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mark8s committed Nov 5, 2023
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Welcome to the docs for aeraki! The following doc versions are available:
Welcome to the docs for SolarMesh! The following doc versions are available:

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234 changes: 234 additions & 0 deletions content/en/docs/v1.12.x/install/
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title: installation
weight: 1000
description: SolarMesh installation instructions.

## Preconditions

### Environment configuration

Before installing SolarMesh, review the following environmental requirements:

1. Prepare a Kubernetes environment of version 1.21 and above to ensure that you can access the external network, ensure that images can be pulled normally, and that there are certain computing resources to run more applications.
2. Prepare kubectl and helm tools

### Download the installation package

The installation package includes command line tools and helm charts packages.
# download
# Unzip
tar -xvf solar-v1.12.1-linux-amd64.tar.gz
# empower
export PATH=$PATH:$PWD/solar/bin/
chmod +x $PWD/solar/bin/solarctl

Confirm version:
$ solarctl version
solarctl version: v1.12.1

## Install SolarMesh

### 1. Install SolarMesh dashboard
solarctl install solar-mesh

Check component status:
$ kubectl get po -A -w
service-mesh solar-controller-58fc49b759-hpdwd 2/2 Running 0 102s
service-mesh solar-controller-58fc49b759-kwtf5 2/2 Running 0 103s
solar-operator solar-operator-596d9b48dc-knr7w 1/1 Running 0 32s

Configure login account: admin/admin
kubectl create secret generic admin --from-literal=username=admin --from-literal=password=admin -n service-mesh
kubectl label secret admin app=solar-controller -n service-mesh

### 2. Install SolarMesh backend

#### 1. Controller
export ISTIOD_REMOTE_EP=$(kubectl get nodes|awk '{print $1}' |awk 'NR==2'|xargs -n 1 kubectl get nodes -o jsonpath='{.status.addresses[0].address}')
solarctl operator init --external-ip $ISTIOD_REMOTE_EP --eastwest-external-ip $ISTIOD_REMOTE_EP

#### 2. Backend service
kubectl apply -f - <<EOF
kind: SolarOperator
name: cluster01 #Specify the cluster name
namespace: solar-operator
profile: default

Check installation status:

$ kubectl get po -n service-mesh
service-mesh networking-agent-d79988595-58tbs 3/3 Running 0 52s
service-mesh networking-agent-d79988595-nzfg5 3/3 Running 0 2m46s
$ kubectl get po -n solar-operator
solar-operator solar-operator-78d69dc876-sl7rl 1/1 Running 0 7m20

#### 3. Install Addons

1. Quick customization function. The resource list is in the installation package, the path is: /solar/manifests/addon/
helm install kube-shortcut kube-shortcut -n kube-shortcut-system
kubectl apply -f kube-shortcut/files/solarmesh.yaml

2. Link tracking and monitoring alarms
$ solarctl install grafana --name cluster01
$ solarctl install jaeger --name cluster01

Check installation status:

$ kubectl get po -n kube-shortcut-system
kube-shortcut-controller-manager-67d5d59f6-hq7nd 2/2 Running 0 2m39s

$ kubectl get po -n service-mesh
grafana-5d5ff44cd6-8wdj9 1/1 Running 0 1m
jaeger-5447b6ddcc-z4ng7 1/1 Running 0 1m

### 3. Complete cluster initialization

Register cluster kubeConfig to solarmesh
solarctl register --kube-config .kube/config --name cluster01

#### 4. Installation verification

To access the solarmesh dashboard, use the following command to obtain the entry:
$ kubectl get svc -n service-mesh -l app=solar-controller
solar-controller ClusterIP <none> 8080/TCP 28m


#### 5. Verification function

Use solarctl to install the bookinfo sample project into the test namespace.

solarctl install bookinfo -n demo

$ kubectl get po -n demo
details-v1-8d56bfc84-qj7n9 1/1 Running 0 9m42s
productpage-v1-7cbccd8fc4-b84qc 1/1 Running 0 9m42s
ratings-v1-585fc5fbdd-x2nkk 1/1 Running 0 9m42s
reviews-v1-dbbb74b84-ktn7j 1/1 Running 0 9m42s
reviews-v2-75c48c6c58-bjts2 1/1 Running 0 9m42s
reviews-v3-68cd99b996-5n29d 1/1 Running 0 9m42s

Enter the Namespaces page of SolarMesh and turn on the automatic access switch.

