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Prototype interpreter for Mash language.

Be warned that the interpreter is quite slow and poorly optimized, it was created mostly to test the language make the final interpreter build on this.

Mash language

Dynamically typed language (with some optional typing features) for easy prototyping, writing one liners, but also bigger size scripts and programs.

Mash aims to be consistent and friendly to begginers, but at the same time allow for some higher lever techniques.


Examples of mash the code can be seen in the examples folder.

In Mash semicolons work just like new lines and vice versa, meaning that when you're writing one liners, you can replace new lines with semicolons and in case of writing multiline code, you can omit semicolons.

Mash uses brackets ({ and }) for code structuring and not indentations.

Mash has support for object oriented programming (OOP) and offers namespaces as well for the ease of code organization.

Even though Mash is dynamically typed language, implicit conversions are quite strict to help quickly discover incorrect code and to help with the readability of the code.


Operator Description Associativity
:: Scope resolution (class or space element selection) Left
() Function call Left
[] List Selection Left
. Objecy element selection Left
+, - Unary + and - Right
^ Exponentiation Right
*, /, //, % Multiplication, Division, Floor division, Modulo Left
+, - Addition, Subtraction Left
++ Concatenation Left
.. List range constructor Left
in Membership Left
<=, >=, >, < Comparisons Left
==, != Equals, Not equals Left
!, not Logical not Right
&&, and Short-circuit type checked/not checked logical and Left
||, or Short-circuit type checked/not checked logical or Left
?: Ternary if Right
=, +=, -=, *=, /=, //=, %=, ^=, ++= Assignment, Operation and assignment Right
~ Silence operator Right


Keyword Description
if, elif, else If statement
break, continue Flow controls
do, while, for Loops
import, as Module import
return Function return
raise Exception generation
try, catch, finally Exception handeling
nil No value type
true, false Boolean values
fun Function
class Class
space Namespace
internal Internal implementation

Types and values

  • 42, 0x2A, 0x2a - Positive integers
  • -42, -0xFfa - Negative integers
  • 10_000 - Integer with formatting (10000)
  • 3.14159, .001, 3e-8, 0.33E+8 - Floats
  • true, false - Booleans
  • nil - No value
  • "text", f"text {foo}", r"new line: \n" - String


Escape characters start with \ can be one of the following:

  • \\ - Backslash (\).
  • \" - Double quote (").
  • \a - Alarm/Bell character.
  • \b - Backspace character.
  • \f - Form feed (new page).
  • \n - Mew line (line feed).
  • \r - Carriage return.
  • \t - Horizontal tab.
  • \v - Vertical tab.


Prototype for Mash language interpreter






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