  • dotsmanager: configuration files for the dotfiles manager script. It also contains a script directory with scripts you may want to include when running the dofiles manager.
  • files: the actual dotfiles. This folder acts as the root directory in the original system.
  • localinfo: information about the system, like installed packages, directory trees, system specs, and the script outputs from dotsmanager/scripts/*.


I have a ridiculously over-engineered script named dotsmanager.bash to manage my dotfiles between multiple computers, for the sake of learning scripting and for fun. It's also useful because I have multiple computers and it makes it easy to have the same setup everywhere. You might be better off using some tool like stow or just git . The Arch Linux wiki itself has a very useful article about this .

If you are importing my dotfiles, do a grep -r '\[REMOVED\]', which are parts that have been manually removed for privacy reasons. Just replace these with whatever you need.