Visit the productpage of bookinfo and view the solarmesh traffic view to prove that SolarMesh has been installed successfully.


## High availability and horizontal expansion

### Improve usability

By default, SolarMesh installs two copies of the solar-controller and networking-agent components, which can generally meet higher load requests.

Generally speaking, the more replicas a component service has, the higher the corresponding available fault tolerance. If you have high availability requirements, you can continue to increase the number of replicas to enhance fault tolerance.

### Highly available deployment
If you are proficient in the installation and configuration of istio multi-cluster and need solar-controller to support multi-cluster level high availability, our solar-controller can be deployed in istio multi-cluster form. This is our final form of SolarMesh high-availability deployment.

In order to successfully deploy high availability, you need to follow the instructions below.

1. First, you must prepare an istio multi-cluster. The deployment mode is [multi-primary]( .

2. Execute the installation of the SolarMesh management cluster in the two clusters deployed by Istio (assumed to be named cluster1 and cluster2).

3. Configure Istio's Gateway and VirtualService resources in the cluster1 and cluster2 clusters deployed by Istio so that traffic can access the solar-controller component through the domain name configured on the gateway. When you access SolarMesh later, you will use the domain name you configured now.

The following configuration of cluster1: You must ensure that your domain name is accessible

Kind: Gateway
name: gw
namespace: service-mesh
istio: ingressgateway
- port:
number: 80
name: http
protocol: HTTP
- ""

kind: VirtualService
name: vs
namespace: service-mesh
- "*"
- route:
host: solar-controller
number: 8080

4. Test. You visit and then view the logs of the pods corresponding to the solar-controllers in the two clusters. When you see that the logs are generated by polling, it means that the SolarMesh management cluster has been successfully deployed with high availability.

5. Install SolarMesh’s backend service

6. Complete cluster initialization and register cluster kubeConfig to solarmesh. Note that you need to execute the command to register the business cluster in both cluster1 and cluster2 installed by Istio.

7. Others. In the high-availability deployment mode, the wildcard policy in the SolarMesh function is not yet highly available. You need to configure the corresponding policy in both Istio cluster1 and cluster2.

## learn more

Click on the link below to learn more about SolarMesh related features:

- [Canary Release](/docs/v1.12.x/tutorials/canary/)
- [Local rateLimit](/docs/v1.12.x/tutorials/ratelimit/)
- [Black and White List](/docs/v1.12.x/tutorials/ap/)
- [Traffic Plugin](/docs/v1.12.x/tutorials/mirror/)
- [Fault Injection](/docs/v1.12.x/tutorials/fault/)
- [Traffic Mirror](/docs/v1.12.x/tutorials/mirror/)

35 changes: 18 additions & 17 deletions content/en/docs/v1.12.x/
@@ -1,37 +1,38 @@
title: Quick start
title: Quick Start
weight: 900
description: Get SolarMesh up in less than 5 minutes!

The cornerstone of SolarMesh is the service mesh theory, which is a tool for solving kubernetes network problems. SolarMesh's underlying architecture is powered by istio, a highly configurable and powerful open source service grid platform that is currently the most popular service grid implementation in the industry.
SolarMesh servicemesh is an efficient visual microservice governance platform based on Istio and container technology,
providing application life cycle management, comprehensive traffic management and non-intrusive service governance solutions.
The cornerstone of SolarMesh is the service mesh theory, and the underlying architecture is based on kubernetes and istio
(istio is a highly configurable and powerful servicemesh implementation solution).

## basic concept
### What is ServiceMesh?

### What is Service Mesh?
ServiceMesh, also translated as "service mesh", serves as the infrastructure layer for communication between services. A servicemesh is a dedicated infrastructure layer that handles communication between services. It is responsible for reliably delivering requests through complex service topologies that encompass modern cloud-native applications. In practice, service meshes are typically implemented through a set of lightweight network proxies that are deployed alongside the application without being aware of the application itself.

