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Server setup: auther

hackmastera edited this page Sep 22, 2013 · 4 revisions



See node.js documentation for install instructions

openssl headers

provided in apt by libssl-dev


all other dependencies are pulled in via node package manager

Setup: ploy

auther runs via ploy.

ploy's init script is at /etc/init.d/ploy. It is set to start on boot with

sudo update-rc.d ploy defaults

applications running via ploy are at /usr/share/nginx/www/ploy For any directory at this location, ploy will start its contents using the name of the dir as the port number

So to install Auther this way, create the port-named directory and edit /etc/init.d/ploy to add the port number (TODO: change init script to not require a list of port numbers, instead just reading directories).

Add ploy as a remote to the local auther git checkout, e.g.:

git remote add http://[user]:[pass]

Then git push to that remote and ploy will do the rest.

###Nginx proxy config is at /etc/nginx/sites-available/ make sure to add the site to the sites-available list.

###Setting up basic auth Create an htpasswd file at /etc/nginx/htpasswd

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