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Simple plugin to unpack JARs in your project. Loosely based on ideas presented in Josh Suereth's book sbt in Action Chapter 7 and packaged into an auto plugin.


Add this to plugins.sbt:

addSbtPlugin("com.mariussoutier.sbt" % "sbt-unpack" % "0.9.5")


First, enable the plugin on the project you want to use it with.

lazy val root = project(...)

Then run unpackJars manually or execute it automatically by adding to a generator, for example:

import com.mariussoutier.sbt.UnpackKeys
// Unpacks whenever you compile
sourceGenerators in Compile += UnpackKeys.unpackJars
// Or if you want to execute another task after unpacking
sourceGenerators in Compile += Def.sequential(UnpackKeys.unpackJars, ...).taskValue


Key Description
dependenciesJarDirectory Location of the unpacked dependency JARs
dependencyFilter Which dependencies to unpack
fileExcludeFilter Files inside the JARs that should be excluded while unpacking


import com.mariussoutier.sbt.UnpackKeys
import NameFilter._
  UnpackKeys.dependencyFilter := { (fileName: String) => fileName.startsWith("example-") },