Service Mesh, also translated as "service grid", serves as the infrastructure layer for communication between services. A service mesh is a dedicated infrastructure layer that handles communication between services. It is responsible for reliably delivering requests through complex service topologies that encompass modern cloud-native applications. In practice, service meshes are typically implemented through a set of lightweight network proxies that are deployed alongside the application without being aware of the application itself.

Service Mesh is usually used to describe the microservice network of applications and the interaction between applications. It is an infrastructure layer. As the size and complexity of programs increase, service meshes become increasingly difficult to understand and manage. Its requirements include service discovery, load balancing, fault recovery, indicator collection, monitoring, and more complex operation and maintenance requirements, such as A/B testing, canary release, current limiting, access control, and end-to-end authentication.
ServiceMesh is usually used to describe the microservice network of applications and the interaction between applications. It is an infrastructure layer. As the size and complexity of programs increase, service meshes become increasingly difficult to understand and manage. Its requirements include service discovery, load balancing, fault recovery, indicator collection, monitoring, and more complex operation and maintenance requirements, such as A/B testing, canary release, current limiting, access control, and end-to-end authentication.

If you explain what a service mesh is in one sentence, you can compare it to TCP/IP between applications or microservices, which is responsible for network calls, current limiting, circuit breaking, and monitoring between services. When writing applications, you generally do not need to care about the TCP/IP layer (such as RESTful applications through the HTTP protocol). When using a service grid, you do not need to care about the functions between services that are originally implemented through applications and frameworks, such as Spring Cloud and OSS. , now it’s just a matter of handing it over to the service mesh.

### Characteristics of service mesh
### Characteristics of ServiceMesh

The service mesh has the following characteristics:
The servicemesh has the following characteristics:

* Middle layer for inter-application communication
*Lightweight network proxy
* Decouple application retries, timeouts, monitoring, tracing and service discovery

### What does the service mesh bring us?
### What does the ServiceMesh bring us?

From the perspective of the general trend of cloud native, the core point of cloud native lies in abstraction. Just as virtual machines were once abstracted from physical machines, the essence of cloud-native applications is to abstract all infrastructure from the independent applications themselves to form middleware-level tools, such as networks.

The entire abstraction of the network layer allows us to carry out standardized and unified management, thereby deriving the means of solving problems at the network layer. This abstraction at the network level eliminates the need for us to resort to SDK means (such as Spring Cloud) to solve problems due to network insufficiency. For problems arising from stability (timeouts, retries, etc.), the SDK has a certain binding relationship with the language. In today's era of microservices where multiple languages coexist, the capabilities provided by the SDK are slightly insufficient.

The emergence of service mesh is to solve this problem, abstract the Kubernetes network, and provide language-independent enhancement methods. It is the middleware to solve Kubernetes network problems.
The emergence of servicemesh is to solve this problem, abstract the Kubernetes network, and provide language-independent enhancement methods. It is the middleware to solve Kubernetes network problems.

## Quick experience

Expand All @@ -41,9 +42,9 @@ Click [>>Online demo experience address>>]( to use it

Click on the link below to learn more about SolarMesh related features:

- [Canary Release](/zh/docs/v1.12.x/tutorials/canary/)
- [Local rateLimit](/zh/docs/v1.12.x/tutorials/ratelimit/)
- [Black and White List](/zh/docs/v1.12.x/tutorials/ap/)
- [Traffic Plugin](/zh/docs/v1.12.x/tutorials/mirror/)
- [Fault Injection](/zh/docs/v1.12.x/tutorials/fault/)
- [Traffic Mirror](/zh/docs/v1.12.x/tutorials/mirror/)
- [Canary Release](/docs/v1.12.x/tutorials/canary/)
- [Local rateLimit](/docs/v1.12.x/tutorials/ratelimit/)
- [Black and White List](/docs/v1.12.x/tutorials/ap/)
- [Traffic Plugin](/docs/v1.12.x/tutorials/mirror/)
- [Fault Injection](/docs/v1.12.x/tutorials/fault/)
- [Traffic Mirror](/docs/v1.12.x/tutorials/mirror/)

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